Alessione_vola 🐸
@alessione-vola #399082
I thought i was a serious man, but maybe i’m an artist 🐸 https://bio.link/alession
enter here for /japanese-memeart free editions every 3 days
211 Follower 355 Following
My Top 9 on @rodeodotclub featuring @o-gant, @granneberg.eth, @ansia.eth, @alessione-vola, and others
My Top 9 on @rodeodotclub featuring @chrisfollows, @itsryandanderson.eth, @ansia.eth, @xkiss, and others
My Top 9 on @rodeodotclub featuring @alessione-vola, @violet7rip, @roccano, @purpledrank, @0xbcd, @ansia.eth, and others
My Top 9 on @rodeodotclub featuring @grims, @basqkek, @juneyjune, @granneberg.eth, @alessione-vola, and others
I have created many characters over the years, but one of my favorite remains JokerPepe. i am preparing a collection dedicated only to him, and to you 🤡🐸
756 degen for my replyfrens 🫶
22 minutes left ,let’s go
22 minutes left ,let’s go
Have 14 min to send 520 degen 🔫
Who help me? 🫶
Who help me? 🫶
Gm replyfrens 🫶
"Pepe looking a huge joint"
Artdrop#3 // 3 days
first minter earn reward 🤟
Artdrop#3 // 3 days
first minter earn reward 🤟
"Sir Degen vs TwitterX"
Free mint // 2 days left
Free mint // 2 days left
Sir Degen Vs twitterX
yes, it's free 💜
Sir Degen Vs twitterX
yes, it's free 💜
my heArt when reply come 💜
the first who guesses what Pepe is looking at gets a special gift 🐸
the first who guesses what Pepe is looking at gets a special gift 🐸