AB Rocket Pilot 🎩🍡

@rocketpilot #255299

see you on the moon🚀…. @ab1 AdvantageBlockchain.com
427 Follower 119 Following
"im f*ckin rich my n*gga....some things you cant change!"🤷🏽‍♂️
@whitetail·14:55 01/05/2024
Still farming the shit out of $DSWAP and $FROG

Either they’re gonna print or go to 0

Wouldn’t want it any other way
everyone from philly just realized they need health insurance
/men stand up its time to rip some absolute nukes 💣
@basedball·02:24 27/04/2024
how many times a day do you open your fridge/snack cabinet thinking theres gunna be something new in there?
TIL the govt legalized crack & they renamed it "nerds clusters"
keep an empty fridge, & a big appetite.

words of wisdom....or am i just hungggyy🤪
convincing your friends to quit their full time jobs and come build a cooler company with you is so, so hard. probably 1/1,000 hit rate.

but when they do... wowow. what a feeling. trust, freedom, bullishness. gets me JACKED. /deep /thoughts 💐
focus on specializing without sacrificing team synergy
based is /based is so based fr ... *hits base*
our L3 gaming experience is live...only on DEGEN
any baseball bettors around here?
hey /degenangels 🕊🎩 we created a dope onchain game to earn & burn $degen. full docs & playable portal launch this tuesday 4/23, help us test!🛠 ⚾️