

Obsidian is the private and flexible writing app that adapts to the way you think

Obsidian 1.7 is now available for desktop and mobile!

This update makes Obsidian much faster to load, and reduces memory usage. You should see significant performance improvements across all platforms.

The new Sync History view shows a list of edits across the vault, useful when collaborating on a shared vault. Activate it using the "Sync: Show Sync history" command.

Plus, you can now click inside a page preview to edit it without opening the note.

Release notes:
A peek at my Mandarin language learning vault.

I'm currently having ChatGPT generate intermediate graded readers for me to work through, and all new vocab gets individual definition notes with an audio embed of the pronunciation.

Then I'll work through the text, doing my best to understand and translate it, and I'll then have ChatGPT review my translation and give me notes for improvement.
I just became "file over app" pilled all over again
Obsidian 1.7.4 (early access) is now available to Catalyst members for desktop and mobile
New YouTube video on the Benefits & Philosophy of Digital Gardening 🌱

A digital garden is a way to learn in public, without relying on algorithms to display content 👀

I also made a tutorial on how to launch your /obsidian notes for free as a digital garden, will link 👇
For anyone looking to publish their obsidian notes for free, I made a tutorial video & written guide ✨

Works for blogs or digital gardens, and I also explained how to connect a custom domain name

Happy to answer any questions🫡


I'm working on building my dream workspace with Obsidian right now, which is why I'm sharing a lot about it, cuz my whole schtick is just chatting about what I'm doing 🤣

Yesterday, I dug out one of my old Obsidian daily note templates just for a snippet of code that works with the Templater plugin to pull in information to the daily note based on the day of the week.

I still need to go through and add some dataview code snippets to the templates for those so that any date-specific tasks I drop into any of my notes will be auto-populated in the daily note when it's created each day.

And for anyone interested, I'll be committing a few of my templates to Github when they're all done.

I don't even remember where I got this snippet BTW but it's a basic if->then set, just sub your own file locations for the template to include.

I have themes for each day, so that helps me automate inserting that info into my notes, along with pulling any dated tasks so I can stay on track.
Obsidian October 2024 is all about speed. New APIs and a useful checklist to make your plugins and themes feel snappier than ever.
Using Obsidian for my playthrough of Thousand Year Old Vampire this month.

I've been debating for a couple hours what time period I was even going to start my vampire in, could not decide.

Had ChatGPT create a d20 time periods roll table for me - that will be useful for future playthroughs, too, so it's not saved in my Obsidian vault.

Used the Dice Roller extension in Obsidian, and rolled a 3.

So for this campaign, my vampire is starting in Han Dynasty China.

Fun fact: I taught myself to read Chinese last year and have read a degree's worth of information on Chinese history and philosophy, so this is going to be quite fun!

Now I just have to decide on some more details about my vampire. I *generally* play/write women characters - especially with immortal characters, I like to explore the intersectional challenges that would come with being a female immortal living in patriarchal societies.
I am very much about the aesthetics. I need my workspace to be visually appealing so I'll keep using it. So making my vault pretty is as important to me as making it organized and functional.

I decided to consolidate over a dozen vaults that I'd created and used over the last several years.

Theme is AnuPpuccin - it's a robust and extremely customizable theme that I've been using on most of my vaults for a couple years.

The banner on the Daily Note is done with a CSS snippet - there used to be a banner plugin that I used, but it's no longer being maintained and doesn't work anymore.

I've got some more automations to set up - I use dataview and templates to pull in day-specific tasks and journaling prompts to my daily note, for example, and it's been a couple years since I set those up in another vault, so need to refresh my memory on how I did that so I can set that up in this one as well.
Took a video of my graph animation for my Mandarin language learning vault. It's got lists of words, graded reader stories, song lyrics, etc. with each word getting its own definition note with audio embeds and example sentences.

LOT of time went into making it, and I still work on it regularly even though I don't need to do the intensive vocab study as much now.
I have three papers to write.

One is due today, one Saturday, one Sunday.

Wanna know what I'm doing today?

Setting up a brand new Obsidian vault for myself...

Making it fancy and automated and everything.
Obsidian 1.7.3 (early access) is now available to Catalyst members for desktop and mobile.

- iOS: The option to skip iCloud loading will now appear earlier.
- If a plugin takes a while to load at startup, a message will appear and give you the option to disable the plugin and restart the app.
- The startup debug screen now shows how long individual plugins took to load.
- Fixed sidebar views not always updating to reflect the latest active file.
- Fixed extra history entries appearing in the view navigation list.
- Fixed append and prepend URI actions adding extra newlines when the file content is empty.
Using Obsidian to do my anthro labs on DNA transcription this evening cuz it's very convenient to be able to have that pdf right there for reference.

Have to do the tedious work of transcribing and uncoding it all, then determining what "snorg" features each strand of DNA represents.

Fun stuff.
"File over app" sounds great in abstract, but what happens when two apps are trying to work with the same files and one app owns "sync" over those files?

My friend is building an Obsidian-focused EPUB reader (great take on annotations, notes, etc all saved as Obsidian-friendly markdown files), but how is a third-party app supposed to coordinate around sync if the user is using Obsidian to sync their markdown files that contain the state?

(cc @kepano)
Obsidian 1.7.2 (early access) is now available to Catalyst members for desktop and mobile!

Startup time and and memory usage are significantly improved. Note this may cause issues with some plugins. We've published a guide for developers.

Obsidian URI improvements:

- new clipboard param to insert the contents of the clipboard
- new prepend param to add to the top of the file
- prepend and append will attempt to merge properties
- new daily URI action to open or create your daily note

What do you use to share individual notes with specific people?

Obsidian Publish would be an overkill. What I need is something similar to the share function in Notion.
you can now set your iCloud files to "Keep Downloaded" which significantly reduces startup time for Obsidian

(available on iOS18 and macOS Sequoia)
How do you use Obsidian? Do you have a specific organizational structure? Looking to start soon and trying to form a better mental model around effective note taking

Currently I tend to just dump one-off notes into Apple Notes without much rhyme or reason but been eyeing methods like PARA to help organize a bit better