SungU Che
@sungu-che #976259
Seoul, South Korea
36 Follower 90 Following
I conducted a test to see if YouTube videos can be played using Frames v2 on fartube.xyz.
I conducted a test to see if YouTube videos can be played using Frames v2 on fartube.xyz.
- 브라우저와 Warpcast 앱 확인
- 유튜브 링크로 프레임 생성하는 과정이 그닥 편한것 같아 보이지 않아서 생각해봐야 할 듯
- 이게 과연 유저들이 써줄지 여부는 미정임
- 브라우저와 Warpcast 앱 확인
- 유튜브 링크로 프레임 생성하는 과정이 그닥 편한것 같아 보이지 않아서 생각해봐야 할 듯
- 이게 과연 유저들이 써줄지 여부는 미정임
I built a game utilizing meme characters and symbols, but ranking features are still in development. I plan on adding a ranking system in the near future.
I built a game utilizing meme characters and symbols, but ranking features are still in development. I plan on adding a ranking system in the near future.
server regions for both memepoly and PopupLink have been expanded to include Singapore and San Francisco.
Enjoy puzzle matching & minesweeper games with videos. While the service is still in beta, we plan to offer video meeting features and communication channels for free even after the official release.
You can only use video meeting features on your phone or laptop.
Enjoy puzzle matching & minesweeper games with videos. While the service is still in beta, we plan to offer video meeting features and communication channels for free even after the official release.
You can only use video meeting features on your phone or laptop.
I'm making a web game
I want to combine the structure of game items with the elements that make games fun.
I tried working with a frame as a test.
I'm making a web game
I want to combine the structure of game items with the elements that make games fun.
I tried working with a frame as a test.