

/running-log - July 11th - 4 miles

First run 2 miles with 8/10 effort

Second run of 2 miles with 6/10 effort

Excuse my language, I’m fkn pumped up on how much I am progressing with my runs. Since I’ve started taking running more serious in the beginning of 2023 I have compiled around 600 + miles.

I could barely do 1 mile at 15 mins. Now I’m doing two miles in 15 mins 🙌

Keep pushing for your goals!

Now it’s time for the gym
Late start this morning

2 mile workout run

7/10 effort

Empty stomach

Relaxed mile pace is increasing avg 8:20-8:40 for the past 2 weeks.

Two months ago is was around 9:45-10:30 mile pace.
/running-log - June 26th, 2024

* 2 mile Race Day

Was supposed to be a short recovery run, but I saw a group of 10 airmen preparing to start a race

So the competitive part of me joined in 🙌

I humbly smoked them 😅

Overlapped all 1 by lap and finished with a new PR

Check stats below ⬇️
June 23rd, 2024 - 2 mile run

*Still running daily

Backing off marathon training for now, focusing on dropping some lbs (30) before I attempt my first marathon race

Run felt great - 8/10 effort - slight right knee pain

Heading to the gym for back and bicep day 💪🏽
June 14th, 2024 - 3 mile run

Warmup mile - 11:20 pace

2nd mile - 7:32 pace

3rd mile - 8:12 pace

Effort 8.5/10

Woke up this morning tired, for around 4 hrs of sleep

Was going to go back to bed but pushed myself to get up and go

Great run this morning
June 13th, 2024 - 48min RR

Why drink coffee when you can go on a run

7/10 effort - pain left calf - walk/jog

Taking it easy this week, have some pain in my left calf/foot. Going to get it checked out soon

*1st run for the week - half marathon took a toll on my body

I got to check how many miles left 🤔
June 6th, 2024 - Walk/Jog

Was wanting to go on a 3 mile jog today, but my both of my calves cramped up after the warmup mile.

Had to walk the rest of the way to the gym

Effort 3/10 - Pace:Walking - Cramp pain 7/10

Taking an ice bath - protein drink - BCAAs - Vitamins for recovery

Resting tomorrow
June 7th, 2024 - Half Marathon

Effort 8.5/10 - Difficult Run - Decent Pace

I decided to go to the track today and run a half marathon, there was multiple occasions when I wanted to give up

I pushed through the pain, the feeling of defeat and conquered my goal

You guys can too, believe in yourself
I don’t allow myself to go back home till I finish or can’t move anymore

Push yourself or else you’ll never grow /success
It's my rest day but I want to go running, decisions decisions.

Might stay home and try code, but wife is getting pizza tonight so I need to resist the urge to eat it.

If I run, I lost time with learning. If I stay home, I most likely will eat a ton of pizza lol.

F it I'm going on a run!
June 4th, 2024 - 35 min recovery run

Started run with patience and slowly sped up the pace to a moderate level

Effort 7/10 - first run with camel back

Now it’s gym time with Tris and shoulder workouts for the day - slowly implementing gym time

5 min Ice bath later tonight

467.95 miles to go
June 3rd, 2024 - 10 Mile Run

*Switched over to Strava

First long run in a week, I thought I had a 8 mile run so I took off In the start.

I need to start around a 11min mile pace to really warm up

Run felt ok - slight right knee and back pain

8.5/10 effort

Jumping into an ice bath now

471.95 miles to go!
June 1st, 2024 - 45 min RR

5/10 effort today

Slow, relaxed and steady pace

Didn’t feel like running today but I know the consistency will pay off!

Doing a 3 min ice bath after my run tonight

Great way to start June!

Making preparations for better recovery results now

Stats in pics

478.22 miles to go
May 31st, 2024 - Speed Run

This run was great from starting the warmup to sprinting the final few mins!

This is why I relax and listen to my body during my RRs

You guys it doesn’t matter how fast you run, it only matters that you start!

You guys can do it!

482.33 miles to go!

Weight: 234.6 lbs

LFG!! I believe
May 30th, 2024 - Rest day

Today I stretched my body fully - walked about 2 miles with the family

Bought a new pair of running shoes - Saucony Men's Guide 17 Runners

Also got a tub to use for Ice Baths to help with recovery

Tomorrow I am set to have a Speed Run

484.78 miles to go
May 29th, 2024 - 35min RR

I looked at the data from previous RR and took a more relaxed approach today

*This run felt great
*slight knee pain
*RR - Recovery Run

Was getting antsy to pick up pace after the first 5 mins but stayed calm

This is what my RRs should look like,
a nice slow start and ease of pace

May 28th, 2024 - 30 min RR

Mile 1: warmup mile
Mile 2: found a pace I can control with ease
Mile 3: jogged with ease

Final few mins: very slow pace and some walking to slow heart rate

Overall was a good run, should have waited till later in the day when it would be cooler but it’s alright

488.13 until goal 👍
New Logo

Using this channel to share my journey with training for my first marathon and eventually 100 mile run

All of my runs will be logged here and will share my opinion on how I am doing

Currently have a small injury on my right knee, does not hurt when I run but can definitely feel it when sitting

Goal: 804km
May 27th, 2024 - 8 mile run

Based off this data

I’m starting my runs off a little too fast of a pace

First 6 miles felt great then plummeted last 2 miles (7m and 8m)

I wanted to give up on the final mile, I almost gave in but I remembered why I run in the 1st place.

It’s too stay healthy and motivate others