Sovrn Art
@sovrn #292826
an indie drop studio for sovereign artists
264 Follower 245 Following
CENTS chronicles the marks of touch & time over the course of more than 100 years.
And it will be around for more than 100 years to come, inscribed on the Bitcoin megalith.
And it will be around for more than 100 years to come, inscribed on the Bitcoin megalith.

What happens when there is an artwork whose conceptual roots are fused with a rapidly growing emergent medium for art & culture inscribed on the largest digital store-of-value asset in the world?
Time will tell.
Time will tell.

@niftytime.eth & @rizzle give an excellent description on The Matthew and Rizzle Show
talking cents at 2:20
@niftytime.eth & @rizzle give an excellent description on The Matthew and Rizzle Show
talking cents at 2:20
CENTS is a prism:
Prism of Bitcoin: performing the digital transformation of capital
Prism of the ordinal: transforming the smallest unit into a vessel of cultural value, the sat, the cent
Prism of time: bearing the marks of touch & age on a single face
Drop a prism into a crucible & watch it become a living entity
Prism of Bitcoin: performing the digital transformation of capital
Prism of the ordinal: transforming the smallest unit into a vessel of cultural value, the sat, the cent
Prism of time: bearing the marks of touch & age on a single face
Drop a prism into a crucible & watch it become a living entity

Reflection by @vanarman
today 12pm ET
long-form generative AI art that reaches out for the source of emergence
today 12pm ET
long-form generative AI art that reaches out for the source of emergence

an interview with @vanarman and @shibboleth
discussing Reflection with OG Crookedwest
discussing Reflection with OG Crookedwest