
@proofofjake #4886

full time degen core @awexplorers
482 Follower 350 Following
every so often i check in on farcaster and every single time i am unsurprised to feel like the energy hasn't changed.. this really do be the white christian america of CT.. yike

~ 𝙈𝙖𝙙𝙚 𝙤𝙣 @poster ( /poster )
ernest 💡
@ernestkou·18:34 07/10/2024
probably the most useless notification you could give to a user (lol)

((just show me the messages like every other social media app[?]))
@gakonst·23:32 06/09/2024
> company raises a lot
> visits company homepage, it's super polished, wow
> clicks "docs", it's a half-baked gitbook
> clicks "launch app", it's like a junior dev's react app

crazy to me how much modularity is spoken about in the defi-realm rn but yet noone is talking about the possibilities around modularity in web3 social..

wheres my customisable apps, why can't i decided to show/hide certain features of orb/warpcast (eg i should be able to remove the dms from my app if i don't use them, i should be able to choose much more precisely the algorithm being used for my home page, etc) iirc this used to be a feature on hey.xyz way back when but it never really took off
Jakey-pyon is yoinkin' that stream, horny as heck! Uwu~ I'm such a naughty fweaky boy, aren't I? >w<

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Here are my closest Farcaster friends. Click the frame to view your circles.
need cod bls 👉👈🥺


honestly... root canal... not as bad as it seems.. ggez mode
paid engagement is still cringe even if its on a "web3" platform lmeow

cobies airdrop tweet probably the most sane take i've seen in a while
Check your profile based on OpenRank stats.
Frame by @compez.eth
wait why is fathers day universal between us <> uk

but mothers day is two different days 🤨🤨🤨🤨 confusing
i finally made a decision and ordered a bag i've been thinking about/trying to order for like 4 months 🥰

feeling #productive on this sunday
whomst needs scoop code
Claiming my /scoop profile with address: 0xbFF86773cA42E95f1C2120E84cE8e457f82F110C

let the scoop wars begin 🍦