
@alditrus #13437

UX Designer for DAOs | Pixel Artist | Cypherpunk | https://linktr.ee/Alditrus
628 Follower 230 Following
Just look at all those frens
Fe fi fo fum, I see the heat of a Roman scum...

Immersive moments huh?

This response got me thinking a lot. I remember back in college I took and interactive design class where I built an interactive web app. I remember really enjoying it and the professor gave me top marks for the assignment.

I wonder if I could dig up the files for that project. I think it's on my computer somewhere...
Lol, Duolingo started up a webcomic on webtoons.

Their marketing team are friggin legends.
Man am I beat.

Tonight was just as crazy as last night. Felt like I was gonna die. We actually had a few people who either threw up or passed out.

It was rough, but I pulled through it, and I'm dang proud of that.
Doing insane asylum at the haunted house again. Was told that we sold out tickets for the night.

Hoo boy...

Wish me luck.
So incredibly tired from last night. It was friggin PACKED with people. The mirror maze just made the long lines even worse.

Really don't want to go in tonight, but I've made a commitment and the show must go on.

Just really hoping I get an easier role.

Yay, more frens!!!

Playing carnie tonight at the haunted house in the hall of mirrors
Knowledge is power

Hanging out with @thethriller and @rgvonhagel in SLC! First irl meet-up for me.
Did another prompt for 1000 year old vampire as I'm unsure I'll have the time to do one tomorrow. Valesinius's diary crumbled to dust along with all the memories contained inside.

One is the loneliest number that you'll ever do...

I see value in the change in that channels can potentially become DAOs. If people want to start organizations on FC, it makes sense that they want it to be gated somehow. With that said, I can agree that it's negatively impacted engagement and reach. I feel at the very least they should include hashtags or something similar to help boost visibility in general and let channels be their own thing entirely.
I'm a bloodsucker on the run from the long arm of the law

Figure I should give an update on this role. It was surprisingly fun. I was stuck in a very small room for the evening but there was a lot I could do with that room. The only way out was a door to a furnace, so it was fun to screw with guests and watch them slap the walls trying to find an exit.
Welp things are starting to get a bit dicy...

Theo's had enough of my BS.


Sounds like a good idea for a future UX project 🤔

And if Zora is really a protocol...
There are some wounds that run deep. Too deep...

Tonight at my local haunted house, I'm playing crematorium patient in the insane asylum. Gonna smell like a campfire after work (they literally make the area smell like smoke)
Here's the latest prompt for 1000 year old vampire. Would post this in /tabletop but unfortunately I got booted as a member.

Oh well. At least I can find comfort in the wonders of nature...
