
The Science of Blockchain Conference 2023 at Stanford

I honestly had a lot of fun at SBC this year. More than last year!
best part about sbc - no BD people
when are videos coming out?
Conversation between Dan Boneh and @cdixon.eth, what a great way to end a day of technical talks!
Love that work on Kademlia, a DHT algo from 2002 but commonly used, is still ongoing. The novelty here is an explore/exploit protocol to optimize the routing tables.
I finally understand what an "intersubjective fault" is.
everyone at SBC who attended the MegaETH event last night definitely woke up like this
Not gonna live-cast much today but I'd be remiss not to give a shout-out to Yehuda Lindell speaking about Coinbase's approach to custody through MPC.
I’m gonna make myself a robe with all the telegram selfies I’ve taken over the last few years of crypto conferences
more like footage of @bayardo.eth carrying the /sbc channel on his shoulders
Eddy Lazzarin 🟠
@eddy·21:37 07/08/2024
unedited footage from Science of Blockchain Conference in NYC today
And that's a wrap for day 1 of SBC-24. Not sure I'll have the energy to continue live-casting for day 2, but hopefully some found this useful.
Binyi giving a very technically deep talk on a plausibly post quantum secure folding scheme (folding lets you build efficient recursive SNARKs) ... Wish I had the background to better understand this magic.
Eli Ben-Sasson talking about Stwo (pronounced "stew"), StarkWare's next gen prover.
zkLogin from Mysten Labs, deployed on the Sui blockchain. Use OAuth + zk proof to sign blockchain transactions to easily onboard web2 users.
Understanding security vulnerabilities in SNARKs. Tl;Dr: still many ways to shoot yourself in the foot!
Ellie Davidson showing how Espresso sequencing network achieves synchronous atomic composibility among L2s.
Have posted about this work before because it's a great result: first paper to show how slashing can provably improve economic security of a PoS blockchain via asymmetric punishment. Handles up to 2/3rd malicious nodes via a Tendermint like protocol with some extra voting.
How to offer an encrypted mempool via threshold decryption, in a way that holds validators accountable for leaking their secret key. Not sure if this work addresses the "Free DA" problem that plagues many encrypted mempool proposals, but otherwise looks very interesting.
Aptos has an on chain randomness primitive based on weighted VRF and non interactive weighted distributed key generation. Details in this talk by Alon Tomescu. Lots of threshold encryption fanciness I don't understand :)
Roberto Bayardo 🎩
@bayardo.eth·14:14 07/08/2024
Yuzhe Tang speaking about automated discovery of Ethereum mempool DoS attacks via fuzzing. Previous attacks have been discovered manually, though fuzzing has been used successfully for finding consensus bugs in the past. MPFUZZ is a mempool specific stateful fuzzer.
Cool talk from Chaofen Shou on thwarting real world smart contract attacks using hijacking and backrunning techniques.
Ed Felton of Arbitrum speaking about BoLD fault proving.
$DEGEN allowance is claimable now.

Check your $DEGEN points and claim tokens:
“We are now at a point where DeFi is significantly more robust than TradFi” – @lesh

no one applauded, we should’ve applauded there lol