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seeing a few huge positive trends online and in the world

for example, elon musk reposting levelsio, a self-taught indie hacker / solo builder - big win and culture shift towards bootstrapped founders

and I love it because it's a much more humane way to do it vs chasing to raise funds
TIL when you’re signed out of X profile pages show only original tweets in descending order of likes

It also won’t let you view profiles of users with small followings without signing in

Related: elon musk hasn’t tweeted a banger in a long time…
X: the everything [in the tab bar] app
I concede that it's very difficult to bootstrap recommendations for users who refuse to follow anyone. (Warpcast faces this challenge too).

...but I logged into a brand new account recently to find these 7 suggested tweets:
The Raygun post escaped containment on Twitter. It's been a while since I had one go beyond CT. Observations:

Following is truly dead: close to 1m impressions converted to 6 new followers.

It went through four distinct phases:
1. Breakout: need 10+ likes in the first 5 minutes or it's dead.
2. My following, mostly Ethereum and Farcaster.
3. Poasters: bluesky bios, dirtbag ironists on left and right, tech and postrats. Don't think it was too politically coded so there was something for everyone. Everyone still in on the joke at this point.
4. Normies: journos, assistant professors, accounts that send GIF replies. This is when they started taking the "well, actually" bait.

Probably won't make it to the circle of "true normies" beyond that.
Took them 3 days, but 𝕏 finally lifted the automated red flag from my account after a manual review.

I realize there‘a no easy way around this as they’re constantly warding off hordes of spammers and illicit account takeovers, but still, not a great experience as a paying customer.
Thank you Twitter, very cool.
I think today might have been the dumbest day in the history of Twitter.
Why would I use Warpcast when X has such high and valuable engagement? (The bots aren’t even trying to hide anymore)
i am @christintweets on x / twitter

i'm looking for more fc mutuals, so ummm pls follow me and i'll folback

(not leaving!! just bridging more x / twitter connections back to here 🌉 )
What the hell? What's happening here.
Also look at the dates.
how often do you use X compared to Farcaster, and why?
new automated badges on accounts in x
if I liked your pump/dunk in the past week, yes, this is about you
Removing public likes has:

1) Made me realize I'm a snoop. I found lots of interesting stuff in the likes tab of people I know. Great way to quickly find "more like this" when you discover someone new. Now I bounce and don't engage.

2) Immediately made me more tribalistic. I am much more likely to smash like on pumps and dunks from "my team" since only the author sees my embarrassing behavior.

Neither seems good!
"Farcaster has a problem with spam and low effort replies"

X has a problem with hundreds of blatant impersonators (some gold verified) in the replies of important announcements, boosted by thousands of obvious bots, and any one of these links will drain your wallet within 3 clicks

I think FC is doing pretty okay
There’s a Twitter API for embedding <iframe>s??

How has no one ever told me about this? 🤯

what are things X has that you'd like to see more of on Farcaster?
removed X from my iphone, moving forward will be interacting only from desktop — want to make sure that whenever i'm logged in, it's productive.
Every day I get 10-50 of these Bored Ape bots follow me, then get banned a few days later. Anyone else? What the hell are they getting out of it?