steph 🧾

@steph #350

Building receipts.xyz 🧾 | nf.td/steph
108928 Follower 1069 Following
Visiting family in NorCal and the sunrises have just been out of this world.
Turning over a new leaf this season.. a while back that .85 would’ve haunted me
@gregarious·21:59 21/10/2024
Time for those weekly receipts!
@pugson mentioned a revolutionary way of handling gradients in RN a few months back and I'm now struggling to find that cast..

anyone know what im talking about or have a halfway decent way of rendering gradients that wont make @dnld and me fully lose our minds?
2024 - in so many ways for me - has been about embracing the pivot.

Sometimes the harder move, instead of barreling through, is to take a step back, recognize when you’re trying to force something and course correct. Deferring my fall marathon plans in favor of Houston January 19 ✨.

Tough choice, and one I wrestled with for a while but ultimately.. Playing to win, not playing not to lose.

Anyone else going to be there?!
Leaking the alpha 🪩

(lil update coming soon)
I know it’s only Tuesday, but while everyone else is tapering for their marathons 😈..

in good company with @cooperray (with only a 4 hour lead & 5K ft of elevation gain! 😭) and @andyk (gotta screenshot when you’re above andyk)
**Steph blocked me on Strava, here’s what I learned about B2B Sales**

if you’re not blocking your cofounder on various apps.. are you even building in consumer social 😵‍💫
The fact that Jakob ran a 63 at Copenhagen Half after stopping to walk in the second 10K 😮‍💨.. I love it when the pros hop into new distances, so fun

Alright.. those who've been around these parts long enough know it's almost time for my annual Mike Flanagan fan-girling.

SO hyped for his new film The Life of Chuck, based on a Stephen King novel (which just premiered at Toronto Film Festival). 8.1 on IMDB - no (known) distributors just yet, but its on my radar 🦇 🤓
Anyone have the experience of racing a marathon shockingly well after a not super great training cycle? 🤣

*not great defined as* - off on paces in workouts, maybe some illness/injury which cut the training block short by a significant amount, etc.

just wondering what's possible lol
A highly contested topic in our team slack this week.. what do you all think? Feel free to leave more descriptive notes in the replies.
Super proud of our tiny rag tag Hood to Coast team.. truth be told, we didn’t encounter a single other group with only 8 people on this course 🤣.. one person even asked us if this was *allowed*, but we made it there in one piece and in good spirits!

198 miles total
61 of 931 mixed relay teams

110 - personal kills 🔫😎

Had a great time. This entire race had the energy of a music festival.

Legs are definitely feelin it (not in great shape just yet tbh) but lots of gratitude I get to do this and with friends. So fun!
steph 🧾
@steph·23:49 24/08/2024
Well, that took a turn. My original plan was to give live updates on the race when I could, but pretty soon after this, we entered a signal dead zone lasting almost the entire rest of the race. 😵‍💫

The night legs were wild, though - pitch black, up and down a mountain (felt like mostly up 💀), into the mist.

I have exactly 0 photos of this, but it cannot be overstated, how exhilarating running at 3am on a slice of paved road in the middle of the woods feels. I had 3 legs like this. I was exhausted, but it was awesome.

(Below someone taking a nap on top of a car next to us)
Well, that took a turn. My original plan was to give live updates on the race when I could, but pretty soon after this, we entered a signal dead zone lasting almost the entire rest of the race. 😵‍💫

The night legs were wild, though - pitch black, up and down a mountain (felt like mostly up 💀), into the mist.

I have exactly 0 photos of this, but it cannot be overstated, how exhilarating running at 3am on a slice of paved road in the middle of the woods feels. I had 3 legs like this. I was exhausted, but it was awesome.

(Below someone taking a nap on top of a car next to us)
steph 🧾
@steph·01:41 24/08/2024
Treated with a nice 🌈 after a bit of a downpour

1,000+ teams participating!
Treated with a nice 🌈 after a bit of a downpour

1,000+ teams participating!
steph 🧾
@steph·21:48 23/08/2024
Got a couple more of these 😅, but spirits are high!

