@launamu #11596
For Retro Funding 6: Governance, we need your input to understand what tooling and infra has provided value to you in your role as a DELEGATE. Please, help us measure the impact of the Governance infra & tooling projects in this round by taking 8 minutes (frfr) to rate projects that you have used. This data (https://gov.optimism.io/t/retro-funding-6-impact-attestation-experiment/8982 )will be used to generate metrics for Badgeholders to vote on.
1. You can start reviewing now
2. Deadline to complete your reviews: Oct 27th 19:00 UTC
3. To start, head to Impact Garden (https://www.metricsgarden.xyz/searchProject/ )
4. Details and a step-by-step guide here (https://launamu.notion.site/Optimism-s-R6-Experiment-x-Impact-Garden-11c77d07048080208907fa253d1dc80e)
5. DO NOT review projects that you have a Conflict of Interest with

Retro Funding 6: Impact Attestation experiment
A reoccurring request by badgeholders has been to access more third party data on projects’ impact, instead of solely relying on information projects have provided themselves. For many offchain contributions, we’re missing standardized reliable data which can be surfaced to measure impact. The hypothesis behind this small-scale experiment is that attestations by governance actors on the impact of Governance Infrastructure & Tooling projects will support badgeholders in making more informed votin...
Impact Garden - Search Projects
Impact Garden, Rate your favorite web3 projects
Always happy to help and spread knowledge
Not sure if you were aware but Moo Deng's species is endangered and there's only about 3k of them left. Now THIS would be top notch regen vibes.
who's in?
Wish me luck 🥹
The voting period for RetroRound 5 is almost here: Ethereum's Core Development and the OP Stack will be evaluated and rewarded.
Have you benefitted from the work of any of these contributions? Help them receive funding so YOU can keep enjoying them, by just answering 2 questions here 👇 Starting a thread with all of these great projects
Thanks everyone!
Some of the things that I'll be tinkering on today:
- Audience Research on Governance participation
- Governance Decentralization Roadmaps
- Incentives Design and Impact for Governance Participants
AND if you're an OP Badgeholder... you'll be hearing from me soon :)
I'm speaking at @devcon!
See you in Bangkok, November 12-15
Excited for everyone involved to share what they are learning publicly and through that create more ripple effects. 🔥
@azeem is the co-founder of @morphl2 , an EVM Layer 2 scaling solution, and also a venture partner Foresight Ventures and consultant to the UNICEF Crypto Fund.
As a columnist for CoinDesk and a contributor to the Forbes Digital Asset section, he brings deep insights into web3, blockchain, and crypto investments.
He was previously Head of Impact at @gitcoin and and has perfected the art of dealmaking and partnerships.
We’re excited for our cohort to hear Azeem share his insights on this crucial sustainability skillset.
These contributions are participating in the OP Stack RetroRound, share with Badgeholders how impactful they've been for your work!
Starting with:
We need your support to gather as much information on EAS's impact to the Superchain. Don't forget to recast, so we can get many more insights into the impact of this tool!
10M OP is rewarded to 200+ projects that deployed contracts on the Superchain according to their onchain impact.
( @base @modenetwork @zora @fraxfinance Metal L2 and OP Mainnet)
Check the results: https://retrofunding.optimism.io/round/results
Discussion: Real Insights Into RetroPGF
LauNaMu (@launamu) is the founder of Metrics Garden Labs, focusing on impact assessment in web3 to improve the funding of Public Goods!
What if we experimented on proactive grants with prediction markets?
Could this help us aggregate better data to make decisions on how to allocate funds to future outcomes for public goods?
Is someone already doing this? If that’s you share your program below! 👇🏽Or send me a dm!📩
Q: Does Redstone have a blog besides the current docs? Or would it be best to look at the Lattice blog? 🔴 🪨
Maybe disable it if it doesn’t work @zerion.eth ?
How cool is that?
Would appreciate your support for the following projects!
All contributing to the innovation of Public Goods Funding mechanisms!

Gitcoin Grants Stack
Grants power growth in Web3. Make your voice heard and support open-source software and public goods across the EVM ecosystem

Gitcoin Grants Stack
Grants power growth in Web3. Make your voice heard and support open-source software and public goods across the EVM ecosystem
Safe, lindy, the gold standard in "your keys, your coins"
If you're at Farcon, put $500+ in your Daimo & DM me. We'll give you a free Yubikey to secure it, complete with keychain.
I'm looking for the best sign-up experience out there using Farcaster, please share your favorite ones here 👇
The team is great and they are doing an amazing work of bringing the Metrics Garden to life so more people can interact with it!
Sigue a /onchainloteria para mantenerte informado y ser parte de esta aventura blockchain.
Only hot takes and creative solutions allowed~
Getting the real ones in the 6ix together Monday evening for our forst ever Toronto GC hang. Join us for a night of good frens, good vibes and good tings. RSVP below to join the group chat and catch the latest deets ❤️
✨must be outside of the US
✨must be chronically online
✨must provide me with memecoin alpha
✨ must love calling @fwiz a boomer
✨ must shoot off fire copy
✨ must love love love funding public goods
✨ must put up with my psycho sense of urgency
More 👇

Art obvs by @secretpikachu

1) ZKPs for RetroPGF3 calculations (coming soon…)
2) Private voting (MACI (baby steps) or NPC) for the next RetroPGF round
3)FHE (once it’s more mature) in future rounds with more participants and maybe more complex calculations.
more 👇🏽
💡: Anon Voting, Feedback, Chats...
💡: Anon Voting, Feedback, Chats...
To go with it, I created a blog sharing the first learnings that came out of building the Impact Evaluation Framework and Metrics Garden for RetroPGF3 https://mirror.xyz/launamu.eth/fFkhrGqjAYg5LT-PCdGFCdc7O-BOLLU45GEm72HdAYI
Let me know what you think~
Impact is goodTM
I’ll touch on two of my fav topics:
1. Privacy
2. Reputation
Some tools I’ll be using are:
1. EAS
2. Semaphore / UniRep
4. On-chain collectibles (Mirror-Zora NFTs)
Anything else you think I should include?