Thomas Lin Pedersen

@thomasp85 #366146

Generative artist based in Denmark. The art is the system https://deca.art/thomasp85
547 Follower 104 Following
PSA: Wonder works really well as a phone wallpaper
Art Blocks
@artblocks·19:49 14/05/2024
📚 Bookends

🖼️ Screens by @thomasp85

#0 x #999
GM from the Anish Kapoor exhibition at Arken
@sonso·23:56 22/04/2024
Bookends: A series looking at the first and last public mints in a generative art collection

Today we highlight Rapture by @thomasp85

Rapture #1 owned by Slickmints
Rapture #999 owned by ele
Leaving tomorrow morning for Venice. Looking forward to seeing a lot of great people over the weekend
Super excited to have "Wonder" be part of the /bright-moments finale.

Wonder is a remake of my old Yonder series, finally in a state that can put it on-chain.
@ok and @todd have been absolutely stellar to interact with as an artist. While I understand that they are an investment fund, it is clear that their approach to collecting art goes deeper than a quick gain, and it has been a joy to watch them expand their collection with care and intend
I know I'm behind on fulfilling print orders for these, but everyone should get a chance to see a print of these up close...
Rapture #942

I've always loved the organic, yet graphic, nature of this invocation - plus, the provenance shows that it has been in the hands of two of my biggest supporters.

Congrats to the new owner🙏
One of my personal favourites - an absolute grail
2Rips 🎩 ↑
@2ripsgawd·19:02 31/03/2024
‘Screens’ #521 by @thomasp85

Art Blocks Curated
Last year I sat down to document my first 30 days in crypto art, which incidentally equated my first 30 days on HEN. The blockchain is amazing for tracing back events. It is all documented in this gallery: https://deca.art/thomasp85/30_days_of_hen
I can’t get enough of Juliens new work!
Julien Espagnon
@julien-espagnon·09:40 31/03/2024
My first mint ever, OBJKT#716.

Where it all began. Thanks, Django Bits for showing me the way
As /bright-moments will soon convene in the last city of their tour I'm filled with gratitude for the opportunity I got to exhibit in London. I was very free to define my show however I wanted and it came out exactly as I have hoped

read more at https://thomaslinpedersen.art/work/inprecision/
While it is arguably one of the visually simplest traits, I love these Screens with just straight parallel splashes of color at an angle
Mat 🏴‍☠️.eth 🦩
@m4t·15:18 28/03/2024
Turning simple shapes into stunning, chaotic or sleek scenes
Pure visual magic, one layer at a time 👀

Screens #306 by @thomasp85
Climbed the local summit with my oldest kid today. Super proud of him

Winds 5060 - from back when HEN made crypto art wild and carefree
The Pill 1 by @grantyun2

It has been crazy to follow Grant's journey the last couple of years. I first became aware of his work when collectors began to make amazing pairings between his Space series and Screens and will forever kick myself in the head for not picking up a few then
I’m forever trapped between /art and /gen-art when casting