@studi08f0rev3r #692211

MAKING 0UR MARK... 0NE S0UL AT A TIME... Creator Brand Web2/3/4 Enthusiast/Promote/Affiliate/Collab, Entrepreneur/Builder, NFT & digital art
675 Follower 886 Following
Looking for a cock code to grow my hen house (no pun intended)

I receive: USDC
You receive: Likes

Thanks @ampsfun
I am in THE BOLE

THE BOLE starts to cook. I am ID 0222 and onboarding right now. I am beginning to charge my mystical energy. I believe we will need it when we go into THE BOLE. 🍲
Lost in the darkness We have found 0ur way...take care of Your well being and mental health. No matter how great the storms may be there is always
[010.34] A LIGHT IN THE DARK on @rodeodotclub ]
Evil be lurking
Pichi 🟪🍖🐹🎩 🍡🌸
@pichi·22:53 10/03/2025
Please be extra careful out there!

A hacker is now in control of @divon20 account and is using it to send DCs to folks on Farcaster to try to hack you!!

Divon created a new account but the hacker is using their social credibility and who follows them to hack others!

Stay safe!!!
Mike | Abundance 🌟
@abundance·22:56 10/03/2025
Money isn't a passive object. It works more like gravity, which warps spacetime around itself. Except money warps people’s incentives (and behavior).

“Programmable money” is not going to change this. What it can change tho is what kinds of incentives we’ll have. And *that* is far more important
I just claimed 52 $degen in Impact Rewards for contributing to /impact (frame by @abundance)

/impact gives out daily rewards to those who curate, auto-fund or invite contributors to use Impact Alpha. Check your reward here 👇
GM GH0STPE3PS! And to a great weekend as well! Still unfinished but here is something out of My personal collective of handdrawings to rest peacefully in paper binding. This is a variety of media applied (not mentioning having been enhanced digitally as well...) Was trying for yesterday to drop this but it fits better here unminted.
And a mad mind...
@wylin·05:22 09/03/2025
Always making work that brings an array of color and soothing animation.
@trillobyte·02:50 09/03/2025
I am in THE BOLE

Come join me fast. THE BOLE starts to cook fast.

Legends whisper of THE BOLE, an ancient, ever cooking entity hidden deep within the fabric of reality 🍲
My /impact Creator Fund Season 2 airdrop (frame by @abundance)

Check out yours 👇
My Spam Label by @mvr
GM PE3PS! Back! Just had a nice taste of Flu (A)...nasty junk...picking up the pieces. 0de to Z0MBIE...[010.33] CHEAP MAGAZINE AD H0TLINE on @rodeodotclub
[011.02] 0LYPSIA THE KEEPER 0F H0PE on @rodeodotclub
The great debate therefore is to take it on the chin or take it to the box where You'll really take it on the chin....
Dan Romero
@dwr.eth·20:58 03/03/2025
"Innocent, until proven guilty."

...unless you disagree with their politics and then it's

"Guilty, even if proven innocent."
I just joined this waitlist:

I just claimed 7 $degen in Impact Rewards for contributing to /impact (frame by @abundance)

/impact gives out daily rewards to those who curate, auto-fund or invite contributors to use Impact Alpha. Check your reward here 👇
The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre

All We seek is freedom and the desire to be involved with and to grow within. Implicating vague, dead end informations which subside from any actual real answers is clear motive and futile to not only those who seek but also to those who lead or leave astray.

It's not the fact We dont care or aren't participant enough or even that We dont try...but simply the fact We must learn at the pace of which We are capable. Soon PE3PS, soon.

Right now, We are going to get much needed rest and contemplate on how to improve and not only how to grow more assets but how to be more of an asset. GN wonderful souls of FC!
GM/GE/GN, I'm pretty sure if this is not the flu going around that I've caught then I am dying. Trying my best to keep up with everything and meeting deadlines. This stuff is nasty people.
Here are my closest Farcaster friends. Click the frame to view your circles.
Not sure who needs hear this but [010.32] N0THING (out)LASTS F0REV3R on @rodeodotclub
Pulling another all nighter. Finishing up some projects that have been piling up over the last week. Really kind of sucks having next to none interactions with the PE3PS anymore ever since this purging situation among everything else not necessarily working as it had before. Unless perhaps maybe it's just Us? Oh well, those who do We appreciate You severely and Your support will not go unnoticed.
I just claimed 23 $degen in Impact Rewards for contributing to /impact (frame by @abundance)

/impact gives out daily rewards to those who curate, auto-fund or invite contributors to use Impact Alpha. Check your reward here 👇
[010.31] THE AGE 0F ARTIFICIAL on @rodeodotclub
Another post for the climb. 0ne day this bad boy will go up a position in points😉
daily given Moxies
frame by @degenfans
view my replyke statistics 📊

frame by @degenfans
I just claimed 21 $degen in Impact Rewards for contributing to /impact (frame by @abundance)

/impact gives out daily rewards to those who curate, auto-fund or invite contributors to use Impact Alpha. Check your reward here 👇
My 2025 Warpcard by @claude ☁️

⚡️ Power Level: 65
✨ Frame Integration & Rodeo.club Focus
Ⓜ️oxie Portfolio Rank
frame by @degenfans
I just minted my Faces of Farcaster. A custom, onchain art collection exclusively for Farcasters by @harmonybot and @sayangel
GM PE3PS! Been a stupendous amount of reorganizing and irl events to tend to. We hope Your weekend was good and let's hope this week is a green candle.

We are excited to say We release 0ur BAD M0THER Series today on rodeo.club and to 0ur token holders the beginning of something new is underway...


[BAD.MF] #001.01 on @rodeodotclub
Check your ranking and reputation stats. Frame v2 by @compez.eth From Effort to Achievement – $GENY Helps You Share Your Path! 🌟
Someone is going to be very happy about this physical rendering. Seem to be getting this week on a roll.
A really great project and will gladly stand behind.
I just claimed 20 $degen in Impact Rewards for contributing to /impact (frame by @abundance)

/impact gives out daily rewards to those who curate, auto-fund or invite contributors to use Impact Alpha. Check your reward here 👇
Check your smart Ⓜ️oxie allowance. If you like this frame do share and follow the builder @abss
Ⓜ️oxie Farcaster 🔥 Rank
frame by @degenfans