

For the guitar geeks out there, whether or not you actually play the instrument. Membership link:

Got around to listening to Extreme's new album, Six, and it's great. While I enjoyed their last album too (Saudades de Rock -- 2008), it wasn't that serious of an effort. Nuno Bettencourt's funky & hard edged guitar shred is as impressive as ever.
little cleaner with the metronome πŸ₯
kenny 🎩
@kennyΒ·4 days ago
quick riff for record keeping 🎸
Just gonna put this here, incase you haven't seen it.
Maxbrain Capital
@viybzΒ·22:57 24/02/2025
Shout out @maryams.eth + @janicka for coming up with this..

Not my favorite song he's written, but my favorite performance from him, and arguably one of the greatest guitar solos of all time.

IMO, he is the greatest guitar player of all time, exceeding Hendrix.

John Mayer in Birmingham, AL in 2002 playing "Covered in Rain"
Saga is a Canadian "symphonic prog" band that had a couple of hits in the 80s then faded away despite continuing to release album after album. I'd always admired their musicianship, particularly Ian Chrichton's guitar playing. Would love to find the full HD rec. of this show!
I've been a Buckethead fan since I first heard his outrageous playing on Praxis Transumutation, which NGL left me a little bit frightened. I do love me some solo Buckethead too, and his comeback this past year has produced some pretty epic live performances.
Finding these fingerstyle tutorials from Sky Guitar fantastic.

Just setting my guitar song goal for February. Bella Ciao.

β€œBella Ciao” is actually a traditional Italian folk song, originally sung by rice field workers and later adopted by anti-fascist partisans in WWII. Its exact author is unknown. It was in the amazing series β€žLa Casa de Papelβ€œ as a symbol of resistance.
My January goal was to learn
β€žThe Last of Usβ€œ by Gustavo Santaolalla which is the main theme song for the amazing series.

Well I just scrapped in before the end of Jan. It’s obviously not perfect πŸ˜… but I’m pretty happy to get the core of the song down.
@drachetech11Β·11:41 04/01/2025
Iβ€˜ve been playing guitar on and off for years. More off since Little Dragon was born.

But now she is 4 1/2 and becoming more and more independent, it means I’m getting more time blocks get stuck back into it.

I was watching β€žThe Last of Usβ€œ which is also one of the best series I’ve seen for a while. Anyway the theme music was composed by
Gustavo Santaolalla and I absolutely love it and found this great tutorial.

My goal is to play this well till the end of January. Wish me luck.

Also read below for more info about Gustavo.
Antonio Lauro - Cancion Venezolana, the second piece in a three-piece cycle.

The first piece I mastered (Triptico), the third I printed out today - working on it now.

So, eventually, I'll be able to put the whole cycle together. πŸ’« Either way keeps me sane to spend more time on-strings and not on-line.
Saw Tommy Emmanuel (again) this time at the Guild Theater in Menlo Park. What a cool venue! The sound system there is absolutely to die for. Highly recommend. Tommy is still playing as great as ever. I don't understand how his hands hold up at his age with that kind of aggressive playing. Crazy.
Brad Barrish
@bradbarrishΒ·06:53 11/01/2025
Guitar Center is offering grants to replace instruments lost in the LA fires. Spread the word.
Iβ€˜ve been playing guitar on and off for years. More off since Little Dragon was born.

But now she is 4 1/2 and becoming more and more independent, it means I’m getting more time blocks get stuck back into it.

I was watching β€žThe Last of Usβ€œ which is also one of the best series I’ve seen for a while. Anyway the theme music was composed by
Gustavo Santaolalla and I absolutely love it and found this great tutorial.

My goal is to play this well till the end of January. Wish me luck.

Also read below for more info about Gustavo.
Sometimes people say things like.. Oh guitarists shouldn't be playing things written for strings.

I get it that a guitars sound doesn't last as long, we got no bow after all.

Still, those people can go eff themselves or, better, start learning an instrument before making such comments.

Nothing will keep me from practicing this Grieg piece (arranged by Tarrega) - very sad, I love it. Real challenge to the left hand.
The benefit of guitarist parents is whenever you visit home you get to play great concert guitars.

This one for example, built by a Japanese luthier whose guitars rarely make it outside Japan due to high regional demand.

His name is Yuichi Imai.

