Gary Sheng

@garysheng #195659

Host of "The Guilded Age" podcast, brought to you by /guild. Advisor to several community tech platforms.
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why in the world does @jimicohen and the @letsgrowdao community coordinate TWENTY FOUR hour long X Space livestreams during Gitcoin grant rounds? 🤔

they've learned that X Spaces is a fantastic way to foster connections between donors and grantees.

and people actually tune in. especially as they've added more and more distribution partners simultaneously broadcasting their livestreams.

in the two week period of GG21, Jimi's squad generated 52% more X Space listeners than the Gitcoin main page did over the past year.

we're taking notes 📝
Loved chatting with the one and only Treegen himself :)
why is @jimicohen so committed to creating memorable in-person experiences as a community builder? 🤔

as Jimi shares, a well-designed event can completely change someone's life.

he started to understand the power of IRL after an unforgettable Kygo concert experience.

his conviction grew even more after hosting a camping festival where an activity that paired attendees led to the formation of new companies.

while Jimi highly values social media for connecting people with shared values, he is working tirelessly to create “Regenaissance” festivals because he knows how uniquely transformative IRL experiences can be.

we couldn’t agree more.
what is one community-building tool that @standwithcrypto tried but quickly realized was not right for their policy advocacy movement? 🤔

a tool they built that gave you an onchain attestation for signing a petition, but required you to connect your wallet to proceed.

the tool did process tens of thousands of signatures while it was active.

but the data showed that requiring a wallet connection to sign the petition was creating an unnecessary barrier of entry for people who didn't want to connect their wallet for whatever reason, but still wanted to be on the record of showing support for crypto.

after changing to a system where a pledge of support is built into the sign-up flow where wallet connection is optional, Stand with Crypto's support base has grown to now 1,431,724 people.
how did @coinbase and the @standwithcrypto team use technology to grow a movement of now over 1,427,929 crypto advocates across the US? 🤔

according to @heymrcarter, the team building the movement building tech heavily prioritized:

1) ease of use (ironically, very few of the advocacy actions the tools encourage require connecting a crypto wallet)

2) making it visually satisfying to take actions that actually work (e.g. calling your congressperson, sharing your email, giving a donation)

some tool ideas they tried, didn't get traction, so the team iterated on other ideas until they had a suite of tools on the http://StandWithCrypto.org site reliably led to sign ups and useful advocacy actions.
Always such a pleasure chatting with the US crypto policy movement architect @heymrcarter 🫡
why has sentiment about crypto amongst US congresspeople shifted in such a positive direction over the past two years? 🤔

a lot of credit should go to @heymrcarter and the @coinbase policy team that he helps lead that brought the MILLION person @standwithcrypto movement to life.

we dive deep into Darin’s brain on how to architect a political advocacy movement like this in our latest episode of The Guilded Age podcast.
*one of the best community builders alive today?* 🤔

according to @ted, we have so much to learn from TikTok star, Alix Earle.

"she wakes up, she recaps her night, she's going out, she's telling you what's on her mind, she introduces you to her friends, to her family, like, you feel like you, you're her friend. And I think that level of authenticity, and it's genuine, like, you can tell that she really cares, like, she's in the comments."

authenticity is what keeps the fire burning hot for a creator's community.

"Alix has set a brand new standard of what it means to be like, bottom up and top down community builder purely by being as authentic as possible."
*who does @ted look up to as community builders?* 🤔

the masterminds behind the one and only @boysclub.


Ted loves how co-founders @deana and Natasha lead with values, curiosity, and genuine connection. their focus on fun IRL experiences, like dinners and parties, and their thoughtful, organized approach to community building set a new standard in the space for her.

we couldn't agree more.
Deployed my first @boostxyz :)

10000 onchain for each minter of the latest Guilded Age episode with @ted!

had a blast chatting with @ted!
*if you're going to put yourself out there, just know that 20% of people won't like you no matter what.*

this is one of the many wise pieces of advice our friend @ted dropped in our newest episode of The Guilded Age Podcast.

in this episode, Ted (who we know is the ultimate power user of Farcaster) shares her journey of gaining over 300,000 followers on Farcaster. she also talks about her top lessons from co-organizing Farcon, what tools she uses to build engaged communities, and more.
What did @dabit3 learn from the legend @stani on community building? 🤔

Despite running multiple companies, Stani always makes sure to talk to and celebrate the wins of people using his team's products and building within the ecosystem.

Stani is genuinely engaged.
Don't overthink things and just take action.

This is @dabit3's advice to community builders.

In most instances, it's not worth it to get paralyzed by what ifs. Sanity check an idea with a colleague, and if there are no serious downsides to giving an idea a shot, ship it sooner than later.
In our third conversation of our new Guilded Age podcast, we spoke with the man who has become synonymous with building great developer communities: @dabit3

Nader founded Developer DAO and is now the Director of Developer Relations at Eigen Labs.

In our conversation with Nader, he shares how he 10xed his earning potential, how he builds strong developer communities, when in-person events events are worth it, how to spot and empower emerging leaders, and more.
What's the right way to onboard creatives to crypto? 🤔

According to @coopahtroopa.eth, make their first meaningful experience as easy as possible.

If you're onboarding a musician, help them create a wallet, upload their song for them, and help them find distribution for that song.

At the same time, acknowledge the complexity of crypto, while reassuring them that they can rely on experienced partners like yourself while they learn and become more active.
Essential qualities if you want to be an effective digital community builder?

According to @coopahtroopa.eth, *authenticity*. People want to engage with people who are real.

As well as *consistency*. The fastest growing onchain communities aren't just posting weekly, they are giving members content to interact with daily.