Farokh 🎩

@farokh #242021

Founder and President of DASTAN, parent company of @RugRadio & @Decrypt, host of FOMO HOUR, collector, investor, and gm of gm’s | opinions are my own
6864 Follower 114 Following
Feels like a shift towards apps > chains is coming to the space and it feels good for a change.

Super... app cycle?

Haven't posted on here in 9 months, had a baby but not a real one, we launched Myriad since!

It still counts, right?
gm purple app and its replyguys
buying your own card and levelling it up fantasy top is modern day self care
worked out 54 out of 122 days so far this year

i am numb to the market at this stage

i do nothing, i just sit, watch, and shitpost about it

i host the show, i work out, and buidl rug radio + decrypt

life is good
Warpcast & Fantasy Top type of day
it appears there are much more replyguys on warpcast than there are traders

feature, not a bug
Gm, we tune out the noise in the black app and talk on the purple app
Who are the top 5 must follows on Warpcast?
Buy the dip or else
Samer 🎩🍖🧾
@0xsamer·01:24 01/05/2024
can you tell them to buy the dip
Can’t wait to go to Hong Kong next week, so much happening out there.
it's funny how much you can tell about someone when you meet them irl vs. what they portray on twitter

a lot of people should stay home
So how does Warpcast feel about runes?

What are you looking into? What are you buying?

Personally, giving it some time before I make my decision but sitting very comfortably on my RSiC and Rune Pups!
Yessss queeeeeeen
Cyber Shakti 🎩😇😈💃
@cybershakti·09:33 20/04/2024
Guys welcome @farokh to the /poster fam!

Who wants to tell them why it’s fun to use app.poster.fun for making memes and onchain friends 👀
Gm habibis cannot wait to leave Dubai!

This week felt like an entire month, but we pushed through.

We show up, we do the work, and we keep on keeping on.
Shilled Farcaster instead of my own company for half an hour
quant called and said higher ↑

Anyone in Paris this coming week for Paris Blockchain Week? 🇫🇷
yes ser!
@drewfromweb3·15:09 03/04/2024
Bullish on @rugradio and @farokh + everyone working around it

Need to get back into rugs soon
people listened to todays show!
rainer hosch
@rainerhosch·20:08 03/04/2024
@farokh told me it is worth posting on @farcaster daily LFG 🚀🚀🚀
Follow @rugradio and @decrypt
lets welcome our fren
Mad Perfect
@madperfect·01:34 04/04/2024
Made my way here thanks to @farokh always first to the scene leading the way.

Time to Degen in
it appears we are trusting the ticker
First 569 followers just had to put it in writing
Dan Romero
@dwr.eth·01:46 03/04/2024
A warm Farcaster welcome to @inversebrah!

If you are curious about what we are doing, check it out!

Really excited about CONTENT+ and our products coming out!

Always happy to collaborate with other founders and creators too.
please give me 1 free pass ↑
Where is the ⬆️ community at?
what are your top 3 favourite coins on base?
reply guys are the best guys
pack it up lads see you in 2025
gm warpcast

morning meeting with @rugradio and decrypt farcaster task force to get rug radio active on farcaster

idk if you noticed, but every @decrypt gets posted automatically on here since weeks!

is there any social media management tools created yet?
who is your favourite follow on warpcast?
funny how fast people panic on moves like these
1M soon, book it. Higher.
we like the hats
gm degens

first day of the week
first day of the month
first day of the quarter

let's cook 🫡
i've bridged all the eth i own to base

i can't be the only one
probably nothing but definitely something
ok we are home, locked into warpcast, and buying base coins again

gmfer farcaster cousins, happy easter! 🐰
base is making the ethereum users experience much better

arbitrum is allowing large ethereum communities to scale

things are going to get silly around here

(by here i literally mean here on farcaster)

((so tired of bots spamming rug radio and decrypt on x))
got red wine and good food

what are we buying on base tonight?
everyone getting max bullish farcaster now

frames was a catalyst, degen is another one

what's next?
the last 24 hours have been a rollercoaster of emotions lmao
$1 makes perfect sense

$4.20 is even better