
@rainbowpuffpuff #486707

eth enjoyer working on think2earn and incentives
28 Follower 37 Following
Neura Nexus: The Age of Mind-Merge

Chapter 1:

In the year 2145, the skyline of Citadel of Zenith was alive with holograms that responded to the emotions of the collective consciousness. Kara Syn, once a top engineer in Lumina Core, stood on a balcony, gazing at the swirling lights. Though she'd been instrumental in creating the NeuraLinks that connected every human mind to the Neura Nexus, tonight her thoughts were her own.

"Are you sure about this?" asked Neura, her AI companion, appearing beside her in its translucent form.

"I'm sure," Kara replied silently, touching the small, modified device implanted at the base of her skull. Unlike most NeuraLinks, hers allowed her to disconnect at will—a dangerous choice that had led her to Vespera Noir, the underground city of the Disconnects.
TIL of /rounds - 2 days ago I was thinking that it would be nice to have some cool way of incentivizing people to create stuff for /bci, realized this is a good way of going about it
It's also important to design data collection methodologies while keeping in mind data leakage or confounding variables

e.g. Block Design for Classification Experiments is not smart (e.g. think of this word for 10 seconds, think of another for 10 seconds)

when is trezor going to be compatible with ETH and L2s?

l2beat.com is beating but my trezor isn't

Neuralink. What sets them apart, beyond their based team, is the way they go about hardware. They build both the robotic electrode inserter, and the packaged sensor device. High yield surgery, done by a robot. They’re likely the most advanced BCI company in the world, now having tested on 2 human patients.
BCIs are awesome & there's quite a few companies using hardware, some open source, yet very few reward users for data.

Thread incoming with some of the 150ish most popular ones.
just found a very nice name for a channel on warpcast, and it's not toffee
is it just me or is it counterintuitive to see that you interacted with the contract, instead of the destination you sent the money to?

surely i can't be the only one whose BPM went up cause of this "smart transactions" display on metamask, LOL
builder monastery up next. need to work on storage and the ZK & AI components.

https://ezkl.xyz/ seems like a good option, based that their github has one-click google colab examples for multiple user stories 👀

"I ran my private neural network on some public data and it produced this output"
think2earn won Best Startup Pitch and Best ldea at the ZuVillage Georgia hackathon!

super happy about it, feels good to get validation, especially in relation to techno optimism!

EEG headsets coming up, fNIRS up next - open sourcing the equivalent of the @bryanjohnson Kernel Flow device is one of the goals