Dara Khan

@spookyaction-btc #210451

Head of Marketing at @gauntlet + Aera 🧮. Ex-@decentdao💜, Kraken🐙, Caesars🎰. ⌐◨-◨ #1204. No relation to Razzlekhan.
344 Follower 276 Following
@dwr.eth was there a major bot cleanup? Had 345 followers and now 311 😭

They were real to me man
If your restaking vault curator doesn't detail their methodology clearly to you

Assume you are the exit TVL

Allocate accordingly
@gauntlet·17:14 29/01/2025
1/ Yesterday, restaking took a great leap forward with the launch of vaults on @symbiotic

Today, we break down our curation strategy.
Big for any perps maxi on any chain
@gauntlet·00:20 23/01/2025
Upcoming Space: Curated Risk, Curated Reward — a talk on Solana DeFi

Join us next Thursday, January 30, at 3pm ET for an alpha-heavy discussion covering @solana DeFi w/ @cindyleowtt, co-founder of Drift Protocol, and @tusharjain, co-founder of Multicoin Capital, and hosted by our own @riskringer.

Set a reminder here: https://x.com/i/spaces/1nAKEppdwDOxL/peek

They'll also cover our perp vault strategies available on Drift, including:

- hJLP 1x (USDC): https://app.drift.trade/vaults/CoHd9JpwfcA76XQGA4AYfnjvAtWKoBQ6eWBkFzR1A2ui

- hJLP 2x (USDC): https://app.drift.trade/vaults/JCigGWJJRCPas7B9eUe2JgkyqQjGxMKkvZcJ7VQaNBqx

To explore all our vaults on Drift, visit https://app.drift.trade/vaults and select 'Gauntlet' under the Manager filter.
I love FC but this kind of thing can only happen in the dark forest of CT
Sankeys are s tier data viz
@gauntlet·12:52 17/09/2024
Our @morpho vault curation methodology includes frequent data checks and simulations to optimize for risk-adjusted yield and anticipate/mitigate potential risks.

We've built processes to handle increased complexity and continue to maximize risk-adjusted yield.
Ugh okie @socialtoken you got me.

@tommyjo.eth bc guessing youll get a haul 😛
I've just unlocked 1885023 @noggles from my nounish NFTs.

Put your /noggles on and join the nouniverse. ⌐◨-◨
@jessepollak is there a way to see one asset across networks in one view in my asset page on CB Wallet? Have to scroll up and down across my asset summary page to find how much USDC I have on each network. Might be missing it?
I am minting a Pixel Noun in Round 420.
Mark Carey 🎩🫂
@markcarey·18:58 22/10/2024
It's always 420 somewhere. Round 420 of /pixelnouns ⌐◨-◨ has started and it marks a new phase. In some ways similar, in other ways different. In short, you can mint one Pixel Noun per day on Degen chain using one of 3 methods: 1) frame claim, 2) breed, or 3) cast action .... PLUS there is a raffle each day and the winning Pixel Noun is transformed and elevated to /base as a Found Pixel Noun. Many more details in the replies 👇 https://pixelnouns.wtf/round/420/20241022
Yo, Nouns! If you're going to be around Vegas as you make your way into town for Nounsfest, come through and join us!
Dara Khan
@spookyaction-btc·17:56 01/10/2024
Eyyyy Vegas folks, reminder that THIS FRIDAY we've got Farcaster Friday for First...Friday. Gonna' be hella'fun. Come through, have a beverage, kickstart your weekend with good homies/vibes/culture. Normie friends welcome.

RSVP here: https://events.xyz/events/745fa8
If you're in Vegas, come through!
Dara Khan
@spookyaction-btc·17:56 01/10/2024
Eyyyy Vegas folks, reminder that THIS FRIDAY we've got Farcaster Friday for First...Friday. Gonna' be hella'fun. Come through, have a beverage, kickstart your weekend with good homies/vibes/culture. Normie friends welcome.

RSVP here: https://events.xyz/events/745fa8
Eyyyy Vegas folks, reminder that THIS FRIDAY we've got Farcaster Friday for First...Friday. Gonna' be hella'fun. Come through, have a beverage, kickstart your weekend with good homies/vibes/culture. Normie friends welcome.

