

A place to share cool or interesting videos

They did a drone show around the implosion of the Tropicana in Vegas.
Let's spread out the love for public goods creators and inspire you to create more videos on the Superchain 🔴✨

You’re invited to join the /optimismfractal event on Thursdays at 17 UTC to collaborate with builders, promote your work, and earn awards by playing the Respect Game. The event provides a great place to meet optimists, experiment with governance, and learn about the Superchain!

Hope to see you there! You can learn more about the Respect Game, the topics for this week’s Optimism Town Hall, and find links below 🌞
Episode 42 of /optimismfractal is out now!

Superchain heroes are building onchain reputation by contributing to @optimism, presenting and voting on weekly impact, all captured on video. Join us on Thursdays 🌈🔴

Show notes:
Have you had the chance to check out the Hats Tree episode of Optimism Fractal yet? 🌻🧢🌳

Join the Optimism Town Hall event this Thursday at 18 UTC for an exciting deep dive into /hatsprotocol with co-founder @davehrlichman.eth!


Learn more in Snapshot:
Does anyone here know how to post videos? All the explanations I read so far were a bit cryptic
i lold at “smells like shit”
study steve
test cast please ignore
this channel is ABOUT to become so lit
Just because Warpcast doesn’t support video *yet*, doesn’t mean we can’t share videos!

Here’s one of my favorites to kick us off: