Neda ✨
@nedtzo.eth #15622
deconstructive urbanism, solarpunk, chaos poetry, beauty in glitch
401 Follower 549 Following
My Top 9 on @rodeodotclub featuring @louisdazy, @andrealitmus, @kibo, @drknss, @burcin-io, @luluxxx, and others

My Top 9 on @rodeodotclub featuring @luluxxx, @pixellare, @drknss, @rayreeg, @andrealitmus, @shortcut, and others

My Top 9 on @rodeodotclub featuring @andrealitmus, @blotter, @burcin-io, @nudoru, @tengushee, @louisdazy, and others

My Top 9 on @rodeodotclub featuring @thepapercrane, @kamandkavand, @maxcapacity.eth, @dammitpng, @kovbasyukphoto, and others
My Top 9 on @rodeodotclub featuring @kovbasyukphoto, @nudoru, @andrealitmus, @mich-tom, @dehiscenceart, and others

My Top 9 on @rodeodotclub featuring @blotter, @stc, @darklunni, @burcin-io, @drknss, @rightclickdead, @dehiscenceart, and others

I have just collected "Dr. Strangepixel or: Why I Hacked the Bomb to Spread the Word of Peace" by @pixellare on @objktcom
My Top 9 on @rodeodotclub featuring @blotter, @nofaithvisuals, @ilannnnnnnnkatin, @v4w-enko, @dammitpng, @drknss, and others
My Top 9 on @rodeodotclub featuring @kungfuhavestyle, @mich-tom, @o-gant, @sukisukidoodle, @dehiscenceart, @blotter, @louisdazy, @gengoya, and others

My Top 9 on @rodeodotclub featuring @446f6d, @v4w-enko, @hexeosis, @nofaithvisuals, @lammetje, @tazt, @kovbasyukphoto, @stc, and others

My Top 9 on @rodeodotclub featuring @paul-prudence, @hexeosis, @andrealitmus, @dehiscenceart, @nudoru, @drknss, and others

My Top 9 on @rodeodotclub featuring @cypheristikal, @tkzs, @idflood, @dammitpng, @blotter, @incloudlands, and others

My Top 9 on @rodeodotclub featuring @serminmin, @nudoru, @lammetje, @paul-prudence, @ilannnnnnnnkatin, @drknss, and others

My Top 9 on @rodeodotclub featuring @andrealitmus, @rayreeg, @drknss, @louisdazy, @burkabayram, @nudoru, @yx3io, @blotter, and @hexeosis

My Top 9 on @rodeodotclub featuring @nudoru, @drknss, @burkabayram, @stc, @andrealitmus, @cypheristikal, and others

My Top 9 on @rodeodotclub featuring @dehiscenceart, @drknss, @louisdazy, @pixellare, @fabianospeziari, @noonenoise, @paul-prudence, @nudoru, and others

My Top 9 on @rodeodotclub featuring @pixellare, @blotter, @andrealitmus, @fabianospeziari, and others

My Top 9 on @rodeodotclub featuring @pixellare, @andrealitmus, @nudoru, @v4w-enko, @angietaylor, and others

My Top 9 on @rodeodotclub featuring @empresstrash, @slimesunday, @yx3io, @andremessina, @andrealitmus, and others

My Top 9 on @rodeodotclub featuring @hafftka, @funghibull, @pixellare, @nudoru, @basqkek, @narisofka, @zancan, and others

My Top 9 on @rodeodotclub featuring @incloudlands, @dehiscenceart, @alejandropeters, @waterflowing, @yx3io, @metageist, and others

My Top 9 on @rodeodotclub featuring @aether, @nudoru, @empresstrash, @dosgatos, @deltasauce.eth, @miguelgarest.eth, and others

My Top 9 on @rodeodotclub featuring @jack, @yx3io, @metageist, @mikethree, @kungfuhavestyle, @kingxerox, and others

My Top 9 on @rodeodotclub featuring @tiegenhof, @nudoru, @empresstrash, @louisdazy, @noonenoise, @jak.eth, @gremplin, @nedtzo.eth, and @faithlove.eth

My Top 9 on @rodeodotclub featuring @pixellare, @loackme, @santiagoney, @nftbiker, @empresstrash, @yudho, @1dontknows, @norcalguy, and @isolationist 🖤

I just minted a pack from Chromatic Doodles . DOTS and got 3 common. from @stina 🌈✨
What's the point of this app when it only perpetuates the status quo?
It's hiding likes on my post while I see them in my notification.
making big accounts bigger, and hiding accounts that aren't chronically online?
You know bots are always online and reacting to everything, right?!
It's hiding likes on my post while I see them in my notification.
making big accounts bigger, and hiding accounts that aren't chronically online?
You know bots are always online and reacting to everything, right?!
I'm working on my Summer Girl video right now, but in the meantime, here's a screenshot of a scene from a project that isn't finished yet
Planetary Code Mayday:
Earth in distress signals
4K, 24FPS
Earth in distress signals
4K, 24FPS
manifesting to move out of Iran permanently, by the start of the new year ✨
here's another Luma generation I did based on a piece from my 'Dalle & I' series, collected by @eclecticmethod 🙏♥️
it's freaky, and I like it a lot! :)
it's freaky, and I like it a lot! :)
They got money for war, but can't feed the poor!
- Tupac
- Tupac
gm with 'Vanguard of The Fox' - by @tengushee
in my @tezos collection 🔥🎶🔥
in my @tezos collection 🔥🎶🔥
thinking about how we are constantly being manipulated for likes and clout by some algos, governments, power figures, families, friends, and lovers...
decenter! ✨
decenter! ✨
Neda ✨
@nedtzo.eth·14:06 24/06/2024
decenter, stay curious, and engineer your passion! 🪄
Wake up, Neo...|
Wake up, Neo...|
decenter, stay curious, and engineer your passion! 🪄
Wake up, Neo...|
Wake up, Neo...|
semi-equal access but no equal fit!
The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion.
- Albert Camus
- Albert Camus
Shapeshifters Runway
this is my first experience with LumaAi. It was fed with one of my Dall.E creations ✨
this is my first experience with LumaAi. It was fed with one of my Dall.E creations ✨