Screenshot Essays


For fans of screenshot essays and long-form content on Farcaster

Chukwuka Osakwe
@chukwukaosakwe·22:57 27/02/2025
my favourite paragraph from @cyrus's essay on the pessimism encroaching on his soul.

as someone who is now a big skeptic of the value prop of social networks (at least in their current form), i've never really thought about their effects like this.
“People are afraid to speak honestly,” said a doctor who immigrated to the U.S. from the Soviet Union. “It’s like back to the USSR, where you could only speak to the ones you trust.” If the authorities found out, you could lose your job, your status, you could go to jail or worse. The fear here is not dissimilar.
Who are the best thinkers and writers on Farcaster?

Mostly looking for medium-form (blogs / essays) as opposed to long-form (books) or short-form (casts)…

Thanks in advance for any recs.
This is pretty cool. My essays are getting quoted by others.
I'm starting to resonate with the writing style of this Hemingway fella.
Obligatory cross post of PG post to Warpcast because I haven't seen anyone else share it yet. This one is seriously good. After you read it you can read my comment below.
i'm trying to find an essay i read maybe last year by a guy who worked on a crypto project and got turned off the whole industry by the experience.

he specifically complained about most discord users being people (nigerians and indians) looking to win some giveaway contest.

kind of weird i remember this so vividly but forgot to bookmark the essay.
"Almost everything web3-related is a grift based on getting people to buy crypto."

- i wish we had more honest writing like this about what is really going on in this space in most places most of the time.
So, is solarpunk merely a euphemism for eco-anarchy?

Yes. While you will rarely hear it put forward this way, this is because of optics. After-all, if we called cyberpunk what it really is: "dystopian prolonged late-stage capitalism with fascist overtones," it would be a lot harder to sell movie tickets—Ryan Gosling be damned.

The reality is that anarchy by any other name smells very, very sweet. I've written multiple newsletters on this subject, and they are among my most popular. As an example of this, “decentralization,” a word with anarchist roots, is now used to pitch everything from Bitcoin to Instagram Threads.
Thumbs Up
@thumbsup.eth·19:15 20/09/2024
Here’s a piece where I share some thoughts about degrowth vs accelerationism if you’re interested
Part 2 to a previous essay I posted. Would love any feedback!
John Hoang
@jhoang·03:38 17/09/2024
You can't spell culture without cult and community without unity.

In the last post, I mentioned that you can't expect a dynamic educational institution from a rigid process, and that the rigidity comes from having a small amount of people make all of the decisions. So if you want to build a dynamic educational institution, you need to start with including more people into the process, which means starting with community.
An essay I am working on. Would love some feedback
John Hoang
@jhoang·18:57 16/09/2024
Why I stay in the crypto space despite all of the scammers and grifters

Last year $5.6 billion was stolen from Americans through schemes involving cryptocurrency [1] , so it is no secret that the crypto industry has its fair share of scammers, and yet I am still in the space because I think it has the potential to change education.
doing diligence on re: art markets a la (sufficient) decentralization. i have some buggy thoughts, which has put me into the founder mode.

a detailed reasoning can be found here in this X post:

...and the /essay is (zoom in to have a better resolution i guess)
Why not a little screenshot essay today
Onchain was a growth tactic for Farcaster users to post screenshot essays with ideas could break out of our little bubble. Although it feels like an eternity, it was only ~8 months ago.

Less than a month later, Frames launched and Farcaster exploded.
@phil·16:14 04/01/2024
Introducing Onchain: a Farcaster experiment in long-form content.

Next week, original thinkers will publish /essays on governance, economics, and culture.

Subscribe to follow along or cast your own contribution directly to the channel.

Onchain | January 2024

Purple treasury
Many encounters accumulate unnoticed and unacknowledged in the labyrinth of our minds. Now, let's revisit the memories of past encounters.

Are there any encounters that you can't forget, ones that you feel have left a mark on you?
Fixed Rate Tokens for Specific Markets
"Crypto is stunted by the proprietary mindset.... Users are farm animals.

But we need the opensource mindset. Make users powerful. Be the change you want to see. Opensource is power."
I turn into a large language model when I sleep
baudrillard vindicated

"As for the increasingly horrific genocidal images that flood our screens, these are juxtaposed with thirst traps and shitposts, which shine a cruel light on the role that technology plays in dehumanising real crises, turning them into a narrative, a video-game lore, that feeds the entertainment industrial complex through clicks and engagement."
@riotgoools·03:07 09/08/2024
"Want to match my freak? Reality shift into another dimension? Schizo-post your way to internet-sanctioned brainwashing? Nowadays, it’s not a matter of what exists, but what you choose to exist as. A recent report suggests that Gen Z don’t bother to fact-check information they see online, instead choosing to believe what like-minded peers or trusted influencers say – basically, what they see as important. Plugged into our personal psy-opticons we create our own mental maps to justify our own narratives, like Terrance McKenna’s ‘self-transforming’ machine elves on a DMT trip. It’s not a cosmic jump, then, to feel like everything is a psyop, everyone is a crisis actor."

kind of a depressing but accurate essay about our increasingly hypersimulated "realities". enjoy!
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Screenshot essays just crossed the chasm.
Here's Why Education Must Be Built Anew