Hello Assholes! Here you can harshly criticize each other almost without restrictions. Be as rude and impolite as possible. For words like “I am sorry” “In my opinion” etc. - a lifetime ban. Enjoy assholes!
What an asshole.
@entter·3 days ago
Shut up and Eat your Netflix
by blindcollector 2025 on zora
by blindcollector 2025 on zora
@entter·08:05 08/03/2025
I feel a bit weird this morning,
dont know why..
I feel a bit weird this morning,
dont know why..
Ohhhh yeah. Where my cheetos at?!
@entter·17:00 21/02/2025
The Daily Star: Home of Fun Stuff
'Orange Manbaby blames UKRAINE for being invaded'
'Orange Manbaby blames UKRAINE for being invaded'
It's been done. There are photos. We know who and where we are in the grand scheme of things more or less. Yet we still have people who are assholes. Let's hope they leave the planet and us alone.
Inna Mosina 🎩🔵💎
@innamosina·11:05 13/02/2025
"If we could all see Earth from space, the world would change forever."
My wallet address on here. Feel free to send me any amount it supports!
I love you.
I love you.
- what is his name?
- Peppe
- my Olga
(two human presenting their dogs,
while the dogs sniff each other's arseholes)
- Peppe
- my Olga
(two human presenting their dogs,
while the dogs sniff each other's arseholes)
"I prefer quotations and rubbish elevated to the rank of reasoning used for the sole purpose of giving greater visibility to nude photos or selfies. Neruda, Prevert, Garcia Llorca, Alda Merini, there is no poet who has lived in the last century who has not been plundered"
@ilannnnnnnnkatin·11:21 03/02/2025
Find it frustrating when people cast photos of beautiful places and prefer to write some kind of good vibe without writing where it is. Perhaps they do this to compel people to engage with them and ask? Find that am the only person who asks. The rest just write 'beautiful' or 'great shot'. Perhaps this is sufficient? Is this the result of the 'moxie effect'?
Spotted a supreme in the wild by @mlibty and his stupidly persistent /papertoys project. What an asshole.
Powerful stuff.
@entter·16:47 21/01/2025
Mr. Garrison gets fed up with long lines, delayed flights and the airline industry in general and invents his own transportation device.
Making Cupcakes. Sound collage made from various YouTube video of people making cupcakes ending with a guy who kept a racoon in his house.
@ilannnnnnnnkatin·10:12 08/01/2025
ROCK 0011.
A document of a short performance communing with a stone found on a beach in Tenerife.
A document of a short performance communing with a stone found on a beach in Tenerife.
Claim $RARE Season III
@entter·14:03 19/12/2024
Acronymous Bosch Series
A common misconception is that SOS means Save Our Ship/Souls (a distress call); the letters actually stand for Sex on Sunday.
Part of the RareCollection
Acronymous Bosch Series
A common misconception is that SOS means Save Our Ship/Souls (a distress call); the letters actually stand for Sex on Sunday.
Part of the RareCollection
@ilannnnnnnnkatin·13:44 13/12/2024
Sketch and final. This one evolved strayed quite a bit for the source. Ideas are always evolving. Always enjoy the flexibility of allowing myself to do so.
now that i can put videos again ... how i imagine and think of @ilannnnnnnnkatin ...sound ON & HELLO ❣️
@entter·10:35 20/11/2024
We live in a time of great men. Men –literally men– create history and must be adored. The future springs fully-formed out of them.
Only great men deliver FREEDON
Only great men deliver FREEDON
I know that you did it...
@entter·17:08 27/10/2024
Found this in the street
Anonymous 2024, Berlin
Anonymous 2024, Berlin
"you are a big thing for me" this is Gaetano Pesce's artwork dedicated to Pulcinella, for the city of Naples. what can I say a true King of the Asshole ... g.m. ))
"While it's true that corporations, like AI, are primarily designed to maximize profits, we're seeing a shift in recent years. More and more companies are recognizing their social responsibilities and the importance of prioritizing human well-being. This is reflected in their sustainability efforts, inclusivity policies, and commitment to improving the communities they serve. Technological advancements and a focus on people’s welfare can coexist, and companies that embrace these values will thrive in the future."
Hope this works for you!
by ChatGPT
Hope this works for you!
by ChatGPT
@entter·11:52 10/09/2024
Corporations, just like a potential runaway AI, have no intrinsic interest in human welfare. They are legal constructions: abstract entities designed with the ultimate goal of maximising financial returns for their investors above all else. 2017, Pixel Art remake 2024.
@makshaeva he/she blocked me... he/she is a fake who brags about artwork that is not his/her own .,|,,
touching ass ... holes
If you go to start a Warpcast channel, and you see another person has started the same channel you envisioned and then, instead of joining and contributing to THAT channel, you make a duplicate channel by adding or removing a dash, you failed the assignment.
potentially HUUUUGE .
@sabato·18:36 12/08/2024
A new protocol
for artists by artists
high fungible
frictionless but consensual
no gas unless you ate beans beforehand
(Do we have any potential backers here?)
for artists by artists
high fungible
frictionless but consensual
no gas unless you ate beans beforehand
(Do we have any potential backers here?)
@ilannnnnnnnkatin·12:26 12/08/2024
outinsiders jokes between @entter and i that people might find funny even if they don't understand it .
we found a relic . an ancient communication technology called 'the pay phone' somewhere in Budapest and could not help ourselves .
we found a relic . an ancient communication technology called 'the pay phone' somewhere in Budapest and could not help ourselves .