

Welcome to the unraveling complex problem solving club. We go along intricate challenges, exploring innovative solutions together.: strategic, social, logical, business...Join us as we navigate through the fascinating world of problem-solving.

Poneros guapos....que igual entra nuestra profe preferida.
What is your moment n0? When do you realize that you or your project has a problem?
When you're working on your project and you face a problem or challenge, what's your go-to tool to bring it down to earth?

1. Diagrams: Visualize the workflow and connections.
2. Pros and Cons List: Weigh the advantages and disadvantages.
3. Mind Map: Organize your thoughts in a creative and non-linear way.
4. Five Whys: Drill down to the root causes of issues.
5. SWOT Analysis: Evaluate strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.
6. SCAMPER: Modify and enhance existing ideas.
7. Other? Which one?
My Favorite Complex Problem Solving Starting Point: The 5 Whys Technique

A CPS technique that can be played like a children's game and allows for unearthing root causes in a simple way.

I like it because, despite its simplicity, it uncovers very powerful insights.
One of the most common mistakes when talking about complexity is the definition of the term. It is a common error to think that complex is the same as difficult, but it is not. Something can be difficult until you have a recipe or formula to solve it. However, something complex will continue to evolve over time and allow new features to emerge.
This Sunday, July 14th at 11:30 AM, I will be presenting my Master's Thesis on Complex Problem Solving titled 'Lanzarote, Water, and Complexity' at the Social Democracy Center.
Have you tried turning it off and back on? 🥸
I thought Mr. Wolf would be the host of this channel.
I already said this phrase twice today: 'If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail'
Why? Because to solve a problem, a programmer will want to create a program, a financial might prefer a spreadsheet, and a creative person probably a canvas.
Allow yourself to go further.
Ever wondered why so many people consider themselves above average in nearly all aspects of life? Welcome to the 'Lake Wobegon effect', a psychological phenomenon where everyone thinks they're better than the rest. Let's dive into what this means.
Human nature often leads us to look in the same familiar places, but when you think you know it all, you know nothing. Ignoring the shadows means succumbing to the Streetlight Effect—seeking answers only in the light of the familiar and easy. This mindset can blind us to the vast possibilities hidden in the darkness.
Solving problems means expecting the unexpected. 'Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face,' Tyson remarked. Quick adaptation is crucial. Is your plan B set? 🥊🥊
The AI ecosystem is a toolbox for the modern problem-solver. 🧰 From Machine Learning to Deep Learning, each technique unlocks new avenues for tackling complex problems, turning vast data into actionable insights.
Is the 3 Body Problem a complex problem?


At its core, the 3 Body Problem, both as a celestial puzzle and a metaphor, exemplifies the essence of complexity.
In 'Breaking Bad,' W. White and J.Pinkman are like day and night when it comes to solving problems in crazy situations. Walter's all about thinking outside the box, going from a chemistry teacher to cooking up meth. He's all about being slick, adapting, and sometimes bending the rules to survive in the criminal world.
Have you heard of BLUB? This unicellular being can efficiently redistribute the Tokyo subway system in just 28 hours.
I shared in here an introductory super short video of this fascinating creature.
The minimum problem solver viable.
I remember when I first started talking about blockchain, and people always told me it was a 'solution in search of a problem.' How many of you are passionate about problem-solving today?