Planning to buy muself a proper luthier made guitar next year. Gotta rotate this magic internet money into something useful.
Endecha (Lament) - Oremus (Let us pray) by Francisco Tarrega, often played together so I did too.

Oremus turns out to be an arrangement from the second part of Schumann's Phantasietanz op 124, no.5 and was the last piece Tarrega wrote before his death.

Hence historians speculate he was gonna transcribe the whole thing but we'll never know.
Budget practice rig under $200

15 Watt VOX Amp ($120)
+ Skysurfer Reverb Pedal ($75)

$195 total

Also grabbed some new Warm Audio instrument cables.

And ESB flat wound patch cables.
Put on new strings this weekend. πŸ’«

Medium tension, just like me... Strings make a huge difference.

Previously I had Augustine and found them much too hard in sound for my guitar.
With December coming up, time to practice this one. 🫑
Here's a 3-part guitar composition from back when I actually had time to write music. The middle part is entirely too long but I never had the chance to go back and rework it. Other than that & the crappy drum machine, not too bad.
Channel mode flipped to "everyone can cast". Enjoy! But you will be banned for any grossly off topic casts.
Since Idagio didn't really have a classical guitar playlist, I made my own.

Can't add context in that app so, I added my thoughts on each piece on @fileverse instead.

Link to playlist also in the doc ✨
@xdrianΒ·16:02 09/10/2024
Hey everyone, are there any electric guitar players here? I'd love to check out your pedal boards!

To be clear, I typically only use a tuner, overdrive, and reverb, and I'm good to go. However, we're experimenting with different sounds and trying out a new pedal chain for an upcoming project with a friend.
Is there a way to make this channel have open membership? I guess I can just publicly share an invite link? In the meantime, reply here if you want membership and I'll add you.
The piece I'm currently working on: Sacrificio by Sainz de la Maza.

Great for tremolo practice (playing the same string in quick succession with ring, middle, and index finger)
Mathias Lattin opening for Jimmy Vaughn. Talented kid (22 yo).
A typical moment in my wfh day.

Me to me: I'll just quickly play this small piece. I'm sure it'll inspire me.

1 hour and many pieces later.

Me realizes I have work to do and bills to pay.

Rinse and repeat.
Dusted off the pedals and recorded a riff or two this evening 🐸
Been a while since I took my guitar and walked around with it... Still got it.

Signed up for the local guitar ensemble. ✨
Gonna try one of these (a Celestion Cream - 90 Watt speaker) in my Mesa Mark V combo. The Black Shadow in there now is a bit too harsh for my tastes, but it could also just be the effect of the open back cab. Guess I'll soon find out.
Randy Rhoads would take guitar lessons while he was on tour
@ohyoublockheadΒ·17:02 12/09/2024
Show up every day.

Do the thing, every single day. Repeatedly, thanklessly, especially the days you don’t want to.

I don’t know how to use commas, I think most writers are losers, I don’t even read, but because I write from 3am - 8am, every day, I’m a better writer than you.
Here's a ridiculous (but still cool, IMO) prog-rock song I recorded on 4-track cassette back in the mid 90's, with a college friend who regretfully couldn't start a prog-rock band with me because of our academic pursuits.
@eriksΒ·20:28 07/09/2024
this is me @nutellacrepe.eth hahaha
Too many noises and distraction.

This is an old video of mine, I reupload it here for my own documentation purpose lmao
WooDee πŸŽ©πŸ–πŸ§Ύβ“‚οΈ
@woodee.ethΒ·10:43 16/08/2024
Not a perfect play, but I try my best to play it right.
Watching this back, I heard lots of wrong notes πŸ˜“
This is actually a 4 years old video I recorded back then.
I guess I need to practice again.
Pardon the noises and the distraction , hahaaha.

Love of my life - Queen

Felt like playing some guitar instead of creating shareholder value.

Triptico by Antonio Lauro.
my tube amps are in bad shape

i'm going to fix them, but i'm also thinking of getting a roland jc-40

found one on craigslist for $450

any thoughts?
Vigier Excalibur Thirteen in gold. Should I buy it??

(I own 6 Vigier already…. I’m obsessed :))
This long cut compilation of John Mayer slaying GRAVITY across different versions is life - my fave guitarist of all time, there I said it 🀘🏾🎸
i got this for my 3yo

will report back

@remindme in 90 days