

Open Degen’s PFP Collection by FLOC*

Would you like this to be the main logo for odegen???

I love it!!!
Hey wake up, it’s time, show your Odegen 👀
Time to take my Odegens for a walk 😉

What about yours?
GM ODEGEN family!!!
Something new will come soon

Hi there Odegen Fam!

Do you like to take out your Odegens IRL? If so, where do you take them?

I like to take them on my hikes 😊 and have done so this summer 😉
Hello odegen fam!!!
If you want to reward our work and effort from @floc ,we only ask you to like the cast below…

Thank you!!!!
Bidding for /odegen channel's Fan Tokens here!
@moxie.eth add-on for all the Odegens? ... 🤔 ... ✍️
@betashop.eth @airstack.eth
I just bid for /odegen channel's Fan Tokens powered by @moxie.eth