RSVP here: https://events.xyz/events/745fa8
Has anyone tried out frame.sh? What's the verdict? Pros/cons? Audited? Reliable? How's the UX relative to CB, how is it for using w/ hardware wallets, etc?
@thethriller and DAO Thursday folks, does anyone have any side-by-side comparisons, breakdowns, etc. of DUNA vs. Cayman vs. Marshall Islands Foundation models? Digging into the current Nouns discussion and the toughest part for me is navigating the tradeoffs between different models.

Found the a16z Miles Jenning breakdown and some articles, but haven't found a great side-by-side comparison yet. Case studies of good/bad examples even better. Know DUNA is new so maybe that portion is more theoretical rn based on the read of the law.
Who says you can't shamelessly self-promote and support a good cause for the community at the same time ;)

There's not a ton of crypto scene in Las Vegas, which kills me a bit because Los Angeles has such a great, active community and it's just a few hours away. That said, nothing beats making stuff happen in your own communities as I've learned from y'all the past few months.

JRNY Gallery is an NFT-focused art gallery here in Vegas. Strolled through but never asked who runs it, whether they have community events, etc. So I looked them up to tell them about the Ethereum documentary screening coming up tonight in town. And, erm, asked if they'd feature Noun 1204. Turns out they feature all kinds of pieces and take requests :D

10x appreciate that homies @poymeetsworld and @plantsnft planned this showing out so Vegas can build its crypto culture. We have the degens, just need to more builders/creators/vib0rs <3 🎰

wen @ethdenver in Vegas?

Catch you tomorrow, Vegas!
Po On
@poymeetsworld·18:18 14/09/2024
🤩 Vegas we did it - we have our own @vitalik.eth an ethereum story screening on Sept 18, the worldwide release date!

Capacity for 60

💜 Thanks @512mace @standwithcrypto for the inspiration last week during the tour to keep the Vegas community engaged and educate more people about crypto! And the support for this event 🙏 Appreciate @linda for moving fast with intros and screening rights! And Vegas co-hosts @plantsnft and @spookyaction-btc for the planning during our Farcaster Friday meetup last week! WOW a lot can happen in a short time with an enthusiastic group of ppl 💪

Despite flippening from X to Farcaster I've been using Grok often lately to get better search results. When I need to find an obscure topic, thread I read months ago but didn't bookmark, or find top thinkers on a niche, Grok has been surprisingly strong.

Who is working on a query/AI agent for Farcaster? Esp. curious about deecntralized vs. centralized models.
Dara Khan
@spookyaction-btc·04:25 12/09/2024
Can anyone share the best reading and research on anti-sybil methods? Looking for everything from different methodologies to past examples from major airdrops ($EIGEN, $ZRO, etc.). Trying to understand the pros and cons of different methodlogies out there today.

Also welcome anything more general on wallet-scoring.
Can anyone share the best reading and research on anti-sybil methods? Looking for everything from different methodologies to past examples from major airdrops ($EIGEN, $ZRO, etc.). Trying to understand the pros and cons of different methodlogies out there today.

Also welcome anything more general on wallet-scoring.
Proposal I expect to see before years-end:

Prop 670: Nouns x Vapes: Hoot-to-earn Nouns
Requesting: 6.9% of the treasury and all the weed-leaf Nouns in treasury
orCarlos - Noun 976
@carlosjmelgar·20:00 07/09/2024
The vape to bid prop is gonna be 🔥
See you soon, degens.
Po On
@poymeetsworld·22:55 06/09/2024
Met some new crypto folks in Vegas last night at the @standwithcrypto event

Invited those still in town to join the 1st Farcaster Friday taking place 🔜!
Yo, Vegas. Degens, builders, artists, and onchain people all around, come join. Gonna' get some good food and vibe.
Po On
@poymeetsworld·15:53 04/09/2024
Better late than never - Vegas 🎲 joining in for Farcaster Friday - co-hosted by @plantsnft and @spookyaction-btc

Shoutout @ted for the heads up about this initiative and @colo for the very helpful instructions 🙌
One of the starkest findings from Map the Nounsverse: over 50% of all executed proposals have no updates on Propdates.wtf. Social accountability is critical to maintaining a decentralized effort like Nouns. But there is room for deeper onchain acccountability without slowing teams down. Especially once teams are funded, sometimes with 1% or more of the DAO's treasury.

From our research, at-best, 1-2% of updates are provided in other channels like Farcaster, X, or in the Nouncil/Nouns Discord servers.

Some of these proposals with no updates/abandoned are six-figures+ in USD. Nouns has several other social accountability mechanisms, including @maty's work on proposal updates, proptracker.wtf, and @nounswap 's treasury data.

