Cat McGee

@catmcgee #353318

Devrel @aztecnetwork | ex Aave | Posting about blockchain privacy
99 Follower 110 Following
We shouldn’t be caring about the next billion users let’s just build stuff we care about ourselves

Most of us already use defi and crypto for payments to each other. Now let’s create better coordination infrastructure, social graphs, ticketing, certifications, digital identity, reputation, attributions, licensing. And then let’s get our asses on there (yes I’m totally aware of the hypocrisy of posting this on X)

“Build it and they will come” is clearly not working. I suggest “use it and they will come”
Thanks for the welcome @andreolf 👋

I’m a devrel at Aztec, the L2 that brings programmable privacy to Ethereum. Been a blockchain engineer for ~7 years & now obsessed with the magical world of ZK

Latest lesson - it’s easy to get wrapped up in building new tools, make sure to spend time building WITH your tools
Francesco | andreolf.ethᵍᵐ
@andreolf·17:34 20/02/2024
Big welcome to @catmcgee in this DevRel group! Feel free to intro yourself here and what are your latest DevRel lesson learned ⚡️⚡️
Farcaster doesn't feel like an ecosystem the same way Lens does

And unfortunately this is why it will attract more people
So how many ✨ composable ✨ blockchain social protocols are we going to sign up for?
Finally on farcaster. Who should I be following on here for ZK, blockchain dev, and general crypto stuff that isn’t bs?
AI is inevitable and it is why blockchain must be too

AI enhances our digital world to places that only our digital world can go

Blockchain brings real-life principles into our digital world so we can actually live with it