We’re a small, mighty team of 8 (most teams are 12) - 36 miles down, 162 to go!
Got a couple more of these 😅, but spirits are high!

We’re a small, mighty team of 8 (most teams are 12) - 36 miles down, 162 to go!
steph 🧾
@steph·17:40 23/08/2024
And we’re off! 🏔️🌊

*startline of Hood to Coast*
And we’re off! 🏔️🌊

*startline of Hood to Coast*
En route to Portland with a vibey crew for Hood to Coast *the mother of all relays*! 🏔️🌊

This actually my first real ultra relay (with exception of TSP DIY, back in 2021) so I'm super excited 🎉 and probably packed way too many split shorts, but hey..

There are 8 of us on the team so each will prob end up running ~24 miles. Bout to PR in distance this week 😂 (since March).

Anyone else done HTC before or another big relay? Tips?
If your Lorem Ipsum doesn't look like this... I don't want it
Historically, my nutritional intake has not been the best post-workout.. Trying to change that so I’ve started forcing myself to do these *Core Power Showers* ™️

Anyone else do something similar or have other little tips/tricks?
Cool opportunity to gain visibility if you're building on top of the protocol or adjacently. And honored to see Receipts made the list 🫠

Also, selfishly been wanting a mental shortcut or aggregator like this so I can try out more people's apps/projects - hard to keep up out here!
Dan Romero
@dwr.eth·22:29 09/08/2024
FAQ about Explore

Why are you doing this?
We wanted to showcase and increased visibility for all of the apps building on Farcaster.

Is this a “Farcaster App Store”?
Not really. More of a directory. There is no listing fee (and no plans) and no payments. Apps, actions and frames are also able to work without being listed in Explore and can work on other clients.

How were the initial apps selected?
We casted a bunch of times over the last few weeks looking for examples.

How are the apps ordered?
Manually. We’re hoping to make it more algorithmic and usage-based in the future.

Why wasn’t my app included?
There are a lot of Farcaster apps, actions and frames and we’ve never had them in a single directory. Feel free to submit your app.

Why isn’t it on web yet?

I’m looking for a reason to be mad! You must have sinister motives here!
Sorry, can’t help you and we don’t. Maybe visit the /cute-animals channel to brighten up your day?
📈 It was risky business putting up this challenge when we didn't have a live app or a single user less than 2 weeks ago 😅

Ya'll did us proud!!
Victor Ma 🧾
@vm·16:01 10/08/2024
we’re hitting 50,000 intensity minutes with a full day and a half to spare!!

ngl i was getting a bit nervous Monday evening when we only had like 3,000 minutes
Coach texts you this before your long run, wyd ✨
One of my favorite things about Yared Nuguse is that he once did a GRWM featuring his pet turtle.

Also, one of the fastest men in the world has a pet turtle. Poetic. 👌
Receipts went from offchain attestations in v1 to onchain anonymized and aggregated challenge attestations in v2..

Thanks to @hengar.eth and lower gas fees! 🥳
Victor Ma 🧾
@vm·21:20 06/08/2024
two days into our onchain summer challenge:

176 total participants
1,659,117 total seconds of moving time
952,279 total intensity seconds
1,334,450 total meters ran
2,401,782 total meters biked
80,115 total seconds of strength training

we're publishing aggregated data every hour onchain to /base /eas


if you're interested in building something that uses these attestations, feel free to DM, would love to support

this is the first at-scale initiative to bring authenticated data from wearables onchain, much more to come here for individuals in the future 🧾
Not only did @vm and I not know Dan or Varun.. we didn’t know a single person in crypto period… when we joined FC (~December 2021).

Vic reached out to Dan on Twitter who was posting about the protocol and inviting people who replied to test it out.

