@stikov #11974
Го претставивме БУКИ на kick-off настанот на Телеком. Благодариме за поканата и прекрасниот пречек!
In this podcast she explains our foundation's vision. We want children to ask questions, deal with ambiguity, and work with mentors from an early age. Most importantly, we want them to love science, because "love is the biggest magnet of them all"!
Reach out if you would like to visit during the first half of 2025, exciting NeuroLibre and qMRLab developments in the works!
Пишува: доц. д-р Димитар Вељановски, специјалист радиолог и супспецијалист интервентен неврорадиолог
I got a full ride to Stanford University thanks to the Elsie B. Ballantyne fund. The Elsie B. Ballantyne foundation was formed in 1968 and it dissolved in 1972. That is all I could find out about them online. Yet a gift they made to Stanford paid my way through college. When I started my studies, I was informed that Mr. Robert Ballantyne was elderly and had trouble seeing, so I regularly wrote him thank-you notes in large letters informing him of my progress. When he passed way, I decided to write to his wife to send my condolences. Below is a verbatim copy of that letter. I never heard back from my mysterious benefactors, but they showed me the value and the joy of giving. Our foundation KANTAROT / КАНТАРОТ is a way of paying their gift forward.
Had a lot of fun with this NeuroLibre preprint, big thank you to Evelyn McLean, Jane Abdo, and Nadia Blostein for putting it together!
Also thanks to Aella, The Four Thieves Vinegar Collective, Slime Mold Time Mold, Roger's Bacon and Seeds of Science for their science and for the interviews
In September we organized NeuroLibre Day, and the most provocative lecture came from Dmitry Novikov, a professor at NYU
I am a well-known PDF hater, but Dmitry made me question my assumptions and rethink the publishing incentive structure
I wrote this essay 10 years ago when I was applying for faculty positions. It got me the job. It still keeps me going.
Macedonian speakers, help us train our open-source transcription tool

Mozilla Common Voice
- YouTube
Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.
Today I realized that bitcoin/satoshi = (Tesla/Gauss)^2 and my mnemonic needs are satisfied for the day
Our Foundation is providing mentorship of the old-school kind. My wife’s essay on this topic is personable, eloquent, and inspiring
Agah Karakuzu could not get the visa to come to Barcelona, so it is up to me to live up to the title of our abstract
Our foundation KANTAROT is gearing up for a fun month ahead, including NeuroLibre day, European research night at Europe House Skopje, the Parlez-vous fran-sci collaboration with the Skopje French Institute, and the third Science for kids conference.
That, plus a sneak preview of a special project, at the link below
I reviewed a book that made me rethink my strategy
I cannot be there for the celebration, so I decided to write a love letter:
We have a stellar list of speakers who will talk about reproducibility in publishing and registration is free
1. Maintain an infrastructure that integrates the article, the code and the data
2. Pay the reviewer to make sure the article is reproducible
Well worth a substack subscription!
A fascinating read about citation mills, Wikipedia and the internet
My highlight was Andrew Webb's stellar Lauterbur lecture that made a clear distinction between hype and reality in low-field MRI, whereas Sean Deoni's tried to blur that line with his meandering (and pandering) Ernst lecture
Off to Montreal to buy Alan Evans a beer!
The award honors my father's legacy and hopes to promote science journalism in Macedonian
Our 2015 paper on the accuracy of T1 mapping won the Michael S. Patterson Publication Impact Prize by the Canadian Organization of Medical Physicists
Congrats to co-authors Mathieu Boudreau, Ives Levesque, Christine Lucas Tardif, Joëlle Barral, and Bruce Pike
Off to Singapore for #ismrm24 #ismrm2024
Honored, humbled and happy to continue doing science my way
I am honored to open today's symposium on vendor neutrality featuring presentations from five MRI vendors (Siemens, GE, Philips, Canon and Fuji)

NeuroLibre.org reproducible preprints related to bio-imaging. If you have an idea for a reproducible publication, our team will help you build it
Apply by March 1, or just help us spread the word!
Appel de contribution notebooks NeuroLibre / Call for NeuroLibre notebooks
NeuroLibre a reçu du financement du Réseau de Bio-imagerie du Québec (RBIQ) pour aider les scientifiques québécois à préparer des prépublications NeuroLibre reproductibles (PNR). Ce financement servira à rémunérer un développeur de l’organisme NeuroLibre qui consacrera jusqu'à 10 heures pour travailler avec les membres du RBIQ afin de convertir leurs codes d’analyse et données en une prépublication reproductible. Cliquez sur le lien ci-dessous pour en savoir plus sur la platforme NeuroLibre: https://conp.ca/fr/quest-ce-que-neurolibre/ Nous invitons tous les membres du RBIQ qui souhaitent soumettre à NeuroLibre à remplir ce questionnaire de soumission avant le 1er mars. Nous ne pouvons pas garantir la sélection de chaque soumission. Cependant, nous nous engageons à répondre promptement et à travailler rapidement avec les auteurs des projets choisis. Les projets seront évalués en fonction de l'importance scientifique et de la compatibilité d’être converti en un PNR. --- NeuroLibre received funding from the Quebec Bioimaging Network to help Quebec scientists with the preparation of NeuroLibre Reproducible Preprints (NRPs). The funding will be used to pay for the salary of a NeuroLibre developer, who will dedicate up to 10 hours to work with QBIN members to convert their data and code into a reproducible publication. Click on the link below to read more about NeuroLibre: https://conp.ca/about-neurolibre/ We are inviting all QBIN members who are interested in contributing to NeuroLibre to fill out this submission questionnaire before March 1. We cannot guarantee that each submission will be selected, but we will do our best to respond quickly and work quickly with the authors of the chosen submissions. Submissions will be evaluated according to i) scientific importance and ii) NRP compatibility.
Join us for socializing (May 2) and hacking (May 3) in the beautiful Jackie Chan house at the Singapore University of Technology and Design
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Maxwell Tabarrok interpolates the future and shows how outdated copyright laws are.
scientist at least n times"
Looks like this is a good way to spot citation manipulations, as proposed by Yasir Zaki, Talal Rahwan and colleagues:
We wrote a quick introduction to our reproducible preprint server