Jon Bo 🌱

@jonbo #1781

author of words and code, building /garden- and /grid | jon.bo
290 Follower 175 Following
My TikTok debut! Nice work @mcbain!!
testing something, disregard
Thanks all who drew / minted and made our first prompt a blast
This week I built...

An entropy feature for /garden- garden.wtf to draw new pixels, transitioning prompts.

Because of Vercel's edge function run time and invocation limits, I moved this functionality to my local Mac Mini. The server polls Supabase, checks the current entropy rate and colors, and places those pixels.
Another feature powered by my Mac mini because edge functions really don't like running a long time.

Long live local infra
the entropy commences
this week I built (WIP) a mint-with-DEGEN flow for garden.wtf.

users can select a portion of the canvas and save it as an onchain attestion to Degen's L3. They'll now be able to mint using $degen. next steps: smoothing ux and doing a final contract deploy

sample attestation tx link embedded
enjoying warpcast, where I don't have to break my brain 10 times to get in like on x dot com
hi! what's the proper way to encode the link that "copy link" on easscan generates?

I have a valid offchain attestation being generated, and when I upload it as an .eas.txt file - it reads it. But i can't seem to replicate the #attestation= format easscan expects
had a mason jar full of coconut sugar drop on my toes from 8 feet up

send help
purple alien guy is amazing @chd.eth
we've built a collaborative canvas for pixel lovers! free to play is live today with a tip feature coming soon: https://garden.wtf come say hi in /garden-
F3 debug panel is in

15 year old me approves
running inefficient code on a friend's phone from 2016 is so much more punishing than a backend function looping in some Amazon closet
always loved the F3 toggle in minecraft... might just leave it in there
is it a degen hat or a other-dimensional squid, who can know?
Something confusing to me about a hotwalle setup: how do you claim airdrops you don't fully trust, where you have to prove ownership or tokens from your vault address?
@codyb.eth and I have been noodling on a new shape called Daily Jam- excited to announce a party to kick it off! https://www.party.app/party/0x6889DBFC9C67616d6603f1f8Fb3Bd83e3d7B712a