@3lau #81

Founder @joinroyal & I also make electronic 🎵 FID 81
17533 Follower 217 Following
Music ≈ Software

Songs will become completely open source, and creative iteration will be permissionless.

So I just published my first Open Source Song on github https://github.com/0x3lau/deep-house-techno

You can remix, monetize, use components from, and distribute this song however you'd like. There's no reason to cling to antiquated concepts of intellectual property in music when, by nature, everything is a remix of another human's (or AI's) inspiration.

Original 🎵 w/ SunoMusic V4
Prompt: "Deep House Techno"
Provenance claimed onchain @joinroyal
Final Version: https://royal.io/claim/3651
Logic Pro used for editing

I’m excited for a world where anyone who loves music can bring their own creative ideas to life and make changes frictionlessly, with words. I plan to make all future songs of mine open source, and gradually make previously released songs available as well.
I am absolutely honored.

I was asked to play a closing DJ set at the Starlight Ball 💫

The gov official Trump inauguration afterparty this Monday!

What songs do I play for this crowd?!?

A DJ’s Version
So @ugmsol is alive on twitter / X

The User Generated Money agent named Ludwig (after Ludwig von Mises) was inspired by the personality of Friedrich Hayek, who would have serious opinions about the otherwise funny modern principle of user generated money & memes.

To create the agent we used ai16z ’s opensource Eliza repo and added some flavor. Enjoy the memes.
So my friend in miami runs a jewelry store and needed to accept crypto for a transaction, so he called me for help.

So I helped him accept USDC on @solana - wired him the $$$ later

And decided to use the $$$ onchain to gamble on memes.

Rodeo by 3LAU on @rodeodotclub
HYPED to play a FREE SHOW in Vegas this Thursday for @standwithcrypto

RSVP: https://bit.ly/3laustandcrypto
1st vacay in a few years

It’s ok to take a break!

Not many but some :)

Also I totally used my best friend’s wedding in italy as an excuse…
The entire idea of “the creator economy” is no longer relevant.

If you are human, you are a creator.

Having good taste matters more than specific creative skillsets in an internet distribution driven era with zero friction to generate quality content.

True or False?
I wonder when people will realize that meme coin market cap is only as real as the size of the LP

& that slippage is a thing…
Haven’t casted in a while cause we’re in deep build mode @joinroyal

Could take a min but we are so hyped!

Also sad I missed farcon but just wanted to say gm
Been making some atmo house,

Different for me, curious if u all like the start of this idea :)

Might do a whole album in this style: https://www.dropbox.com/s/xgxn5rr975qpqih/2024%20ambient%20A%20WIP.mp3?dl=0
This might be the first halving I’ve experienced when I can confidently say I stopped caring about prices :)

Happy halving to everyone and may the next 4 years be the best ones we’ve ever had!
Fun milestone today, recently hit 4bn streams!
Bangkok songkran festival 5 years ago today
I got this offer on my FID, but the address did not have the WETH.

I probably would have done it for the story & started a new account.

Shout to @a1 for bringing to my attention & @n for building awesome farcaster apps!

I do think one day this could happen!
Health corner complete
I’ve never been a Tesla guy, but this thing is undeniably spectacular & an incredible engineering feat!

Elon has changed my opinion

(Not my car)
2 months later…

This guy is def gonna lose this 1 eth bet against @farcaster
There’s something magical about building a fresh following from scratch on a network like @farcaster with people of similar ideological beliefs…

Starting from scratch = feature
Had to make some 🎵 for the best crypto game I’ve ever played!

Getting ready for season 2 💎

@cryptothegame features a lil soundtrack by yours truly!
I feel like memecoin season is some version of digital craps, but we just haven’t rolled a 7 yet
Got to spin a b2b w/ a few legends in Miami!

Dada Life b2b Laidback Luke b2b Chuckie b2b me

Vid via @drakula
Crazy stats on my free Ultra set mint…


- 6 days ago
- 3500 plays (little promo)
- uploaded to my 440,000 followers

Onchain Mint via frame @zora @base :

- 24 hours ago
- 1950 mints
- 830 new followers

Mint my Full DJ SET @ ULTRA MAINSTAGE 2024

(from this past weekend) on @base via @zora

It's free, but you gotta be following me :)

Got to spend time with CEO & founder of suno.ai for 9 hours in my studio today.

I’m pretty confident they are going to change the way we think about music forever …
This is the first weekend in a while I did zero work & only played video games.

Felt guilty.

Will it lead to a more productive Monday though
No pun intended but maintaining optimism is a superpower I wish I had
Music industry vibe toward crypto timeline >

2017: Wasn’t this for drugs? What’s a token? I’ve heard of bitcoin though…

2021: Damn, gotta learn about this. We can make $$$ since covid wrecked us!

2023: No real fans wanna use any of this shit it’s too hard…

2024: Yo, so, tell me about memes
Since everyones been talking ab memes we thought we’d release some art we’ve been sitting on for 2 years ;)

SSX3LAU = @slimesunday x me

SSX3LAU is my project with @slimesunday that we started in 2020.

We've been waiting for the right moment to release this audio/visual piece for ages...

On the 3 year anniversary of our last mint this felt like the perfect timing.

This piece is called *frames* for 0.00333 ETH

I can’t believe these people are in charge…
I just got off a call with a top 5 band artist manager.

Manager says:

“I’m so excited about the tech, but getting the band interested in crypto is like dragging a horse to water.

How do I approach explaining it to them?”

What would you say?
Things are getting weird

(This + more in my instagram dm’s)
I’m biased but this may have been my favorite crypto party ever 🎉

Massive Shout out to


And of course the team @joinroyal
Tonight is the night!


@joinroyal @base @alchemyplatform

You won’t wanna miss our special airdrop on steroids ;)

RSVP & Tables: https://lu.ma/w15qrcht
The best advice I’ve gotten in circumstances like these…

That I’m bad at following myself is…

remember to sleep
En route to denver!

LFG 🔵💎
preppin that ETH Denver set w/ a brand new controller!
I’m lucky to workout at the same gym as Goggins & today…

he overheard me telling my trainer that I’m really bad at working out on travel days…

He walked by us a min later & gave me an immense amount of shit for that statement

and now I will always work out on travel days.
Epic moon tn

I think it’s a sign…