Matt Wilkins

@mw #3249

ATC & Performance Coach to best athletes in the world | Building a Smarter Supplement Company ➡️ https://www.feelnoetic.com/products/focus
803 Follower 87 Following
All I want is a father-in-law who’s a member at a prestigious club and demands I play golf with him and his buddies every Sunday while the girls sit out at the pool and then we all meet for lunch

Is that so much to ask for?
The only health metric you should care about is how you feel

Do you wake up full of energy with excitement for the day?

Or do you drag ass with lethargy needing x y z to “get you going”
I’ve been taking the vanilla whey protein from Puori which is clean label project certified, 3rd party tested for over 300 contaminants

It doesn’t taste the best and doesn’t dissolve super well, but it’s the cleanest and I know that for a fact

I support them so much I actually reached out a few months ago for q sponsorship

You can take 20% off your order with code “mattwilkins21”

Or not idrc, but you should def look into the clean label project and the quality of your supplements

(& prioritize 3rd party testing transparency)
LMNT has one of the lowest ratios of salts that are actually necessary for electrolyte replenishment

They got good branding and apparently they taste good tho

(I’d never buy)
I’m really not trying to dunk on Anett here, but this is a teaching moment

When making health decisions the last thing you should consider is taste/flavor

Your brain is a slave to your senses, and if you base consumer decisions off of taste you will constantly be led in the wrong direction

Why? Because there’s only 1 ingredient that makes things taste good! Sugar!!!

The best health products will always be slightly unpleasant. That’s ok, because you will learn to like them for their benefit, and your brain will slowly re-wire to enjoy the flavor

I drink a protein powder that doesn’t taste great and isn’t fully soluble. Why?

Because it’s made with no binders, no fillers, and very little sugar (they use vanilla extract + coconut sugar)

But idgaf because I know it’s the cleanest protein on the market (Clean Label Project Certified)

I hope this helps someone out there realize that taste should not be a leading factor when choosing health products
Ask and you shall receive!!

Focus+ Sample Packs now available.

5 individual sticks so you can try it out for a week.

Less than $4 per serving, cheaper than a cuppa coffee

I’m fulfilling these so if you order before like 2p any day I can get it out same day!

You don’t need to get up at 5a to be successful

You actually don’t need any 1 routine or protocol

Just an awful lot of hard work, determination, and perseverance
Not gonna lie, I’ve been off a balanced diet eating pattern for a min

Starting a supplement company has taken a lot out of me, and I don’t care about aesthetics enough to do the nutrition work right now

It’s cool tho, I’m training hard, gaining muscle & logging 90 miles / week on the bike

What no one ever tells you about a fitness journey is you have to allow the waves to roll

There should be times where you’re locked in, no cheating meals

But there should also be times where you’re locked in on OTHER things, eating for joy and fulfillment

I think after the holidays when I go into real race-prep mode will be that lock back in time for me

Until then the priorities are:
- daily energy
- both my businesses
- training effectiveness
- 8 hours sleep
- feeling good

For reference, I’m still only like 12-13% BF lol but a bit on the higher end for me**
When someone tells me they don’t sleep well and I find out they:
- don’t have a consistent sleep schedule
- use their phone or laptop all night
- abuse caffeine
- are on their phone first thing in the morning
- don’t get outside in the morning
- aren’t physically active
A perfect day for me is:

- Up around 6, ate breakfast by 7
- Caffeine + a workout from 8-9:30
- Shower & second breakfast (post-workout meal) by 10:30
- first work block from 11-2/3p
- lunch & maybe short walk or errand
- focus+, second work block until
- dinner by 8:30
- chill & in bed at 10

What’s yours?
On the flip side, if you do have a head injury or neurological deficit

You should definitely be on Creatine

(I’m mixed on aging, most over 50 wouldn’t be a bad idea tho)
I’m honestly surprised more devs haven’t incorporated nootropics yet

Improving cognitive function without caffeine seems to be a no-brainer (lol pun intended)

Plus bilberry extract has been shown to reduce eye strain & fatigue when working on a computer
8 hours of sleep and a balanced diet
Reminder that Focus+ still has a Farcaster only discount available

Use code “FC” at checkout for 15% off

(Only 3 codes left)

If you suffer from anxiety at any level, caffeine should be a huge no-no for you.

