Julio Cárdenas

@elmess #950990

Illustrator and Psychologist. Research and practice in character creation.
486 Follower 498 Following
divertida tarde de relajación y pintura! algunas fotos de nuestro encuentro el día de hoy, sigamos pintando !! :D
This was the opening of the coloring book "Dragon Burrow" we shared food and drinks while we colored some pages of the book This is a little update for my "Dragon Burrow" /flows @flowit @drgonzo
God gives us everything we have and God takes away everything we have when we leave. Our opening event for the book "Dragon Burrow" has changed its focus to honor and exalt the name of a friend who was taken from us by violence. Remember that crime in Cali is one of the highest in our country (Colombia) and remember to take care of your family, share and express how much you love them! Tomorrow we leave... however, the hip hop meeting continues! We are sure that our friend wanted things to be this way. Party and rap for the DJ's farewell! Rest in the rhythm. This is a small update for my "Dragon Burrow" /flows @flowit @drgonzo
Today as a gardener in the studio, these are some of the plants that accompany my creative process, This is an update for /flows Nounish Selfies, on my Nounish Artist Life in Cali

@flowit @drgonzo
los bots más cariños están acá 😝
Even though I find myself imprisoned here, I live raising my ki, until the harlequin tells me to rest in peace, until a beautiful garden sprouts from my corpse.
pursue, insist and persist ;)
"two dragons flying together" with flow nouns, this was the first dragon painting that I had exhibited at the Construrefri company, it is an industrial refrigeration company that bets on the artistic movements of the city, music, graphics and food in the same place, the factory! Selfie update @flowit @drgonzo
gracias por caer mi querido amigo
Inner awakening and mushrooms coming out of bovine shit; drawings from years gone by accompanied by hip hop beats
divinooooo <3 <3 gracias
miquitos y gafas !! :D
Some shirts I sold last year are of monks and bulls in the initiation story of "the ten bulls of zen" pure fun!
esta fue mi propuesta para el concurso de /verbs estuvo muy chevere gracias @0xleo por la convocatoria y felicitaciones a @naisu-studio @exacto.eth y @lunaticanto son unos duros !! sigamos creando
practice tiger vector, it was fun I remembered my friend @0xleo! should we put some glasses on him or what??
Así es muchachos y muchachas, no contento con investigar sobre pixel art, estoy investigando y practicando animación. Todavía estoy en el nivel de "pañales", pero estoy feliz de comenzar. Pronto les mostraré más ejercicios. ¡Todas las recomendaciones son bienvenidas! Esta es una pequeña actualización para mi "Madriguera de dragones" /flows @flowit @drgonzo
That's right guys! Not content with researching pixel art, I'm researching and practicing animation. I'm still at the "diapers" level, but I'm happy to start. I'll show you more exercises soon. All recommendations are welcome!! This is a small update for my "Dragon Burrow" /flows @flowit @drgonzo
Chocolate frogs with dark characters, this is our disastrous ex-president, the unnameable gentleman... a small series of dark beings that came out more than 8 years ago
Hola amix! esta fue mi propuesta de stickers para la feria numero uno nounish en Cali, Colombia; mujeres y kimono. Nuevamente gracias @nadiecito.eth por fortalecer la cultura y democratizar el arte! ha sido una experiencia enriquecedora llena de nuevos retos y procesos...
My favorite album by my favorite artist playing in my favorite space: the studio! I'll show you more, see you soon!

This is an update for /flows Nounish Selfies, on my Nounish Artist Life in Cali

@flowit @drgonzo
dragon with crown, I'm taking my first steps in pixel art, there are some details that break when exporting from procreate, do you have any recommendations? I'll keep trying, see you soon!

this is an update of my "Dragon's Lair" for Nouns Art @flowit @drgonzo /flows