
@tmophoto #326433

I am a maker. I communicate through photos. Also do metal casting, 3d prints, AI, robotics and mashups of all of these things. http://tmophoto.com
6462 Follower 1068 Following
kind of feel like 5 years have passed
So excited for snowy trails with nobody on them.
I come back to warpcast to post something cool and not allowed to cast in the channel anymore then leave warpcast.

I often wonder how many cases there are like this....
This one is rare.
Temple of the sun and temple of the moon from the air.

A long time ago I built a RC hexacopter with a 3d printed gimbal and strapped a camera to it.
No position hold, no gps and very basic stabilization. A few years after taking this shot national parks banned drones.
Winter has arrived.

Little Annie's Basin, Aspen Colorado.
It’s double blankey season!
First day of snow in the mountains.
The Maroon Bells

I have so many images of this mountain its a little bit absurd.
Sunset and moonrise at Capitol peak trailhead in Colorado.
Everyone scrambling to see what wallet and what chain they might have some tn100x on today 😂

Fun season is sooooo close.

I have a theory that crypto only moons when is hoodie season.
ITAP of the spiral jetty

Headed out here to see if I can get some photos of the dual comets at sunset over the jetty (I am not sure if it’s underwater or not)

The big one now has a dual tail (one facing the sun and one away from the sun.)

Dreaming of the ocean for the last few weeks
ITAP of some trees in Aspen Colorado

I just minted a #6A6496 /basecolors Maxi
Moonset in the Elk Mountains.

I really need to restitch this one... you can really see the indiviual frames in the sky from stitching.. I think this is a 16 shot pano (2 layers on 8 across)
Colorado is really amazing in the fall.
ITAP of the Maroon Bells.

Anyone know if Tom Anderson is over here?

We once got the maroon bells lake to ourselves when it was almost peak fall foliage.
tiny little lake in the mountains.
Sometimes it doesn't seem real.

GM to all the fall lovers

WInter is coming and it feels like its going to be here early.
Someone on the inside needed 24 to win the longest yoink hold of all time.
This is my first ever aspen tree pano, I found this grove near the ghost town of Aschroft Co.

I think i took this with the original canon 1D camera back in 2000, the year i moved to Aspen.

This shot sparked a 18 year search for epic aspen groves all around colorado. I think the last time I put this image on the internet was in 2014.
Where the beer flows like wine. A place called Aspen.

I climbed a really tall radio tower to get this pano.. new found respect for radio tower climbers
I have an odd feature request but I am not sure there is really enough video on the platform yet to make it work.

After clicking a video to fullscreen the next video in my feed should come up and play then if I scroll if I scroll another video comes up. Video seems like a dead end for a user and requires a few clicks to get back to the feed.

I know if you do this on x you generally get fed some horrific stuff and it’s not advisable to do it, so hopefully there is more good content here.
The absolute panic going on in all government agencies across the world right now regarding the supply chain of electronics must be insane, unlike anything we have ever seen.
One of the best things I have ever done for baking bread and pizza was to go to the metal shop and get a 3/16" (5mm) thick sheet of steel cut to the exact size of my oven so i could bake 5 baguettes at a time and still get that super crusty leopard print crust on the bottom.

It almost turns the whole oven into a dutch oven cooker for super crispy crusts (still need to add steam source for the first 5 min)

one drawback is its REALLY heavy but works so well
QC your lonely tree
Kristin Piljay🇨🇦
@kristinpiljay·15:47 18/09/2024
QC your lonely tree
I did keep it company for about an hour - just me and that tree on top of that mountain in Chile.
This morning I forgot to put coffee in the portafilter before trying to make espressos 🤦‍♂️
What is in the trees?

Kebler Pass in Colorado.
Would you live here?

Back side of Aspen Mountain on Little Annies road.
Current conditions Snowbird Utah!!

Winter is here.
After seeing what has happened on FC (using bots to comment rather than limit them to likes and follows) I am convinced that ai will bring on the end of the social media era of humanity. It was a good run and glad I got to live through it all.

What the next era is I don’t really know but this just seems over now.
ted (not lasso)
@ted·14:51 17/09/2024
has anyone here tried SocialAI? you post to millions of followers. all AI, none real.

saw Greg Isenberg post about it on X. he called it “addicting, really addicting.”

then he asked how others feel about it.

i’m surprised with the varied feedback. comments are worth reading in context of FC + ChatGPT replies
Do I have to keep sharing the same frame a half dozen times to rank up?
Moonrise at the maroon bells.

About a week after the full moon the light of the rising moon (when it comes up around midnight) looks like sunrise on the maroon bells in Colorado.

The human eye can’t see this light, it’s only visible during long exposures. By the time you can see it with your eyes the light has turned white and the scene is completely different.

I discovered this accidentally when shooting timelapse up there. This sounds crazy but I just stand there in the dark firing off test shots about 10 min before the moon is supposed to rise. It’s an incredible feeling seeing this on the camera while standing there in the pitch black questioning your sanity, knowing it looks like this but you can’t see it.

Try it at your favorite sunrise spot in a few days. It also works at moonset/sunset spots but you have to time that to a week before full moon. Just keep taking photos for at least 10 min after the moon sets. The color of the light will change just like sunset.
Just joined the Scout Game waitlist! Ready to scout, build, and win by spotting top onchain talents!

Join me and claim your spot by sharing this frame.
Camping in Bears Ears 🌈

(thats my truck wth two awnings popped out)
Comb Ridge deep in the heart of Bears Ears national monument.

Desert rainbows are like magic.
Watching rainbows on the White Rim in Canyonlands.