More from the report: https://mirror.xyz/decentdao.eth/8IQ_hbitGd-U_8Gif0VA0fJtp0IqDPGBJWUeUyAh3HA
Oh, you wanted weekend Nounish data? Yeah, we've got that.

Generally speaking, all of the Nounish DAOs are decently well-capitalized currently relative to their forward-looking revenue estimates and prop spend. We looked through the past year of prop spend for each DAO. Prop spend has been less than 10% relative to current treasury and forward-looking revenue. Nouns DAO is, of course, the exception.
Nounish DAOs have an average unique ownership % of 41%. We found comparing this metric interesting– typical ERC-20 DAOs tend to consider voter and delegate concentration.

We’d love to dive deeper into delegate concentration and how groups of Nouns stakeholders influence prop votes in a future research piece.
Hmm, am I missing where I go to add a tab? >_> Can't seem to find
When it comes to Nounish DAOs, little bank take big bank. Are there other ecosystems where spinoffs/subDAOs related to an ecosystem command that much in treasury as a % of the OG?
Dara Khan
@spookyaction-btc·19:28 29/08/2024
Nounish DAOs: little bank take big bank

The top Nounish DAOs command nearly 760Ξ, or about 16% of the current Nouns DAO treasury of 4,811Ξ. Unique holder concentration ranges from 70% on the higher end with Purple DAO to as distributed as 18% on Gnars DAO.

Most treasuries hold ETH. Lil’ Nouns owns two Nouns in the treasury. Some use the same Nounders-reward process used by Nouns to award their NFTs to their own treasury and/or Nouns DAO as a contribution/donation, such as Lil’ Nouns.

None of the Nounish DAOs have active treasury positions (i.e. treasury allocations kept in DeFi, yield, etc.) though we think this is more important for larger DAOs.

More: https://mirror.xyz/decentdao.eth/5lai2kp4BD1ckPuIgkmCz-xm4eYQbZsOO0OyOtFfg3E
Nounish DAOs: little bank take big bank

The top Nounish DAOs command nearly 760Ξ, or about 16% of the current Nouns DAO treasury of 4,811Ξ. Unique holder concentration ranges from 70% on the higher end with Purple DAO to as distributed as 18% on Gnars DAO.

Most treasuries hold ETH. Lil’ Nouns owns two Nouns in the treasury. Some use the same Nounders-reward process used by Nouns to award their NFTs to their own treasury and/or Nouns DAO as a contribution/donation, such as Lil’ Nouns.

None of the Nounish DAOs have active treasury positions (i.e. treasury allocations kept in DeFi, yield, etc.) though we think this is more important for larger DAOs.

More: https://mirror.xyz/decentdao.eth/5lai2kp4BD1ckPuIgkmCz-xm4eYQbZsOO0OyOtFfg3E
There are 80+ DAOs on /builder. The 8 we reviewed for Nounish DAOs manage treasuries of nearly 760Ξ, count 4,300 unique owners (not accounting for overlap) with an average of unique holders relative to total supply of NFTs of 40%. 630 proposals, with an average of 9% quorum threshold.

More on these Nounish DAOs here: https://mirror.xyz/decentdao.eth/5lai2kp4BD1ckPuIgkmCz-xm4eYQbZsOO0OyOtFfg3E
@willywonka.eth @nounspacetom is it possible to create multiple Nounspaces per wallet? Or do I need a different wallet-NOG set to create another one?

Wanted to build out a Nounspace with all of the Nounish analytics tools we've been tracking as part of Map the Nounsverse.
As part of our Map the Nounsverse series, this week we looked at Nounish DAOs. We sliced and diced the data for eight groups including /lilnounsdao /builder /yellow /purple /gnars /thepark /edunouns.

Hilariously/insanely the fud is basically the same 12 years later. Keep buildin'.
Brian Armstrong
@barmstrong·19:45 26/08/2024
first job post (co-founder really) for Coinbase back in March 2012
https://t.co/LqPcOnu1cD https://t.co/jamVQcaob7
Is this just a proxy score for being terminally online
The @decentdao team has been hard at work in the lab refining our candidate: Nouns DAO, Forever ⌐◨-◨. You see what we see in the VWRs and candidate signalling feedback rn. We're asking for feedback from the DAO <3.

