

Multi-Account Cast Scheduling, Analytics and $DEGEN rewards: https://farthercast.xyz

Apologies I have been a way for a while as I started a new position. It seems there have been issues with automations I have not had time to look at or fix.

The usage of this product has dropped and I dont think I have the time to fix or update. Also engagement on this platform sucks and I have not been able to grow this at all so the initial ability to fund this has dropped.

I might be stopping this, I will update in a week or so. Really need to think about this.
All payments have been made. on Degen chain.
trying to figure out this whole wrapped degen, unwrap - send to base to make payments. I promise I am working on this. I'm so sorry guys.
Season 3 has started and the leaderboard has reset. Unfortunately due to an error in my code, it also reset season 2 points 🤦. LUCKILY I had a screenshot as a back up - manually adding in users points back now and then I will be able to release results.

Please bear with me. Sorry.
Guys I’m so sorry for the late payments. I’ve had so much IRL this week and I’m still only 1 person on this product so I’ve not had time.

I promise they’re coming soon.

Thank you and apologies again.
Rewards for farthercast will be paid out in a day or so.

I just finished WebX conference which I organise and need a good rest.

Apologies for the wait and thank you for the support.
What feature do you wanna see? I have a lot in the backlog but would love to add more. Really enjoying working on little things right now.

I'm also thinking about a token launch, thoughts?
🎩 💪
Mark 🎩
@web3withmark·09:23 08/08/2024
rain 10000 $DEGEN

We are only 8 days into this season and already the reward pool, token burn and lock for /farthercast is double that of last season. 🎉

I take 0 profit from this project (all self funded) and started it to help reward the community, provide a useful tool and help degen token become deflationary (every little helps).

Thank you to everyone who continues to tip daily and use my product. I am overwhelmed at the support of the DEGEN community.

The 🎩 stays on!
Before I added in the Allowance check for the daily tip awards, some users were able to submit "fake" tips even when they didn't have an allowance.

No points were added as the that only happens when the tips are verified so do not worry about the leaderboard.

I am however removing those users today from the tip allowance auto-cast.
I am keeping a record of all seasons and saving them. They will be used for future use.. considering a token drop.
Hey you lovely folk, I need your thoughts on 2 things:

1. Should I use the lock pool to lock the tokens? or should I use them as a degen rain to further give rewards to the users who interact with this account? I think the latter will help users gain more degen and also exposure for my product.

2. Would you like me to distribute all Moxie rewards to the leaderboard winners too?
Small update the to Analytics page. Now you can see the usernames of the people who unfollowed or followed you.

Rewards are starting to go out now. They will go to the verified eth address for your warpcast account.

For transparency: Here is the @farthercast reward address so you can see the progress of payments.

The rewards will be paid out today in a few hours.

Thanks for the patience guys. Appreciate it :)
Mark 🎩
@web3withmark·18:54 01/08/2024
🔥 3,695 $DEGEN TOKEN BURN #2

I just burned 30% of the rewards from /farthercast as stated when starting this project. In total 5144 $DEGEN have been gone to a better place.

There seems to be an issue with tips and the pool. This is not on my server so waiting for DEGEN team to help resolve :)

This doesn't affect anything at the moment just the pool balance.

will keep you posted.
Spent the whole night building this new feature.
Mark 🎩
@web3withmark·05:07 28/07/2024
SUPPORT /farthercast with daily tipping.

First I want to thank all the awesome people who have been using and testing and providing feedback. What was just a simple hackathon prototype - farthercast is turning out to be a useful product with more and more features.

Now you can support farthercast & earn rewards by setting a daily tip. Just go to settings page: https://farthercast.xyz/d/settings This will automate a daily tip after the allowance reset. You can change the amount and turn off at any time.

From all tips, 50% go into the community pool for enhanced rewards, 30% burned to help $DEGEN become deflationary and 20% locked to further help the token.

I also want to thanks @dwr.eth and the whole farcaster team - Having a protocol that supports builders has reignited my passion for building in web3. Also and @jacek for building an awesome DEGEN community.

The 🎩 stays on.
Hey @abbass.eth I just changed the entire way the project loads the icons. Could you test again for the menu icon?

Hoping this fix is final. haha
2 quick updates.

1. Added leaderboard on the homepage so now public to everyone and not just logged in users.
2. Thanks to @abbass.eth for spotting the bug with the menu (Should be fixed now, might need a good refresh.)
Woohoo looks like we have a new leader in the board: @supergrey.eth 🥳 Sorry @0xbdandrew you have been relegated to 2nd place! Nice to see @pichi and @nejoout on the board!
I love supporting those that support me. If you have a /farthercast account and nominate me on BUILD you will receive credits on your account and additional points for $DEGEN rewards in the leaderboard.

constantly building
Mark 🎩
@web3withmark·16:06 18/07/2024
Updated the analytics table to show $DEGEN rewards for using /farthercast
👛 Current reward Pool
🔥 Current amount of $degen to be burned

Thanks for using the platform @0xbdandrew @nejoout @magia @bfg @alphasy @0xluo.eth

For those wondering. The pool is 50% of all $DEGEN tipped to @farthercast and the burn is 30%
Just finished coding and building the leaderboard for the future rewards/airdrops. More info on that later. So much more coding to do...

