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@ifun #439015
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I'm a Speculator-Pragmatist (4.5, 3.0) on the Onchain Alignment Chart! Check out your position:

Don't fade your next 100x 📡 RADAR6 is dropping soon, and we're opening the gates. Join the waitlist now — certified trenches tech 🪖
Hey guys, let's thank the Boss, let's buy a few Degen coins and swap them back $JCK 0x38a0FA78691801e6D20216df3D3616CE0C0A68Ea
Better late than never... after more than 4 months, Superrare responded. @humanzero /superrare /superrare-fan do you have any new plans? The price has gone up a lot, is there anything we should know?
If you pursue ideals without facing reality, you will eventually become a dictator...
Check your degen stats. Frame v2 by @compez.eth From Effort to Achievement – $GENY Helps You Share Your Path! 🌟
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