Base Women

@basewomen #601131

BaseWomen is a project designed to shine a spotlight on women creators within the Base community. /base-women - mirror.xyz/basewomen.eth - https://basewomen.xyz
890 Follower 185 Following
Public Mint is open 🎉

Don't forget to check your oracle, if you get "Super Based" you'll receive one extra BaseWomen 💙

💎 Each BaseWomen brings you and oracle-like phrase 💎

And here you can try a frame with an oracle to get one phrase for you!

I have been visiting my family in Argentina and spending a lot of time offline touching grass.

It's time to come back here 💙
/base-women @ Buenos Aires, Argentina 💙
Don't let the fear takes the driver seat!
Basewomen #478

Special Mention: @theonlycakeone
Oracle: Don’t let yesterday take up too much of today.


BaseWomen #394

Special Mention: @ted
Oracle: Don’t compare your life to others’.there’s no comparison between the sun and the moon. They shine when it’s their time.

🌞 🌒

About to speak about Basewomen 💙
A quienes estén en CDMX no se pierdan este evento!
BaseWomen #218

Special Mention: @surybonfil 🔥
Oracle: In a world that is changing quickly, the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking risks. 💫

BaseWomen #6

Special Mention: @ida 💙
Oracle: Be the kind of woman that makes other women want to up their game.

🔥 Public Mint is open 🔥

Remember every BaseWomen comes with an oracle, check yours, if you get "Super Based", you win an extra BaseWomen🎉

Basewomen #290

Special Mention: @babytomato.eth
Oracle: Plans are only good intentions unless they immediately degenerate into hard work

There will be bad days and there will be good days, everything comes and goes.
Public Mint is open 🎉

Remember to check your oracle, if you get "Super Based" you'll receive one for free🫶

So you might as well do what you want.
BaseWomen #156 has an unique oracle:

I learned to always take on things i’d never done before. Growth and comfort do not coexist.

Thank you for the mention!
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger!
If you are minting BaseWomen, remember to ckeck your oracle, if it says "Super Based" you'll get one for free https://mint.basewomen.xyz/api