
@jackten #773618

Random Internet denizen
190 Follower 170 Following
Anyone else interested in a thread sharing the spiritual teachers that have influenced them most?

I'll try kicking it off.

I began my journey listening to Alan Watts and Osho and would listen to their talks for hours.

More recently I've found Adyashanti and Dr Jeffrey Martin to be the most influential/resonant with me.

Would love to hear more/find connections
Something has changed and now I can't see which of my subscribed channels has unread casts and I don't like it. Please change it back, thank you
When I cast to some channels I can see my cast when scrolling through the channel. But when I cast in /ethereum I can't see my casts.

I also get some engagement when casting in other channels where I nearly never do in /ethereum

What am I missing?

Dear Warpcast.

Please let me select and copy text from casts I'm reading. And ideally anywhere from the app.

Thank you
Why does it feel like every L2 infrastructure etc.. is working on a separate composability/aggregation layer?

Like, doesn't this completely undermine the entire concept?

Why are polygon and optimism and arbitrum and zksync all working on separate coordination/messaging layers instead of cooperating together on a single solution?

This feels like madness
Whatever happened to the agg layer?

Why didn't anyone end up using it?
Read through the website and various posts about last and still have no idea what it does.

Like people bring their lst and last does what exactly with them?

It's kind of frustrating because one of the blurbs on the website is that last "easily answers the question, where does the yield come from" but then I couldn't find the answer anywhere
This channel seems informed, so I'm curious if anyone can help me better understand the relationship between Hezbollah and Lebanon.

Like is Hezbollah sanctioned by the government? Just sort of tolerated? Kind of seems weird that's there's like a war happening between Hezbollah and Israel inside Lebenon, but the Lebenon government is just kind of a bystander?

I don't understand how it works
Guys can we just be honest for minute?

L2 Transaction count down nearly 40% over the last month.. basically all the engagement farming/incentives are drying up and we're being left with cold reality:

doesn't matter how cheap transactions are if there's no useful use-cases.

What can we do? Back to the drawing board? Pack it up?
Can someone do a wellness check on @gm8xx8 ?

It's been like 2 days since he's posted and I'm worried we might be missing the AGI revolution
Whatever happened to the Metaverse?

Back in the day when Zuck renamed his company and Apple goggles were all over Twitter it felt like this whole new world was being born.

Now I never hear anyone talking about it.

What happened?
I thought this was such an amazing add, I would love to see what a creative director like this could create for something like Ethereum.

Would it be worth trying to fundraise something?

What doesn't Warpcast just use zkTLS to import all our Twitter data onto farcaster?
The connect wallet button doesn't do anything for me?
Which chain is farcaster built on?
Is this the Brian Johnson longevity thing?
I installed the nook action thing. It's my first action install. But now I can't figure out how to use it.
Is EigenLayer still happening? Feels like it had so much hype a few months, but haven't really seen that translate into any visible noticable activity or impact any end users.

Also don't really great anything about generating significantly increased income for Eth restakers
Trying to figure out how to better track the development of polygon's agg layer.

Obviously the concept is very powerful, but unsure how to estimate the time line
L2 beat showing a huge traffic increase last night, anybody know why? Or know where I can get some more insight into traffic on immutablex chain?
I don't know about this reverse-chron thing, but we should definitely have a feed like on Twitter where we can see the most recent casts of the people we follow.

That's the best component of Twitter and just seems like an obviously feature to implement her
Embarrassing admission from an Eth veteran:

I don't really understand what "gas" is, and I'm hoping someone can explain it better to me.

I remember when Vitalik first revealed Ethereum and he explained this new concept called "gas" that would replace what Bitcoin natives understood to be transaction fees.

I vaguely understood that unlike Bitcoin, Ethereum transactions could vary widely in size, so instead of a set fee for every transaction, there would be a "gas" fee that would vary not only on network congestion, but also based on the size of the transaction.

What I didn't and still didn't understand, is why exactly we needed a whole new concept/term 'gas' for this. Like why not just use bytes? Just say the fees are .001Eth/KB or whatever, and then show the size and the transaction and havebthe wallet do the math. Like why do we need this middle-man concept to represent basic rate pricing?

I feel like I missed something, and I'm embarrassed it's taken me this long to ask about it