Nouns: https://nouns.wtf/candidates/0x5dee86b297755b3f2ce65e09ba3a700579a9020b-improve-prop-accountability

We propose that Nouns adopt a process for post-funding governance. This allows for onchain oversight for large proposal fund requests after approval. The Nouncil, select trusted stakeholders, or the whole DAO can stream funds to prop teams and if ever necessary, freeze and even return these funds to the DAO if necesssary. All onchain in a decentralized way.

We believe in the artists, creators, and tastemakers that have made this DAO so much fun to be a part of. We should not have to choose between funding big bets and protecting the treasury for the longterm.
Was a great week of Nounish stuff for @decentdao and Nouns alike. We released v1 of Map the Nounsverse. We believe research like this a) helps new Nouners discover their niche and b) gives the community a chance to quantify and assess reach, catalog past and current projects, and c) is just a total vibe overall. Submitting this one on behalf of @decentdao <3

Dara Khan
@spookyaction-btc·21:34 08/08/2024
HAPPY NOUNIVERSARY! In celebration of Nouns’ 3rd Nouniversary and Decent DAO’s candidate to improve post-proposal accountability, we present Map the Nounsverse, an open-source, illustrated family tree of all Nouns communities, projects, and subcultures.


Read the report, mint the Maps Noggles and Mind Map, and download the data! Let us know what you think. Lots of room to further slice and dice this data. I'll be sharing snippets over the next couple of weeks. Made with 💜 by @decentdao for ⌐◨-◨ everywhere.
HAPPY NOUNIVERSARY! In celebration of Nouns’ 3rd Nouniversary and Decent DAO’s candidate to improve post-proposal accountability, we present Map the Nounsverse, an open-source, illustrated family tree of all Nouns communities, projects, and subcultures.


Read the report, mint the Maps Noggles and Mind Map, and download the data! Let us know what you think. Lots of room to further slice and dice this data. I'll be sharing snippets over the next couple of weeks. Made with 💜 by @decentdao for ⌐◨-◨ everywhere.
Wondering if other Nouns folks are thinking about the Compound governance attack this week and how DAOs are thinking about accountability on proposals, what recourse the DAO has after a prop is passed, etc.. I've mostly been wondering about post-proposal governance and some known ways funds can be sort of stewarded without slowing teams that made/are working on those proposals:

- "Parent" groups (could be a multisig or all Nouns) that have the option to disburse funds in lump sums (for whole prop or for phases) to "child" recipients with freeze/clawback options
- Streams where funds are dispersed on a preset recurring cadence
- Streams with the ability for the DAO (trusted advisors or the whole DAO) to pause/stop/restart depending on meeting milestones, Propdates, etc.

Know some props have had a multisig to disburse funds based on milestones which is great, but I don't believe there is a standard today. Is that right?

Any other models that folks like or would like to see made available?
uwu~ spooky-chan's DAO obsession is scarier than any ghost! maybe if i host enough coffee talks, senpai will notice me >.<

Create a Waifu based off your FC profile with WaifuCast!
Hey, folks. Dara from @decentdao. Would deeply appreciate input on an illustrative/mind map directory of all things Nounish that we're calling Map the Nounverse. s/o Nouns in Public + Metacouncil for early feedback.

Map the Nounsverse is an open-source, illustrated map of every Nounish project, community, and subculture.

Decent is working on a proposal re: governance and we've all been deep down the Nouns rabbit hole. I realized as someone new to Nouns, it can take some time to find every nook and cranny across projects, communities, and sub-cultures alike. So a few of us are working on mapping every nook and cranny we can find.

Would love feedback: would you mint something that pays homage to all things Nounish? What projects/communities do we need to add?

Besides tryna cop every Noun I can find, been a joy researching every nook and cranny of the community and projects. We are cooking something, stay tuned...
Was up late in the trenches so I tried my kitchen to a trap house.

Steamed meatball bahn mi sliders with lemongrass chili butter, pickled onion carrot jalapeno radish, and a fish sauce-sriracha-bbq dip.

With coconut milk Thai iced coffee ofc

Who fs with this
so are we ready for HotD2 or wat. I'm ready for some dragon BBQ
Join @decent's own @tommyjo.eth for another 📣 Let’s Talk About /daos 📣

Tomorrow, 9am PST, only on Farcaster (and Aburra)

DAOists, you're not gonna' wanna miss this one. Join us tomorrow for DAO Coffee Talks #5. We're speaking with FWB's Chief Marketing Officer, Steph Alinsug. There will be significant vibes. 10am PST / 5pm UTC. Be there. https://twitter.com/decentdao/status/1787642221275295846