Current leaders are:
@0xbdandrew @nejoout @magia @bfg @alphasy @0xluo.eth
🚨 Update

The first stage of Analytics is now live (I might regret pushing this up just before bed but we will see)

This is only a small set of what is to come. I just really wanted to have this page done. Many more analytics points coming soon.

Go and check it out.
There is currently an issue with accepting tips to update the tokens. This is not on my server but actually with DEGEN itself. Waiting for a response to fix. Apologies for any inconvenience caused to new users.
Got the first set of Analytics working correct (I think lol). Took much longer than expected. Should Just working on some multi account issues and displays and then hopefully going live in a day or so. This page will always be expanding :)
Yikes! Messed up the API and accidentally told about 100 people they had thousands in credits. Fixed now. Sorry for the spam
Hi, i'm new. You should be able to tip me to top up your allowance. Give it a go.
@wake·14:03 13/07/2024
PSA: If you want your casts to be visible in /degentokenbase, you gotta lock up some $DEGEN. That's the only way to get $LDEGEN, the non-transferable proof-of-lock token.

Just the beginning of what's possible 🌹

If you have linked your account and are seeing the following (instead of the actual username) then message me below.

I have made a fix to update for new additions but it wont affect any previously added. I will manually update them. Let me know :)
It seems there is a small bug where usernames are not updating fully for linked accounts.

I think it’s a delay issue to do with using multiple APIs.

Working on that now.
Fixed issue with suggested channels not updating. Microservice was timing out. Now you top posted channels should be under the suggested for easier casting.
If you didn't know, I submitted farthercast to the onchain summer. (Thanks again to @cameron @jessepollak for the reminders about this)

Here is the project: https://devfolio.co/projects/farthercast-b766

Please go and show some love with likes and cheers :)

Should I get something from this, I'm going to be able to run a hub and get a more extensive API from neynar making this product even more awesome. Anything left over will be for $DEGEN rewards and growth.

🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏
Testing the posting of casts again... there might be an issue. 
Has anyone noticed issues with the posting of their casts?
Working on the Analytics this weekend. I expect this to be a huge undertaking so I will release one by one and use it as a build up :)

Keep building and stay excellent !
head over to the following post to get your share of 3000 $DEGEN
Mark 🎩
@web3withmark·02:01 04/07/2024
Woohoo! my product /farthercast has reached a 100 followers. My first milestone achieve. Thank you degen fam

rain 3000 $degen
This is the level of effort that goest into my casts! You’re welcome!

*Just a bit of fun @cameron *

Cameron Armstrong
@cameron·02:44 03/07/2024
this is the level of effort that goes into every one of my casts.

you’re welcome 🫡

Thanks to the amazing DEGEN community I was able to extensively test and make sure this works. 🙏
Mark 🎩
@web3withmark·08:28 02/07/2024

You can now top up your credits for farthercast by tipping any post by me.
for each degen you tip, you get x5 credits. so 100 degen is 500 credits.

I believe this is fully working but there may be some bugs. Let me know if you have any issues.

You also should get an automated reply to your cast if you successfully topped up.

Only valid tips are credited.

$Degen rewards for users and referrals coming soon!

As always, thank you all for the amazing community and support while i'm building this.

You can now top up your credits for farthercast by tipping any post by me.
for each degen you tip, you get x5 credits. so 100 degen is 500 credits.

I believe this is fully working but there may be some bugs. Let me know if you have any issues.

You also should get an automated reply to your cast if you successfully topped up.

Only valid tips are credited.

$Degen rewards for users and referrals coming soon!

As always, thank you all for the amazing community and support while i'm building this.
Super excited to be testing this on mobile now! 

You can also now set every cast within a minute of itself. 

AND WE ARE LIVE !!!! 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 After a whole month - im so relieved... Also Just in time for onchain summer


Currently can do:
✅ Multi account connect
✅ Multi channel posting
✅ Sign in with farcaster
✅ update and delete casts


- Due to the current revamp of the app - you will need to create a new account. You will not be able to see any CURRENT pending casts from your old account - HOWEVER - I left those functions running so they will all be processed

- Old accounts will all be removed in 1 month

Coming Soon (waiting on Neynar Api Fixes):

👀 Pay with $DEGEN
👀 Analytics
👀 Campaigns/Quests
👀 Rewards (You will earn $DEGEN (waiting to chat with @jacek))

Thank you to EVERYONE for your support.
Hey! This is the final test before the new version goes live. Wish me luck! 
Final test for the evening. Bit delayed but should be pushing new update tomorrow. I only have 16hrs left for the @base onchain-summer hackathon.

sooo much to do but I need sleep :'(
Not going to lie, this was an absolute pain to figure out but I've done it! Version 2 will be sign in with farcaster!

This will open up a lot of new things and hopefully help with the onboarding - Thanks @samo.eth for pointing out the flaw in redirecting users away!

Hopefully this will all be live tomorrow. 🙏

Been building every night after work and weekends to meet the deadline for onchain summer after @cameron reminded me!

@acai I always see you posting farther tips - do you know who the devs are? I wanna discuss incorporating the token. I mean the name fits right?
Another sneak peek! 👀

- Linked account now shows username instead of fid.
- Default account (1st linked) will automatically be selected (This should end confusion about not seeing events) - Maybe I'll make them all visible by default?
- Default account pfp, credits and username now show in sidebar.
If you can see this cast, the new message queues are working. This should not affect the current operation and is only preparing for version 2. This took me 2 weeks to finish.... Please let me know if you encounter any issues.