
@jseam #4651

Helping build ezkl and zkml applications
937 Follower 847 Following
Soi cowboy at Devcon

Who wants to come?
Why is no one trying to build von Neumann probes?
Why are people trying to make u mint their ugly ass NFTs via DMs on farcaster

The grift game is real
The reason why people find it hard to think about use cases for crypto is because no one is thinking about reviving Silk Road but better
The entire field of western philosophy is just a bunch of wordcels engagement baiting each other across the millennia
Why do people post on farcaster like they’re on LinkedIn or sumthing
I have unlocked infinite mushroom glitch

Lions mane is probably one of the most delicious mushrooms I’ve had
From mycelium to the wok!

So many things to be amazed by and grateful for, the fact that the earth has mushrooms that can grow out of junk wood to give us sustenance
Wow they grow much faster than I expected

We will have yummy mushrooms soon!
The mycelium manage to fight off the infection! There are baby pink oysters
Facebook locked my account and asked for an irl id

I’m not touching meta products ever
I’m growing pink oysters, I noticed some greenish spots on the grow bag

Is this trichoderma fungi? If so does anyone have tips on how to salvage this
What would a tokenized dick riding application look like?

It seems that people like to dick ride
Never sacrifice health for money

Because money means nothing when u r at the brink of death
What’s the weirdest thing you’ve coded?
If you die young, you don’t need to save for retirement

Follow me for more finance hacks

Have you ever wanted to prove that your anime waifu isn’t a CIA spy with ZKP but realize that you don’t have enough computer?

We have made a high performance proving cluster coupled to the ezkl library called Lilith

Join our beta to try things out
Locals guiding Gandalf on how to withdraw money
It’s actually the year of the wood dragon

The Chinese played a millennium long dick joke on all of us
Is making babies just a high stakes gacha game?
The next 1B users in web3 doesn’t need to be humans

What if LLMs provide a translation interface for non-humans like dogs

Or what if we have more autonomous AI agents

An interesting consequence of this is with governance, how would a dog vote if it could vote?
In order to go beyond capitalism we need to bring back the god which Nietzsche declared dead
Is it possible to connect farcaster to an ens record instead of going through the farcaster auth flow

I think having a logical namespace for identity indicated by a did might be a better solution, eg I could indicate identity via a dns text record too
Hello digital garden here!
Controversial Opinion: ISIS is the first network state
ISIS was the first modern network state of you really looked inside its internals

1. They had to establish a method of funding militants outside of main payment channels as they will be censored

2. They needed a decentralized system of communication as channels will be shut down

Has anyone explored using Apple’s Secure Enclave to create a wallet?

Will be quite interesting if the vision pro has a secure crypto wallet associated

Mixed reality nfts 😳
Henlo doing my periodic visit back to this app, wassup here?
Am having social media app fatigue

Blue sky

Lmao wtf 😮‍💨
Ideas for a postmodern warfare game 🤔
What if the x86 arch was made complicated so that back doors could be secretly introduced?
AI style transfer miladies to irl models

Hot af https://i.imgur.com/VW4U1dS.jpg
The Metaverse is an exercise in Design Fiction

It isn’t a scam, but is a thought experiment

Design Fiction is the process of exploring and experiencing possible realities, providing ideas and experiences for debate and experimentation

Simulation and Simulacra isn’t a bad thing
If u can’t think for urself and will let LLMs do the thinking for u

Oh boi, get ready for a new era of psyops

Political powers will want their hands on LLMs to write their narratives n program thoughts
One of the crazier applications with daos is to attach sensors to non-human beings like plants or pets and use ML to interprets the signals

ZKML can be used to prove the signals allowing for an interspecies DAO

Imagine a world where endangered animals and plants could have a voice onchain
Chads at zkonduit got ezkl zkml proof ram usage to reduce by 100x and proving time by 10x

It used to take 10mins to generate a proof and now u can do it around 10 seconds

AI generated influencers r getting way too good

N they’re going to be used for porn 😳 https://i.imgur.com/aNSsbsL.jpg
AI-human collaboration works best when you are equally skilled at a task with the AI

If the AI is better you can just let it do the work

If the human is better the human should do the work

It’s in this cyborg like configuration interesting advances can be made
I’m probably at peak chat/social apps already

Feels like I need to play StarCraft every hour to keep up with all the chat apps

Technological exponentiation and information exponentiation is correlated and the human consciousness is not equipped to deal with this

Time to chill in a secluded area
The network state is basically the battle between tech isis and the establishment
Conquest is dramatic and glamorous

Administration is boring and banal

But it’s administration that has a greater net impact over time
Is it possible to will the assets to an AI for the execution of an estate upon death?
People keep forgetting that the initial pmf for crypto were the black/grey markets and escaping political persecution

Crypto will see its next 1B users because it’s almost guaranteed that 1B people will experience a crisis given enough time

The human condition isn’t kind and life can turn against you
Maybe human morality and philosophy won’t evolve fast enough against technology

And because of that people will suffer
Built a ZKML proof generator for EthDenver! Called Gelkin

Project docs