Yang Wong

@yangwong #269377

⚒️ creative tech 📸 photography ✨ objkt.com/@yangwong ❌ twitter.com/yangwong 📭 instagram.com/yangscrtacct
402 Follower 518 Following
Golden Sacred Frog: First Dream by @icasis
Collected Issue #6 of Mina Art Magazine. A magazine about women art.
Collected Issue #3 of Mina Art Magazine. A magazine about women art.
Collected "The observer and the observed" by @nikoalerce
Collected "cryptoart workers" by @santiagoney
Collected "Golden Paper Airplane Mode" by @icasis
One can not trust instruments to discern its shifting surface.
ITAP of spiral stairs over a sea
Super sad I couldn't make RGBMTL. Next year is a must.
Relived my indie rock 20s at APE.
Sleater-Kinney still 💪
Asteroid Colony AKR-2479

“They are a resilient species. Generations hurtling through space. Their home world long since forgotten.”
ITAP of Asteroid Colony AKR-2479

“They are a resilient species. Generations hurtling through space. Their home world long since forgotten.”

Short sci-fi series incoming. Trying something a little fun. This’ll be a part of it.

“Planetary Space Bridge”

These will all be photographs or short photo loops. Hope you all like it.