Mark 🎩

@web3withmark #402978

Head of Growth: Webx, CoinPost, Motto: Learn/Build/Share. Web3 builder - building /farthercast https://farthercast.xyz
1214 Follower 228 Following
Apologies I have been a way for a while as I started a new position. It seems there have been issues with automations I have not had time to look at or fix.

The usage of this product has dropped and I dont think I have the time to fix or update. Also engagement on this platform sucks and I have not been able to grow this at all so the initial ability to fund this has dropped.

I might be stopping this, I will update in a week or so. Really need to think about this.
All payments have been made. on Degen chain.
Can you see me?

I think I’m in shadow banned land. 0 engagement except 2/3 of the same people who follow me.

How much $DEGEN would you want to take this shot?
trying to figure out this whole wrapped degen, unwrap - send to base to make payments. I promise I am working on this. I'm so sorry guys.
cant figure out how to swap wrapped degen to degen. I feel like such noob here. Anyone help me out?
Posting again to test something.

Season 2 rewards have been calculated. A whopping 46718 $DEGEN tokens meaning:

23359 $DEGEN in Rewards
14015 $DEGEN Burned
9343 $DEGEN (locked or rain. Vote coming soon)

Please check your addresses below - I will allow 24 hours for updates if needed.
Season 2 rewards for /farthercast have been calculated. A whopping 46718 $DEGEN tokens meaning:

23359 $DEGEN in Rewards
14015 $DEGEN Burned
9343 $DEGEN (locked or rain. Vote coming soon)

Please check your addresses below - I will allow 24 hours for updates if needed.
Season 3 has started and the leaderboard has reset. Unfortunately due to an error in my code, it also reset season 2 points 🤦. LUCKILY I had a screenshot as a back up - manually adding in users points back now and then I will be able to release results.

Please bear with me. Sorry.
Guys I’m so sorry for the late payments. I’ve had so much IRL this week and I’m still only 1 person on this product so I’ve not had time.

I promise they’re coming soon.

Thank you and apologies again.
Sam Altman life advice

Lesson in there ✍️
Rewards for farthercast will be paid out in a day or so.

I just finished WebX conference which I organise and need a good rest.

Apologies for the wait and thank you for the support.
Can someone update me on what’s happening with the degen claim?

I had 19000 to claim and then I did. It asked me to switch chain, so I switched to degen.

Now I have 0 assets on both

Am I missing something obvious - sorry I’ve been mega busy recently and haven’t kept upto date with anything.
Web3 game room for WebX sneak peak!
Astro boy makes an appearance at WebX woohoooo
Sneak preview of this years WebX booth area
It’s sad to say but farcaster is starter to feel like X in terms of small accounts growing.

All the big web3 accounts cross posted 4 months ago - got all that juicy degen rewards and have not posted since. Just check out “thread guy” and “degen gods”

Now people are just using farcaster to promote their Twitter asking people to raid it.

I’ve posted in channels asking for help, genuine thoughts or discoveries and trying to network for 1) the largest conference in Japan and 2) a web3 game company and I’ve had 0 engagement.
I think there’s a chance I have been marked as spam and no longer reach an audience other than my followers?

Can you see me?

Here’s a little brain teaser for you. First 10 people to get this right will win some degen
Is there a way to determine how much "weight" a users interaction (like/comment/recast) towards moxie rewards? @betashop.eth

I want to give the users of my product /farthercast moxie rewards based on how much they support etc.. on top of the degen rewards currently available.
What feature do you wanna see? I have a lot in the backlog but would love to add more. Really enjoying working on little things right now.

I'm also thinking about a token launch, thoughts?
Yo @jacek is there any chance you can come to Japan August 29-29 and speak on a panel at WebX about meme coins? I'm finalising a panel now and have a slot available which I would love to offer to you.

The 🎩 stays on.
Anyone got any tips/tools for dynamic images with frames?

I’m using a node server to generate images/merge images etc but the response is too long and the frame keeps failing.
Anyone got any safe and reliable p2p options for selling crypto?

Usually use Binance but the last 4 sellers didn’t reply and the funds get locked for an hour and then they cancel and try to blame my account (this is after they’ve said they sent it and tried to get me to pay early)
Seems to be an issue with reward amounts not matching.

I could be wrong here so forgive me.

I posted some casts. Didn’t post anything else for the rest of the day as I wanted to see the rewards.

Once cast says higher rewards than actual payout (and that’s not including other cast rewards)
In regards to Ⓜ️oxie earnings I have a question:

once you claim rewards - do you stop earning rewards on casts or is that a time based thing?