
@ethos #20883

Web3 needs an OS. ethOS is the world's first Ethereum mobile operating system built by Freedom Factory. Join us! ethereumphone.eth http://discord.gg/FtVvK7B2KT
411 Follower 72 Following
First ethOS phones arriving :)
A heartfelt thank you to Optimism’s Citizens for their award to ethOS, as part
of the RetrogradePGF 3 grant round.

This grant has material impact in continuing and accelerating the development of ethOS, the free, open source, mobile operating system integrating Ethereum at the OS layer.
Thank you for the support OP Badgeholders!

We just need one more ballot to qualify for the batch ❤️

You cannot build permissionless apps on permissioned platforms

If you're wondering how to add ethOS system wallet support, this is an easy guide for that: https://ethosmobile.readme.io/docs/expo-system-wallet-support
Hello world!
Finally an ethOS account on fc :)