

Let's not deprive each other of beautiful poems

الا یا ایها ساقی ادر کسا و ناولها
Of copse and thicket, leaves the eastern shore
Of Grasmere safe in its own privacy:
And there myself and two beloved Friends,
I just completed "Meet the Metalayer: Celestia" on Layer3 - https://app.layer3.xyz/quests/meet-the-metalayer-celestia
A narrow girdle of rough stones and crags,
A rude and natural causeway, interposed
Between the water and a winding slope
Of copse and thicket, leaves the eastern shore
Of Grasmere safe in its own privacy:
And there myself and two beloved Friends,
One calm September morning, ere the mist
Had altogether yielded to the sun,
Sauntered on this retired and difficult way😀 ✍️
enough music for the day, now i need the whole world to shut the fuck up
The universe is beauty and you are the universe.
What happens on earth stays on earth.
"Sometimes you climb out of bed in the morning and you think, I'm not going to make it, but you laugh inside remembering all the times you've felt that way"
friendship is a priceless gift that cannot be bought nor sold but its value is far greater than a mountain of gold. for gold is cold and lifeless, it can neither see nor hear and in time of trouble it is powerless to cheer. gold it has no ears in listen, no heart to understand.

Forever isn't feasible...
Sixty seconds in a minute, sixty minutes in an hour, twenty-four hours in a day. Everyday I am deluded by the idea that I have time.
Some days I don’t exist, my bed becomes a casket.
Everything I’ve left go of has my claw marks on it
God said love your enemy and I obeyed him and loved myself
Pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses your understanding.

I used to be happy, but I couldn't tell what was stealing it away
I'd pause and ask myself, when did I last smile and truly stay?
I'd smile every time, but when was the last time it felt real?
I noticed the wrinkles at the corners of my eyes, a sign of genuine feel

But then I found my ikigai, my purpose and my fire
A passion that burns within me, my heart's greatest desire
I started doing what I loved, and loving what I do
And slowly but surely, my happiness started shining through

Now I smile with conviction, and my heart feels light and free
I've found my reason for being, and it's brought joy back to me
I'm living my purpose, and it feels amazing to be
Authentically happy, wild, and carefree

And when I look in the mirror, I see a smile so true
The wrinkles at the corners of my eyes, a map of happiness anew
I'm grateful for the journey, that led me to this place
Where my heart is full of joy, and my soul is at peace, with a smile on my face.

> Note: Ikigai is a Japanes…
In his artificial fake as fuck world, the most beautiful, arousing, and sexy thing that exists are those rare moments of bare naked, raw, somewhat filthy, and often disturbing honesty.
-J. Warren Welch-
I just feel lost in the crowd...
A cryptographic 3d poem
I am the light. The tunnel is a witness.
Love knows not it’s own depth until the hour of separation
Stuffed shirts in a #stuffy bored-room,
stuffing me with reason
again & then again…
#unbeknowst to them
I’ve slipped out the window,
hopped the fence
bordering between
reasoning & sense.