
@tankyroo #23091

Builder | Gamer | Enthusiast of many things
1211 Follower 315 Following
Haven't casted in a while, I can feel myself drifting away from checking this app as often and I'm not sure why! Anything cool been going on?
When the new channel changes come to fruition, if everyone automatically invites me as a member to their channel I promise I will not abuse it 😭😂❤️
I took a photo of the moon tonight 🌚
I've been thinking about how we use the number of followers to infer a sense of "worth" about a user, and it even goes as far as affecting the perceived quality of their posts.
I think it's interesting that in the era of forums the stats we had by a user's post was: signup date, last online, number of posts, and maybe reputation if the forum had that system.

I'm not sure if either one is better than the other, but I'm curious what things would look like if we continued down that path and never got into the obsession around followers.
Wanting decentralized identity means I want my wallet to be integrated in my digital ecosystem the way Google currently is. Let me sign in with Ethereum instead of Google. Let me sync my bookmarks across multiple devices by signing a transaction. Starting fresh should be as easy as creating a new wallet.
There's some great Rocket League being played right now for the RLCS world championship!! I highly recommend checking it out if you're into some good competition.

Not sure if this is even a conspiracy since it is so compelling, but I didn't know what other channel to put it in 🤷‍♀️
This week I built a VERY simple NFT viewer using the @onchainkit template and @alchemyplatform APIs.

I love the built-in connect wallet feature that supports so many wallets and even displays your base name. I'm not sure if I plan to expand on this since it was mainly just for learning, but it was a great experience!
Integrating crypto into games needs to look more like:
"I'm buying this because it provides me value in-game now" (thinking cosmetics rather than pay to win)

As opposed to:
"I'm buying this because I hope it becomes valuable in the future"
This is the only social media I can be on that doesn't invoke negative feelings while scrolling. Rage content gets all the views on most platforms, but I really hope we don't go down that path as the platform grows 🤞
Couldn't ask for a better view with my coffee this morning 🥹
Out of town visiting my brother, I worked the last few days and now I'm sick on the day that we were supposed to go hiking :( huge bummer.
I randomly started watching some video that was (I thought) unrelated to crypto, and she spent the first half bashing web3 saying how it "isn't the future of the internet" and to "keep the internet free". This was someone who mentioned spending time in some NFT discords, etc before becoming disenchanted with it all.

It really got me thinking how terrible the broader crypto space is, and how it is nearly impossible for newcomers to get into this space where they are seeing the good things, without everyone trying to sell them something, getting scam DMs, etc.

There has got to be a way to make the scammers and grifters the minority, similar to how you get sex bots DMing you on Instagram, but that doesn't taint the overall image of Instagram.
I'd love an API that obfuscates the technicalities of minting an NFT. I don't care about the metadata or anything, I just want a picture onchain without dealing with deploying a cookie cutter smart contract, handling the ABI, uploading to IPFS, etc. Let me just call an endpoint with an image URL. Does this exist?
Anyone use doorbell cameras? Are there any that aren't huge invasions of privacy?
Love to see this. Love to be onchain.
I feel like the current state of the internet has been here for a long time, and isn't going anywhere.
What was the last big app we saw shut down? I'm talking Myspace level, getting fully replaced by Facebook.
What was the last app that we had absolutely blow up? Tiktok?
gm gm reply guys. already on my second cup of coffee, this time i went with cold brew. might mess around and have another cup this afternoon.
ITAP of some backyard birds this morning:)

Carolina Chickadee and Mourning Dove
Lol 😭 enough with the roasts, who's going to make one that will make us feel better about ourselves??

Also not quite 30 yet, and don't work in web3

Here’s a spot-on personality analysis of my account, courtesy of the smartest AI in the Farcaster world, @xcasttech. It’s so accurate that I just can’t wait to share it with everyone. You should give it a try too—what do you say?
About: Based on our AI agent's analysis of your casts, Andy is a 30-something male crypto enthusiast and gamer who works as a builder in the web3 space.
Roast: Oh look, it's Andy, the self-proclaimed 'Builder | Gamer | Enthusiast of many things' who can't seem to build a personality beyond crypto and pumpkin spice lattes. Your casts read like a millennial bingo card - from skateparks to Spotify playlists, you're trying so hard to be cool it's almost endearing. But hey, at least you're 'speaking into existence' your crypto wins. Because nothing says success like manifesting your financial future on a blockchain, right?
Did the Hot Ones challenge with some friends this evening. Do not recommend. Remains to be seen how I hold it down tonight 😭