
@sgrekov #527807

Hello everyone, I am a beginner cryptan
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In the summer, my friends and I went to the beach and we took food with us, but we had nothing to cook it on and also nothing to sit on. We decided to make a barbecue out of stones, sand and clay, and we had a piece of wood as chairs)🪨🪵As a result, it turned out very cool and everyone was happy. Next season we will definitely finish our camp and come up with something new) What are your achievements this summer?🏖️ @anatcrypto.eth
Last warm weekend, we closed the season. And we cooked the most delicious pilaf for the whole summer, this is my achievement in recent days))). Now you can safely remove the cauldron and wait for summer)🍚😎🌞
I lit a barbecue for a delicious pilaf🍚🌫️🔥
There are too many ladybugs now, don't you think?)🐞
loyalty is possessed by worthy people
whose hearts are brave enough to hold on to their native home,
in a hurricane of fear and temptation.
GA, how are you, my friends? What's new?☺️
‘‘The main thing is not to give in to emotions and not to make stupid mistakes’’

‘’Главное не подаваться эмоциям и не совершать глупых ошибок’’
The wearable device Indulgence Navigator analyzes the genetics and psychology of the wearer and tracks his preferences in order to prevent him from consuming junk food in moments of weakness.The gadget shows biometric data about a person using augmented reality. As soon as you reach for the chocolate bar, the device will notice the onset of salivation and increased heartbeat, and immediately send you a addition, Indulgence Navigator also tracks light drugs, for example, it can tell you what will happen to you from one puff.
ITAP pilaf in a cauldron 📸
‘‘Whatever plans you make, fate will arrange everything in its own way’’

‘’Какие бы планы не строил ты, судьба все расположит по-своему’’
Scientists have discovered that the intestinal microflora is, in fact, the second human brain.The microflora status rings contain an exact copy of the intestinal microflora of their owner. Every time you are in an environment that negatively affects the microflora, the ring changes color, hinting that you should leave or at least wash your hands.