Same is true for a lot of folks on here with large followings now.

There’s something to be said for showing up and just getting involved.
Dan Romero
@dwr.eth·20:48 04/08/2024
"Merkle just helps its friends"

How many times do I have to repeat that most users and developers on Farcaster did not know Varun or myself prior to joining Farcaster.

And in some cases have *become* friends because they stuck around early on when no one else cared. We've spent years with this people socializing on this social network. :)

Don't conflate something that's earned / built with cronyism.
The memory of the whole audience at Farcon’s hackathon chanting *Dylan! Dylan!* lives rent free in my mind.

This is sure to be awesome. 🔥
Some raw snaps from the women’s 800m.. courtesy of le run group chat

📸: Adrian Umpz
Massive thank you to the entire /base team for hosting/organizing such a memorable Basecamp experience. 💙

Everyone we’ve interacted with on the Base team has been so kind and enthusiastically supportive. An absolute reflection of the ecosystem ya’ll have built.
I believe our girl @ted was the very first to put our sneaky latest update to use.. as soon as we arrived, Ted goes “You know what feature I really miss from v1…” and thanks to
@catherinejseo @dnld I was able to say “we have an app for that”

If you tap any individual activity on your own profile in the app, we generate a shareable receipt for ya! 🧾
Feel the need to clarify here…

For now, the only Receipts data going onchain is anonymized and aggregated public challenge/leaderboard stats (e.g. total intensity minutes for the week across all participants, tally of sport types, etc).

This may change in the future if/when it makes sense but we also care about privacy. 🤍
No one's allowed to post anything else today.. I can't keep crying
First workout tomm in 4.5 months 🥲 .. hitting lots of milestones this week!

Been doing PT, working with a new coach and got a new hyper gradual *get back to running* plan on lock.. been frustrating, lots of flare-ups, but motivated by ya'll showing up every day 💜
What I really wanna know... Do we think Lebron is sleeping on the cardboard Olympic village beds?
4 months ago (to the date), the team met for the first time at a WeWork in Brooklyn. Super proud of what we've been able to accomplish in this time... and we're just gettin started over here! 🔥

Big shoutout to @hengar.eth @catherinejseo @dnld for hustling these past few months, they have the receipts 🧾
Victor Ma 🧾
@vm·16:48 26/07/2024
RECEIPTS IS IN THE APP STORE: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/receipts-social-fitness/id6496601731

Workout. Earn points.

You must have a wearable to use Receipts (currently supported: Apple Watch, Garmin, Whoop, Oura, with more to come).

Stay tuned for some big announcements..
💀💀💀 omg.. crying, this is incredible

Steph-chan's hammy goes ouchie-wouchie, but she still wuns for the weceiptsu! Treadmill-kun is her bestest fwiend, nyaa~ ><

Create a Waifu based off your FC profile with WaifuCast!
My b 🫡
Victor Ma 🧾
@vm·15:25 19/07/2024
default avatars on /receipts are changing soon, got some feedback it looks like a butthole
Somehow even more bullish on FC now that Ran Domero's here. 🏴‍☠
Everyone please give a warm Farcaster welcome to @mazmhussain! 💜

My former colleague at The Intercept and someone who's work I truly admire. Always curious/learning, head constantly buried in a book - even recommended him as a twitter follow to a few folks on here.

Really excited about this!
Only fitting that on the last weekend of Receipts v1, I was *very cautiously* able to get in a real run. 🥲 First 6 mile run in 4.5 months

It's been real ya'll! See ya in v2. 🫡

We do a lil rebrand 🎨
Why throw shade when you can mint your own? 😜

Love my *StephWhite* Base Color NFT! @jake thoughtfully selected the hex from my site and now it's part of my onchain lore. 🤍

Colors are sentimental. Such a fun project!

The collapsed icons on smaller browser widths are a nice touch ✨

(just noticed this)