Folklore Institute


Join our pilgrimage through the dark forest to the emerald labyrinth.

This 2012 essay is in resonance with Kei Kreutler’s ‘How to Repair a Spaceport’, recently-published by Folklore.
There seems to be a renewal of interest in the idea of distribution first design.
Insight into digital extractive farming (spam)
The Labyrinth Persists
CULTURE OUTPERFORMS PEDAGOGICAL STRICTURE: On manipulating social hierarchies to seed desirous memes in Jesuit colleges and Montessori schools.
How do you recognise a maker culture from other types of cultures?
On parasocial worlds and being absorbed. “In historical critiques, reading was condemned not just as a form of insubordination but as an addictive process that threatened the reader’s ability to come back from fantasy and into reality again.”
Computerised companions. Will they be ‘designed’ to fulfil emotional needs of human users, or will they exist beyond the scope of design?
The memory game ‘I went to the shops’ as a blueprint for fostering lore.
How I imagine the Folklore chat whenever someone asks me “read anything interesting lately?”
A new project has begun: designing and crafting a physical labyrinth (a sculpture for my coffee table)
“What if data didn’t have to travel so far, especially when communicating with others around you? What if search algorithms prioritized results that were closer-to-home?” Alice Yuan Zhang’s brief primer on bioregional computing.
"Spaceports evoke a vital attitude toward infrastructure, as the sense that our technologies exceed our understanding as humans increases.

Spaceports are a metaphor for our technological present. They represent infrastructure that adapts to plurality, or in other words, adapts to the proliferation of technological uncertainties: other worlds"
EVERYTHING IS DEFAULT FAKE: "Consequently, this heightens the value of presence, devalues videos and pictures because they can be falsified, and thus increases the value of eye-witness accounts when they come from friends, neighbors, people close to us. You're going to trust your friend or your friend’s friend who said “I saw this” versus the “New York Times” or an anon online."

via Folklore
Published on September 11, 2024 at 08:18PM


Curator: 0xe62d071Ea99A63798Fec7222c483c53e87F2A32E (0xe62d071Ea99A63798Fec7222c483c53e87F2A32E)
How to Repair a Spaceport:
A metaphor for our technological present

This essay is a first, playful attempt to explore how we approach interoperability in the realm of technological uncertainties.

Many thanks to Folklore, @rafa, and @gilbert for making it happen.
✨new, Folklore-commissioned essay✨@keikreutler reflects on technological heterogeneity through the metaphor of the fictional Spaceport. “For our purposes, we could define protocols as systems that prioritize interoperability over formal standardization, with spaceports acting as their central metaphor. Spaceports take the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) line further, to establish ‘rough consensus and running worlds.’”
WE, MULTITUDES, RELEASED and SEEN: “ Or perhaps, this is a futile effort. Theravada Buddhism suggests that clinging to the aggregation of our multitudes of self, called Skandhas, causes suffering. It is only through relinquishing the desire for this control and embracing the impermanence of the moment that we can find a state of true happiness.”

via Folklore
Published on September 08, 2024 at 03:02PM


Curator: 0xe62d071Ea99A63798Fec7222c483c53e87F2A32E (0xe62d071Ea99A63798Fec7222c483c53e87F2A32E)
I recently tried to explain to someone that they should assume all images online are fake and apply critical thinking to evaluation now. And their response was: “how are we supposed to live in a world assuming everything is not real?” I guess we will have no option but to learn.