Phil Cockfield

@pjc #12567

🐵 ← 🙈🙉🙊 → /phil → phil.cockfield.net, db.team → ƒ(🌳) → 🧫 /sys ← @cell <T> 🐦‍⬛, 100% human.
51146 Follower 1078 Following

Builder-Decentralist (-9.0, -7.6)
Onchain Alignment Chart!
Hey @phil - would it be possible to include a link to the cast that is referenced by the Amps notification. That would be a nice bit of ergonomics, for those interested in the content.

Easy enough to go the `Profile/Casts+Replys`, just mentioning it as the impulse came to mind (usability).

Beautiful work!
🧠 "variable reward"
Lee Fang
@leefang·a day ago
Without meaningfully changing casting (shitposting) behaviour any, I'm so stoked watching my # ranking on the leader-board relatively rapidly start go down. Shithot! It means a whole bunch-a good quality cool caster's are arriving.

network size grows
("number go up")
rec: MCP ("model context protocol")
@stevedylandev.eth·3 days ago
Beta of the Pinata MCP is ready to test! If you're adventurous and already playing with MCPs give ours a shot and tell us what you think! So far it's been really fun the play with 🌝

I am falling in love with <Signals> all over again.

ref: https://github.com/tc39/proposal-signals
(and it's gonna be a "standard" standard one day too).
When did Microsoft start doing their good/best/great stuff on Go, rather than their own lower-level languages, eg .NET whatnot?

Perhaps it's to ensure they don't kick off an "anti-microsoft" exodus from those of us who remain extremely wary of MS, but do love Typescript ("lest we forget"...the 90's did happen...remember?)

I'm also hoping some of the design motivation to go with GoLang is WASM related.
Phil Cockfield
@pjc·3 days ago
Go, Typescript-Go!
Reminder to anyone wanting to keep a all of there cast history state alive, https://caststorage.com/ is really good. Just renewed my storage.

Pure luck, looked at it today. And man, the /farcaster storage unit fee is so low these days.
"why is $bnxr" trending? — @trish

• <trending> because notification feed
• on <notification feed> because <trending>
Phil Cockfield
@pjc·4 days ago
Nailed @links!!
The emergence of <token event-loop> - a cybernetic feedback loop.

const token = (s: string): never => token(s);
“Negative Capability” — John Keats, 1817

The capacity of a person to remain in “uncertainties, Mysteries, doubts, without any irritable reaching after fact and reason.” (in a letter to his brother)

Zen: “Don’t-Know Mind”
Michael Pfister
@pfista·5 days ago
MCP is about as cool as HTTP, so who cares?

You don't have to understand HTTP to use one of the greatest inventions ever: the internet

MCP is the same. It's not about the protocol, it's about what the protocol enables.
ref: (design): sys.family
Phil Cockfield
@pjc·6 days ago
Been thinking about an IRL process flow 💦 to try out when @july's camera arrives (although to-be-clear I'm in no hurry).

↓ take a signed legal agreement
↓ ...to a JP ("Justice of the Peace"*. grassroots, public library etc).
↓ 📸🪨 take <selfie> with JP as they sign/stamp/record-in-IRL-audit-log the signing.
↓visually correlated <HASH>:attestation now on RoC 🗿🪨 (blockchain).

*NB: legacy/existing IRL public notarisation services varying per territory. Interchangeable.
Joe Petrich 🟪
@jpetrich·00:07 09/03/2025
Excited to dig into this! Loved this podcast with Alistair Croll a few months ago: https://www.lennysnewsletter.com/p/just-evil-enough-alistair-croll
Venkatesh Rao ☀️
@vgr·00:27 09/03/2025
Like every other living thing I’m just a dissipative system. Just more dissipated and less systematic.
“The better the brakes, the faster you can go”
— 🦊 @adrienne
@adrienne·01:44 09/03/2025
If LLMs help us code faster, need to spend time developing rock solid test suites, code scans, audits, - all the stuff that make it safe to go that fast

Not important for simple prototypes and MVPs but absolutely necessary for any service or app you want to pass the test of time

Vibes are all fun and games until you get hacked or break down under load

The better the brakes, the faster you can go
WIP == Work In Progress
LIP == Learning in Progress ( 🫦 )
npm install -g @anthropic-ai/claude-code ```

Is this a new thing?
Or has it been kicking around for a little while?
“personal software” == “vibe coding”
@rafi·04:31 07/03/2025
MCP (Model Context Protocol) for web devs:

API (Application Programming Interface) standarizes communication between frontend and backend.
LSP (Language Server Protocol) standarizes communication between your editor and your codebase.
MCP (Model Context Protocol) standarizes communication between AI agents and external systems.

Neil Postman,
Media theorist, active 1958-2003
was a friend, and was influential on Alan Kay's thinking while at PARC while they were concieving of what "personal computing" meant, and would be. (aka Dynabook etc)..
• ruinous empathy
• idiot compassion
- responsible-agent-human:🧔
- responsible-agent-llm:🤖

human in the loop
human on the loop
Check out my dear friend, Doug Wright's, creation:
"An Approximation of Brian Eno's '2/1'"

I'm listening to it while coding, and it's hauntingly beautiful. I can feel my jangled nerves unwinding at each synthetic pluck. This is a long cool glass of water. 🧠🫀

🌸🧠 “can’t think == no sad”
"AI Agents are just WebHooks and CRON jobs"
design ref: quote quote-cast
✊🏻💯: me too ↓

"I’m just N = 1 but I would def post to Zora more if I could bring my fc social graph"
ref: air-gaps between worlds
("levels of abstraction")
• passion
• aggression
• ignorance
nom nom nom nom.
Oh hey, @phil - I think I've got the gist of what you're doing (I'm a bit slow).

I didn't explicitly recast @jake's cast here, but when I went to my history tab ("Casts + Replies") I see that in fact I did.

Was that your app ("Amps") automatically recasting that because I have granted "write" permissions to your system?

I was seeing a few notifications of getting paid for recasting "something" over the last few weeks on things I thought I hadn't - but thought you might just be debugging this. NOW I think I get it.

Am I intuiting the system design correctly, @phil ?
“If you don’t know where you are going, you’ll end up someplace else.” — Yogi Berra ⚾️
“progress is content that breaks containers”
ref: information theory
Deiter Rams, Wall Unit Design System
Braun TS 45 or Braun L 450 series

/severance S2, Ep7
where less is put into the system, yet more comes out.
ref:🪐 .. ƒ(🧠🫀):🧫
<volume>: (0 .. threshold:rude)
setup: "everyone in Palantir is dyslexic, it's just I'm the only one who know's it..."

"if you think you're intelligent in all areas, it's only because in most areas you haven't met someone who's really intelligent."
— Alex Karp

timestamp: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QdqHf71Tep0&t=4812s
Man! Sure am feeling a whole bunch'a <Howard Roark> energy ⚡️ all over the place this hot-present-minute of history. (🇺🇸)
Live, Love, Do.
(within a life of mind over time 🧠)