

A channel to explore a new legal framework for Nouns DAO, The Wyoming DUNA.

If there are other reasons I may have missed, please let me know. I want to be sure I am fairly representing the pro-DUNA perspective.
Under DUNA does Nouns still fund media, artists, for profit tech experiments, etc?

Or does the things it funds have to be charity or non-profit?
I’ll vote Yes to the DUNA, primarily because I’m a US Citizen, but I do think it will lead to many Nouns loving members leaving. A brain drain if you will.

Either they fork into a new DAO or they sell their NFT and leave Nouns forever.

I’d like to see them Fork into a second active DAO proliferating Nouns. We’ve seen benefits to multiple DAOs proliferating Nouns.
very keen to know the answer to this also. perhaps 5 years should be revised to 3 and founder rewards cease? good question ↓
The Nouns Foundation has posted a candidate proposal: “Establish Nouns DUNA in Wyoming and fund first year of operations”
I hope to see the DUNA proposal as a candidate first
I hope to see the DUNA proposal as a candidate first
loads of discussion in nouncil server if people want to participate in spirited debate
if duna proposal fails, the next best option will be for those in favour to fork. what is the likelihood of a fork in such case? or does the foundation value provenance of the canonical dao over a forked instance?
It would be great to get thoughts on this. If DUNA is shoved through, a fork is almost certain.

The question is if it will be easy, or if those against DUNA will be stuck in something they no longer want to be a part of.
some gaps to fill plz and ty
keen to gain insight here if possible

Also keen to know 🙋‍♂️
Hey Nouns,

Recently, I’ve taken an interest in following this channel and commenting on various posts due to my work with legal entity solutions at @midao. Since then, @thethriller and I have spoken to a few Nouns members about our offering, and they recommended we post here for total clarity and to potentially provide some insights.

Before I begin, I want to be fully transparent and upfront with everyone as a sort of “disclaimer.” I’m biased—strongly so. I believe the Marshall Islands DAO LLC is the best entity to incorporate a DAO, which is why I work at MIDAO. Furthermore, I’m not a member of the Nouns, nor is anyone on our team. We may not have all the details or context compared to DAO members, but based on the discussions I’ve seen in this channel, I’d like to provide additional information about MIDAO.
Bud Light haven't voted since 27 July 2023
If you've ever been funded by Nouns, are you exposing yourself personally to liability? Or have your limited your liability by operating a company or similar structure? Tax obligations have always been lumped onto grant recipients if I understand correctly. So why would liability be any different?
can someone hit me with a concrete example of a situation in which a token holder would be held liable in a way that would be damaging?

imo the only potential appeal of duna is if there is a real, tangible risk to owning a noun because of the threat of legal liability.

but as someone with basically no law experience I don't know what types of situations might exist where token holders could be held liable.

if there are none, or if the likelihood of these situations are extremely small, then I don't think it's worth taking on the downsides of DUNA, and the pros feel more like fantasyland whatifs
Curious to understand what DUNA solves that wouldn’t be solved with:
* Remove the veto
* Dissolve Nouns foundation
* Further protocolize Nouns (e.g Vrbs streaming)
If I don’t want to participate in the DUNA transition, can we lower the fork threshold for minorities like me to exit? I don’t think it is fair for smaller holders to force participation in a new legal entity.
What would the cost and timeline look like for Nouns DUNA?
I think if the Foundation wants to transition to a Duna it needs to fork and start fresh…. If not, your putting current and previous holders potentially at risk seeing as how no KYCs were ever done & we have indeed funded numerous people from US sanctioned countries…. You can’t just walk that back.

Also, has the Foundation paid taxes at all on the last 3 years on the DAOs behalf? If so, we’re are the returns? Can they be made available through token gate access for holders? …. If no taxes have been filed, are we expecting a massive tax bill once the structure gets changed. Is it safe to say ~1/4 of the treasury will go to Uncle Sam?

If a structure change is needed why not incorporate in Dubai or a place that has well established crypto regulations… the US is the biggest gamble right now given the current political landscape. Gary JUST sent Opensea a wells notice, and we really think it’s the best move to transfer the entity within the US 50 states? 😳