Chris Ried (Generatecoll.eth)

@generatecoll #227243

An artist and coder.. builder maker whatever you want to call it.
68 Follower 110 Following
Another edition number 78 of the generative and creative arts newsletter about Physical Rendering, Drawing Machines, Tutorials about #Blender and #Grasshopper as well!


#creativecoding #blender
Image credits to
and his 1962 light paintings
Looking to build a headless bidding engine..

however want to know if any founders working on / know of such a project?

Asking for a friend 😗
If you are interested, here is edition #73 of the newsletter I curate. I’ve been putting together the newsletter about generative art, creative coding and technology as art. https://open.substack.com/pub/generative/p/artist-as-inventor-max-meets-gl-and?r=58kr3&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web
My submission for day 18 of genuary 2024 - prompt bau haus
First post!! Hi! My name is Chris and Im compelled to create computer art as an artist particular in the generative space. My interests is find weird and interesting things with technology, code, photography and travel.

Excited to meet you all!