

I've been tracking the growth of psylocybin assisted therapy since ~2017.

Its arrived.
The Whoop X Withings partnership made me so frustrated because it feels like these companies just "plateau" at one point and then start forming partnerships with each other.

Looked into the consumer health tech market a couple of months ago and realized how so many of them do extremely similar things, but still spend so much time and resources "joining forces." Doesn't really feel like a tech level up nor the insights it can offer the user imo.
wdyt, can web3 tech and ethos help right the ship that is US healthcare?
This isn't relevant to most Farcasters but I hope it's insightful about the challenges (and need) to disrupt healthcare.

If you want to build something that has a lasting impact and you're contemplating taking a run at healthcare, my DCs are open.

I always value perspectives on the business of healthcare, from investors/founders outside healthcare.

Fresh eyes are good.

Cc @chamath
@vgr (unintentionally?) created a nice guide to health & wellness across Farcaster.

Check it out.
Me waiting for digital health to catch up with web3…
I’m so excited for when all my healthcare start-up/VC friends and colleagues find their way to web3.

My guess is we’re still 1-2 cycles away.
It's a longshot today, but let’s see…is anyone going to the Vive Healthcare conference in LA at the end of the month?
I've been tracking Amazon’s healthcare journey since 2018.

I don't want to toot my own horn (OK, maybe a little 📯) but they've followed the path I said they would, almost to a ‘T’…even their latest move: providing care as a loss-leader.

I did miss how low they would price it though: $9/month. Nuts! 🤯
How long until web3 tech and ethos permeates healthcare?

Warps for most thoughtful answers.
Neurotech is one of the most exciting frontiers in healthcare today.

Have any Farcasters worked on brain-computer interfaces?
If your genetic data could be tokenized in such a way you’d be compensated for use by third parties, would you do it?
Pretty cool development: human-AI telepathic communication.

(disclaimer: I have a small personal investment in MindPortal)
Which consumer health tech products/apps do y'all regularly use?

For example, I use:
- Whoop for holistic health & data
- Strong for working out
- Flo for women's health
- Art of Living or Wim Hof for meditation
If you could cost effectively select your children’s physical features in-utero, would you?
FC, have you used some form of virtual care?

For example: oura ring, telehealth, Rx price shopping solution, genetic screenings, etc.

I'm curious how much tech early adopters such as yourselves, are adopting consumer healthcare technologies.