

Art Magazine Founded by artists, for artists.

In the SeekeR cycle: Creating
The 'Seekeo' takes place even during breaks.
SeekeR is on the Creators metrics list!!
With the support of @optimism, SeekeR Magazine could be in your hands much sooner than you think!
//What a SeekeR feels//
"The images I find are stored in my mind; some sink into my unconscious and sleep for a while, only to be triggered later by another external image that appears, remembers, and revives them. This creates a kind of visual dialogue; the images within me function like a heart that beats and emits frequencies, connecting with the beats of another heart from another Seeker."
//Today at the SeekeR office//

We Are SEEKing YOU! e.e

Philip Guston -In the Studio 1975.

//The eye receives light, looks out and in, is a window of the soul, revealing and perceiving. -Eye idols, Eye Temple of Ishtar, 4th m. BC//
=> The SeekeR is born through an uncontrollable search impulse => e.e
You are a SeekeR, did you know that?
//The Seeker Journey, always starts with our perception. The things we Found transform us then we become Creators//
The cycle of an artist
//This is how a SeekeR looks//

Odilon Redon -Eyes of Elena (Eyes in the Trees), 1882.
=> As SeekeRs we have a purpose: to connect and spread emerging artists.

We believe that the path of artists must be accompanied by a community that values them.

We want to be that bridge between artist and viewer.

=> e.e
The SeekeR SignaL e.e
Sunday mood.

//Can't stop seeking//
That's how it feels to seek e.e
"i'm going to SeeK today. As i always finally do"

//SeekeR is a creative entity with restless and tireless eyes//
SeekeR turns the seek into a journey full of inspiration and creation.


Art by Me
from artists, for artists e.e
SeekeR Office.e 🧑‍💼 📁
e.e -> Seek -> Find -> Create
//Seeker is a tireless explorer of the multiple artistic visions that surround us//

Odilon Redon -Eyes (Vision) 1881.
SEEKER => e.e => SEEK => FIND => CREATE => e.e => SEEK => FIND => CREATE

Follow /seekermagazine & stay tuned
art by @alvabrina