That doesn’t mean there aren’t other cognitive enhancers that you can take to improve mood and focus

Literally the #1 reason I did not include caffeine in the focus+ formula:
- so those with anxiety can have a solution
- and for those that like caffeine you can still consume your beverage of choice without worrying about having too much

I talk about it a lot, but I’m not anti-caffeine at all (I have it 3x/wk)

I’m really just trying to make people more aware of it’s effects and push for more sustainable consumption

Daily reminder to unfollow the person that told you Creatine is a nootropic or cognitive enhancer

Research proves it only enhances cognition of you are cognitively impaired

ie. If you have suffered a traumatic brain injury (concussion) or have early onset Alzheimer’s/dementia
Those post-hurricane Milton winds almost took my soul on the bike today

Still got it in

100-mile race in February

90 miles a week at 30 a clip, strength train 2-3x/week, plus a Pilates session when I can

When I’m training for a physical goal I literally feel like I can handle any obstacle

The power of sports
I don’t want to say I’m the most educated on nootropics or products on the market…

But I’m pretty obsessive about reading research and doing due diligence

I created my own nootropic because I couldn’t find a product that had the right combo of ingredients (& dosages)

So I’m pretty knowledgeable about most products on the market right now

Im not saying mines the best, because each combo of ingredients is for a specific purpose

But focus+ was formulated to be the best for a caffeine-free boost in both cognitive function (processing ability) and acute focus (3-5 hours)

And it’s highly effective
I will refuse to book a meeting on an inbound email scheduling link based on the principle alone

You want ME to use YOUR scheduling link to (assumedly) pay for your services?

Lol yea no chance in hell

Claudia if you see this gonna have to try harder than that
Update. I know a guy who knows Bryson’s caddy.

Only 1 degree of separation…

You want to lock-in, but have a hard time finding motivation or discipline.

You want to sit down and bang out all the tasks on your to-do list, but you’re pulled away by distractions.

You want to stay focused, but your brain won’t cooperate.

It’s not your fault, and there IS a solution.

You have to give yourself a chance by prioritizing your physical and mental health in the right environment.

8 hours of sleep, consistent activity or exercise, morning sunlight, and a balanced diet are all vital to high productivity.

But there’s more you could be doing too.

And I’m not talking about prescription stimulants or anxiety-inducing caffeine.

Natural herbs that have been using in Chinese and ayuverdic medicine for literally thousands of years to improve cognition.

Things like ginseng, ginkgo biloba,
Bacopa monnieri (Brahmi), lions mane, etc are all super useful in helping you focus.

That’s why I created Focus+

An all-natural nootropic to help you be your best.

One of the most fun athletes I worked with was an IndyCar driver

Trained him for about 2 years, and spent a lot of time getting to understand the real demands of the sport

Everyone loves F1 but people don’t realize IndyCar has higher top speeds, no power steering, and much heavier cars

The physical demands for the drivers are insane, as well as their conditioning needs to be elite because they can reach >110 degrees in the cockpit for HOURS

This was us at a race Nashville a few years ago, what an awesome experience. Had full pit & crew access. Became an auto-racing fan that day
Won’t be long before professional athletes are using natural cognitive enhancers to improve performance

The fact that I see this vision of natural alternatives to traditionally banned substances (stimulants) being used holistically is so clear

I will make it happen

It’s not change, it’s evolution
It’s funny that supplements get a bad rap for being “unregulated” when that’s not really the case

If the manufacturer is GMP certified than it is essentially full-scale regulated

No different than any e-commerce product someone can use shady suppliers and scam people out of money