@proofofjake #4886
full time degen
core @awexplorers
482 Follower 350 Following
every so often i check in on farcaster and every single time i am unsurprised to feel like the energy hasn't changed.. this really do be the white christian america of CT.. yike
ernest 💡
@ernestkou·18:34 07/10/2024
chat is this real
probably the most useless notification you could give to a user (lol)
((just show me the messages like every other social media app[?]))
((just show me the messages like every other social media app[?]))
@gakonst·23:32 06/09/2024
> company raises a lot
> visits company homepage, it's super polished, wow
> clicks "docs", it's a half-baked gitbook
> clicks "launch app", it's like a junior dev's react app
> visits company homepage, it's super polished, wow
> clicks "docs", it's a half-baked gitbook
> clicks "launch app", it's like a junior dev's react app
crazy to me how much modularity is spoken about in the defi-realm rn but yet noone is talking about the possibilities around modularity in web3 social..
wheres my customisable apps, why can't i decided to show/hide certain features of orb/warpcast (eg i should be able to remove the dms from my app if i don't use them, i should be able to choose much more precisely the algorithm being used for my home page, etc) iirc this used to be a feature on hey.xyz way back when but it never really took off
wheres my customisable apps, why can't i decided to show/hide certain features of orb/warpcast (eg i should be able to remove the dms from my app if i don't use them, i should be able to choose much more precisely the algorithm being used for my home page, etc) iirc this used to be a feature on hey.xyz way back when but it never really took off
Here are my closest Farcaster friends. Click the frame to view your circles.
honestly... root canal... not as bad as it seems.. ggez mode
paid engagement is still cringe even if its on a "web3" platform lmeow
cobies airdrop tweet probably the most sane take i've seen in a while
cobies airdrop tweet probably the most sane take i've seen in a while
I just joined Lunchbreak! Want a seat at my table or shoot me a message?
Click on my profile here 👇
Click on my profile here 👇
wait why is fathers day universal between us <> uk
but mothers day is two different days 🤨🤨🤨🤨 confusing
but mothers day is two different days 🤨🤨🤨🤨 confusing
i finally made a decision and ordered a bag i've been thinking about/trying to order for like 4 months 🥰
feeling #productive on this sunday
feeling #productive on this sunday
whomst needs scoop code