

Are we living in a simulation? Is reality a virtual construct? Discussions, sharing of information, and ideas surrounding the simulation hypothesis.

If you need to stay awake tonight 😁
I'm a huge believer that we're living in a simulation, and we're all getting initial roles in it, gradually changing our type of let's say character. But even if you believe that you're living within some kind of simulation, that doesn't mean you're able to fully understand the concept of the simulation itself or what rules it's based on. It could be easily a "single-player" situation, or it could be a matrix-like network. So far nobody has been able to convince me that it's impossible.

One person tho made me think about our lives differently: What if this simulation one of many, runs at an undefined speed, and it's a test model for potential outcomes? Now I'm thinking about it A LOT, and you know what, that crazy shift that happened 5 years ago looks extremely artificial to me, like a not-very-subtle change of scenario.

Somewhere next door that could be a simulation where this craziness never took place.
Don't let the simulation get you down 👍
Throughout history, and as technology has evolved, there have been various updates to Plato's allegory of the cave.

Here is one depiction where Mark Zuckerberg is portrayed as the one orchestrating the /simulation, with subjects immersed in a virtual reality.
Are we living in a simulation?
Is reality a virtual construct?

Some of you know how passionate I am about this question 🥰

So, I've created the channel /simulation to connect with those who, like me, are interested in discussing, sharing information, and exchanging ideas on this fascinating subject ⚡